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She was so delicate. So utterly feminine. So… his.

The candle on the windowsill above the bed burst into flame, reflecting in Catherine’s shining eyes as she unfastened her skirt and let it slide to the floor, revealing matching panties that were more lace than material. She stood in the pool of her clothes, her eyes dancing with blossoming excitement. Robbie tucked his hands behind his back and balled his fists in an attempt to control his own volatile energy.

A second candle on the windowsill flared to life.

“You have the most beautiful body,” she whispered, sliding down the zipper of his pants with maddening slowness.

Another candle—this one clear across the room on the counter—flared to life.

“You’ve done nothing but tease me with your body since I met you,” she continued, her voice husky as his pants fell to his own feet. She looked up at him, her womanly smile widening. “And now you’re all mine,” she whispered, walking her delicate fingers up his stomach, sending ripples of desire quivering through him.

She covered his chest with both hands, lightly feathering her fingers through his chest hair, and leaned forward and kissed one of his nipples.

The candle on the bedside table flared like a blow torch before settling into a gentle flame.

“Touch me, husband,” she whispered, pulling his mouth down to hers as she pressed against him. “Set me on fire.”

As difficult as it was, since his toes were curled so tightly, Robbie finally scuffed off his shoes, wrapped his arms around her, and stepped out of his pants. He lifted Catherine out of her own discarded wardrobe and carried her to the bed, setting her on the quilt and quickly lying beside her before she could jump up again.

Not that she tried. She rolled toward him, entwined her arms around his neck, and kissed him with the eagerness of a bride about to share her greatest gift with her husband.

Robbie kissed her with the eagerness of a bridegroom about to explode.

One by one, the candles scattered around the cabin began to flicker to life as their wedding bed heated with an energy unlike anything Robbie had ever experienced.

She was so tiny and delicate yet so trusting and suddenly bold. Her hands were all over him, caressing, exploring, exciting him until he could barely stand it.

He didn’t know how it happened, being so busy reeling with sensation after sensation, but his bride was suddenly sitting astraddle his hips, her fingers kneading his chest and her moist, puffed lips curved into a smile.

“Am I going too fast?” she asked, looking not the least bit worried that she might be.

He took hold of her hips, stilling her movement. “Aye, I’m thinking ya are, lass. If we don’t slow down, this whole place will go up in flames.”

She blinked in confusion, looked around the cabin, then shot him a glorious smile. “Did you do that?”

“Nay, little Cat, you did.”

Her lovely chest puffed up until her breasts all but spilled from her bra. Robbie reached up and covered them with his hands, feeling her nipples pushing into his palms through the lace. She reached behind her back, undid the clasp of her bra, and slid the straps off her shoulders until only his hands were holding it in place. He let the bra drop down to his own chest and quickly returned his hands to her naked breasts. She threw her head back with a moan of pleasure, placed her hands over his, and moved her hips along the length of his shaft.

Robbie could no longer stand the sweet torture. He rolled until she lay beside him and spanned one hand across her chest to keep her in place while he propped his head on his other hand so he could stare down at her.

Satisfied that she’d stay put, though unable to still her restless movements, Robbie leaned over to kiss her—but shouted instead when she wrapped her strong, delicate fingers around his shaft. “Nay,” he growled, quickly trapping both her hands over her head. “You’ve had weeks to explore my body, little Cat. Now it’s my turn to become acquainted with yours.”

“But I haven’t exploredall of you,” she countered, sticking out her lower lip.

“Aye,” he said with a chuckle, kissing her pout and then letting his mouth trail down her chin to her neck. “But ya needn’t worry,” he whispered at the base of her throat. “We won’t leave this bed until ya have.”

“Is that a promise or a thre—oh!” She gasped, arching her back as he covered one firm, budding nipple with his mouth.

It seemed he had found a most interesting way to subdue her. Robbie spent several minutes keeping Catherine so busy moaning and writhing in pleasure that she forgot all about driving him crazy with her own explorations. He made delicious love to her breasts, then continued his mouth’s journey down over her stomach to the top of her panties.

He slid his fingers under the elastic and slowly lowered the thin lace, exposing more and more of her, drinking in the dew of her heated body. Her freed hands dug into his shoulders before grabbing his hair and guiding him on a savory journey from one sensitive spot to another. He slipped her panties down her long, beautiful legs and then off completely, and came back and kissed her belly button. He moved lower, opening her thighs and covering her feminine bud with his mouth, sliding his hand under her backside when she arched into him.

He could feel her tightening, straining toward her orgasm, and Robbie continued to pleasure her, reveling in the feel of her blossoming fire. He moved quickly, settling himself between her thighs, keeping his arms rigid so he wouldn’t crush her.

“Open yar eyes, Cat.”

His voice seemed to startle her, and her eyes flared with recognition as she came back to her senses. She reached up, grasped his shoulders, and smiled. “Yes. I certainly wouldn’

t want to miss anything,” she whispered, lifting her hips and wiggling until his shaft touched her entrance. “I’ve been told this is the best part.”

Despite his urgency and overwhelming need to claim her, Robbie couldn’t stop the laugh that broke from his chest. He lowered his forehead to hers, closing his eyes with a frustrated groan. “Dammit, Cat. This is serious business.”

She flexed her fingers into his shoulders and licked his lips with her tongue.

Robbie reared back and glared down into her sparkling eyes.

“Aye, husband,” she murmured in a guttural mimic of his brogue, lifting her hips just enough that he started to enter her. “Being in love is a most serious business.”

He kept his gaze locked on hers and slowly eased inside her, then retreated just enough to return even deeper with another careful thrust.

Her smile disappeared, replaced with a moan of pleasure, and her eyes widened as her fingers bit into the straining muscles of his shoulders. “Yes,” she gasped on an indrawn breath. “It truly is magic.”

“Aye,” he whispered when he became fully embedded inside her. He leaned down and kissed her smile, then started moving in a primordial rhythm that sent bolts of energy rushing through him.

And again, he felt Catherine tightening, straining toward fulfillment as she met his thrusts with eager and rather loud cries of encouragement.

He couldn’t stop looking at her. She was so freely and boldly giving herself to him, so unabashedly enjoying their pleasure, so vividly open with her response that Robbie lost the last of his control. He quit being careful and began feeling instead—every flex of her muscles sheathing him as he unleashed the full force of his urgency.

The cabin filled with blinding light, the flames on every candle flaring with simmering heat as the air charged with the pulsing glow of a magic so powerful that time stopped for the merest of heartbeats, only to start again with the explosion of their mutual fulfillment.

Catherine cried out, and Robbie actually shouted as the crashing waves of chaos took them over the edge of reality and into the realm of their consummated union—into that magical, wondrous world where two hearts start beating as one.