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Автор благодарен:

специалистам, которым обязан своим инженерным, изобретательским и,




Ю.М. Гусеву


М.Ф. Зарипову;

В.Р. Толокновскому. Б.П. Касичу, С.Н. Коновалову, Ю.И. Заянчковскому,

В.С. Зворыкину и Г.С. Альтшуллеру;

ученым, выполнившим экспертизу стартового и последующего задела


Ю.Г. Татуру,

Н.Ф. Талызиной


В.С. Кагерманьяну;

А.М. Кушниру; В.Л. Бенину, Р.М. Асадуллину, А.С. Гаязову и К.Ш. Ахиярову;

Е.В. Ткаченко, Г.Д. Бухаровой, А.С. Белкину и З.А. Галагузовой;

творческим единомышленникам: С.Н. Семенову, Ф.Ф. Терегулову,

В.С. Захарину, Л.М. Бакусову, А.А. Остапенко и Р.В. Гуриной, с которыми

активно обсуждались научные проблемы технологизации обучения;

педагогам – участникам опытно-экспериментальных работ и их


О.И. Нуштакиной,

Р.И. Файрузовой,

Г.А. Вальковой,

Л.В. Крыловой и Р.М. Хусаинову;

менеджерам образования, поддержавшим вхождение новой разработки в




Р.Т. Гарданову,

Ф.М Байрамову,

Н.Х. Галимханову, Р.В. Альмухаметову и Э.Ш. Хамитову;

аспирантам и помощникам в исследовательской работе: Н.Н. Манько,

Р.Г. Галиеву,

Т.А. Посягиной,

А.Ю. Шурупову,

Ф.Ф. Ардувановой,

С.А. Арсланбековой и О.Б. Давлетову;

родителям своим Э.С. Штейнбергу и Ф.А. Прониной за «принуждение» к

технике; Н.В. Алябиной за многолетнюю поддержку и терпение.

И, конечно же, самая большая благодарность – Читателю, сумевшему

одолеть трудный для восприятия материал, изложенный далеко не

совершенным языком (сказывается «тяжелое инженерное прошлое» автора), и

нашедшему для себя полезное в этой книге.


«ДИДАКТЕРРА ДМТ» – Приложение

П8. Abstract

П8. Abstract

Steinberg V. E. Theory and practice of multi-dimensional teaching

technology. Moscow : National education, 2015. - 350. ISBN 978-5-


This monograph is the continuation of previously published books,

presents the results of the development of multi-dimensional teaching

technology as instrumental section of didactics.

The prospects of this direction is confirmed by the active research of

methods and tools of cognitive visualization of knowledge, logical-

semantic modeling, didactic regulators; confirmed the transfer in didactics

of frames, graphs, mind maps and other similar developments from other


The aim of the project «Multi-dimensional didactic technology

(DMT)» – is the creation of a practically useful, multifunctional visual

didactic tools and technologies for their application. The need for such

development has increased with the transition of the education system on

the competence paradigm and test the methodology in the national


The key idea of the new didactic tools - binary, i.e., parallel and

complementary presentation of training material as in traditional audio

form, and visual, concentrated, logically convenient form, which should

ensure the implementation of regulatory, mnemic and illustrative functions

to support conversion of the original learning material in other formats

(this conversion is a mandatory feature of effective learning technologies).

With new pedagogical tools there is an opportunity to restore the role

of the first information and powerful signaling system in the process of

educational activity and to coordinate its work with the work of the

second, analytically thin signaling system in the process of perception,

comprehension, transformation and fixation of educational material.


«ДИДАКТЕРРА ДМТ» – Приложение

П8. Abstract

When developing a multi-dimensional teaching tools were

implemented non-obvious and difficult combined requirements: reliance

on socio-cultural and anthropological invariant basis; use of logico-

semantic modeling knowledge representation in natural language; the use

of graphic form, with shaped visual potential; the interaction of thinking of

the user with the tool, for example in the form of autodialogs; invariant-the

universal instruments against the matrix of education", that is, the

applicability for different age students for various academic subjects, for

different types of teaching and learning activities.

On the basis of new theoretical and experimental results are

developed and applied in teaching practice logico-semantic models and

logico-semantic navigators; cognitive specialized card; subagenda

conceptual deterministic learning computer system and editor build logico-

semantic models; the technique macro – and micronavigation in the

content of education.

Is the number of applied research projects: integration of cultural

traditions and multi-dimensional teaching tools – «modern didactic splint»

and «Islamic teaching shamail»; artistic reflection of the various aspects of

education in the form of small formats humor – «Didactic micromeritics»;

design audibility «Life is wonderful melodies» technology comparative,

that is, comparative, musikakademie; an artistic display of images

didactics in painting in the technique of batik.

The book contains a brief history of the development ("the

Chronicles DMT"), which began in 1983, in a branch School of scientific

and technical creativity of the Ministry of aviation industry during the

search of visual knowledge representation language learning. The results

of twenty years of research is shown in the collection's First all-Russian

scientific-practical conference "Instrumental didactics and instructional

design: theory, technology and practice of multi-functional visualization of



«ДИДАКТЕРРА ДМТ» – Приложение