16. VI D, 9:4, CW 2:411–12.
17. Life, 4:7, CW 1:68.
18. Ibid.
19. VII D, 2:4, CW 2:434.
20. IV D, 1:8, CW 2:319.
21. Mercedes Allendesalazar, Thérèse d’Avila, l’image au féminin (Paris: Seuil, 2002).
1. Life, 18:2, CW 1:158.
2. Life, 18:1, CW 1:157.
3. Life, 18:2, CW 1:158.
4. Life, 18:4, CW 1:158.
5. Life, 18:12–14, CW 1:162–63.
6. Life, 19:2, CW 1:164.
7. Life, 14:8, CW 1:137.
8. Life, 19:9, CW 1:168.
9. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo: 1696–1770.
10. Life, 20:24, CW 1:182–83.
11. Life, 20:25, CW 1:183.
12. Life, 20:24, CW 1:183.
13. Life, 20:15, CW 1:178–79.
14. Life, 20:12, CW 1:177.
15. Ibid.
16. Life, 18:1, CW 1:157–58.
17. Life, 18:12–13, CW 1:162.
18. Life, 18:10, CW 1:161.
19. Life, 20:3–4, CW 1:173.
20. Life, 20:5, CW 1:174.
21. Life, 20:7–8, CW 1:175.
22. Life, 20:9, CW 1:176.
23. Life, 20:12, CW 1:177.
1. Marguerite Duras, The Vice-Consul, trans. Eileen Ellenbogen (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1968), 61. The first part of the quote was mistranslated by Ellenbogen.
2. Marguerite Duras, Destroy, She Said, trans. Barbara Bray (New York: Grove, 1994).
3. Marguerite Duras, Hiroshima mon amour and Une aussi longue absence, trans. Richard Seaver and Barbara Wright (London: Calder & Boyars, 1966), 65: “All I could see were the similarities between this dead body and mine…screaming at me.”
4. Marcel Proust, “The Prisoner,” in In Search of Lost Time, trans. and with an introduction and notes by Peter Collier, ed. Christopher Prendergast (London: Penguin, 2002), 5:357.
5. Marcel Proust, Time Regained, trans. Stephen Hudson (London: Chatto and Windus, 1949), chap. 2: “A material of its own, a new one, of a special transparency and sonority, compact, fresh and pink” (215); “Ideas are substitutes for sorrows” (260).
6. Maurice Barrès: 1862–1923.
7. See Julia Kristeva, Time and Sense: Proust and the Experience of Literature, trans. Ross Guberman (New York: Columbia University Press, 1998), 106–8, 245.
8. Way, 28:10, CW 2:144.
9. Colette, Le pur et l’impur, in Œuvres (Paris: Gallimard, 1991), 3:565: “Ce qui me manque, je m’en passe.”
10. Colette, Mes apprentissages, in Œuvres, 3:1053: “Ce bon gros amour…”
11. Colette, Retreat from Love, trans. and with an introduction by Margaret Crosland (London: Peter Owen, 1974), 27.
12. Colette, La naissance du jour, in Œuvres, 3:290: “On possède dans l’abstention, et seulement dans l’abstention…pûreté de ceux qui se prodiguent.”
13. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Devils, trans. and with an introduction by David Magarshack (London: Penguin, 1971), 586–87.
14. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, letter to A. N. Maikov, Florence, May 15/27, 1869, in Joseph Frank and David I. Goldstein, eds., Selected Letters of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1987), 311: “The main reason [for not writing] was despondency.”
15. Gérard Labrunie (Gérard de Nerval), “El desdichado,” trans. Richmond Lattimore, in The Anchor Anthology of French Poetry, ed. Angel Flores (New York: Anchor, 2000), 9: “Twice have I forced the crossing of the Acheron / and played on Orpheus’s lyre in alternate complaint / Mélusine’s cries against the moaning of the Saint.”
16. Life, 20:18, CW 1:180.
17. Life, 20:19, CW 1:180.
18. Life, 20:22, CW 1:181.
19. Life, 29:11, CW 1:251.
20. Life, 10:1, CW 1:105.
21. Life, 29:8, CW 1:250.
22. Life, 4:9, CW 1:68.
23. Life, 4:9, CW 1:68–69.
24. Way, 38:9, CW 2:188.
1. Life, 23:7, CW 1:203.
2. Colette, Les Vrilles de la vigne, in Œuvres (Paris: Gallimard, 1991), 1:961: “Je voudrais dire, dire, dire, tout ce que je sais, tout ce que je pense, tout ce que je devine, tout ce qui m’enchante, et me blesse, et m’étonne” (my translation — LSF).
3. Life, 30:16, CW 1:261.
4. Life, 30:19, CW 1:262.
5. Life, 29:4, CW 1:247.
6. Life, 31:12, CW 1:269.
7. Life, 31:13, CW 1:269.
8. Life, 31:16, CW 1:270.
9. Way, 12:1, CW 2:81.
10. Way, 40:9, CW 2:195.
1. Cf. Joseph Pérez, L’Espagne de Philippe II (Paris: Fayard, 1999), 140 et seq.
2. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote (1885; Project Gutenberg) first part, chap. 1, trans. John Ormsby, www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/996/pg996.html. Release date July 27, 2004. Accessed November 11, 2012.
3. Juan de Ávila: 1499–1569.
4. Luis de Granada: 1504–1588.
5. Fernando de Valdés: 1483–1568.
6. Melchor Cano: 1509–1560.
7. Martin Luther: 1483–1546.
8. Juan de Valdés: 1498 (?).
9. Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros: 1436–1517.
10. Benito Arias Montano: 1527–1598.
11. Christophe Plantin: 1520–1589.
12. Life, 24:2, CW 1:209.
13. Life, 19:4, CW 1:166.
14. Life, 18:4, CW 1:159.
15. Life, 40:8, CW 1:357.
16. Life, 18:4, CW 1:159.