1. Testimonies, 34, CW 1:404.
2. Letter 159, to Jerome Gratian, December 7, 1576, CL 1:423.
3. Ibid.
4. Letter 162, to Jerome Gratian, December 13, 1576, CL 1:436.
5. Letter 170, to Jerome Gratian, late December 1576, CL 1:450.
6. Letter 242, to Jerome Gratian, April 26, 1578, CL 2:62–63.
7. Letter 297, to Jerome Gratian, June 10, 1579, CL 2:195.
8. IV D, 1:7, CW 2:319.
9. Found., 23:13, CW 3:222.
10. Letter 141, November 1576, CL 1:379.
11. Letter 81, to Isabel de Santo Domingo, May 12, 1575, CL 1:202.
12. Letter 246, to Jerome Gratian, May 14, 1578, CL 2:72.
13. Letter 145, to Jerome Gratian, November 4, 1576, CL 1:390.
14. Letter 124, to Jerome Gratian, September 20, 1576, CL 1:328.
15. Ibid., CL 1:328–29.
16. Ibid., CL 1:333.
17. Letter 147, to Jerome Gratian, November 11, 1576, CL 1:394.
18. Letter 141, to Jerome Gratian, November 1546(?), CL 1:378.
19. Letter 92, to Jerome Gratian, October 1575, CL 1:233–34.
20. Letter 149, to Jerome Gratian, November 1576, CL 1:400.
21. Letter 261, to Jerome Gratian, late August 1578, CL 2:108.
22. Letter 196, to María de San José, May 28, 1577, CL 1:538.
23. Letter 108, to Jerome Gratian, June 15, 1576, CL 1:279.
24. Letter 311, to Jerome Gratian, October 14, 1579, CL 2:225.
25. Life, 18:8, CW 1:160.
26. Jérôme Gratien, Glanes, Quelques brèves additions de la main du père Jérôme Gratien à la première biographie de Thérèse d’Avila par le père Francisco de Ribera, presented by Fr. Pierre Sérouet (Lavaclass="underline" Carmel de Laval, 1998).
27. Letter 98, to María Bautista, December 30, 1575, CL 1:245.
28. Testimonies, 22:2, CW 1:397.
29. Life, 22:6, CW 1:194.
30. Way, 24:3, 5, CW 2:129, 130.
31. Exod. 4:30.
32. John 1:23.
33. Medit., 1:1, CW 2:216.
34. Medit., 1:8, CW 2:219 (adapted).
35. Life, 25:11, CW 1:217.
36. See Mino Bergamo, L’anatomie de l’âme: De François de Sales à Fénelon (Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 1997), 135 sq: “essential foundation,” “fond essentiel.”
37. Martin Heidegger, Being and Time: A Translation of Sein und Zeit, trans. Joan Stambaugh (New York: State University of New York Press, 1996), vol. 2, chap. 2, § 57, p. 253: “The caller, too, remains in a striking indefiniteness…leaves not the slightest possibility of making the call familiar.”
38. Heidegger, Being and Time, vol. 2, chap. 2, § 55, p. 251: “Vocal utterance is not essential to discourse…a ‘voice’ of conscience,…which can factically never be found, but ‘voice’ is understood as giving-to-understand.”
39. Life, 22:8, CW 1:194–95.
40. Life, 22:1, CW 1:191 (adapted).
41. Life, 22:16, CW 1:199.
42. VII D, 3:13, CW 2:442.
43. Testimonies, 5, CW 1:386.
44. Ps. 119:32: “Dilatasti…”
45. IV D, 2:5, CW 2:324.
46. Testimonies, 39, CW 1:409.
47. Heidegger, Being and Time, vol. 2, chap. 2, § 56, p. 252: “The call [like the babbling voice] does not say anything…has nothing to tell.” Cf. Jean-Louis Chrétien, The Call and the Response, trans. Stephen E. Lewis (New York: Fordham University Press, 2004).
48. VI D, 9:6, CW 2:412.
49. Way, 7:8, CW 2:70.
50. Way, 17:5, CW 2:100.
51. Life, 22:15, CW 1:199.
52. Life, 22:8, CW 1:195.
53. Life, 22:7–10, CW 1:194–96.
54. VI D, 6:3, CW 2:392.
55. Life, 22:10, CW 1:195.
56. Ibid.
57. VI D, 11:3, CW 2:422.
58. VI D, 6:10, CW 2:395.
59. I D, 1:1, CW 2:283.
1. John of the Cross, “Commentary Applied to Spiritual Things,” in The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, trans. Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez (Washington, D.C.: Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1973), 734.
2. Letter 194, to Ambrosio Mariano, May 9, 1577, CL 1:33.
3. John of the Cross, Ascent of Mount Carmel, book 2, chapter 12, trans. and ed. E. Allison Peers (Tunbridge Wells, Kent: Burns & Oates, 1983), 103: “all the detachment of the exterior senses…”
4. Ibid., 106.
5. Ibid.
6. Testimonies, 59:11, CW 1:428–29.
7. John of the Cross, “More Stanzas Applied to Spiritual Things on Christ and the Soul,” in Collected Works, 722.
8. John of the Cross, Letter 33, October — November 1591, in Collected Works, 706.
9. John of the Cross, “The Living Flame of Love,” in Collected Works, 717.
10. VII D, 4:15, CW 2:450.
11. Francis Poulenc, Dialogues of the Carmelites, libretto, original text and English translation (Melville, N.Y.: Ricordi and Belwin Mills, 1957, 1959). (This cannot be consulted; trans. LSF.)
12. Sacra congregatio pro causis sanctorum, Positio super causae introductione servae Dei Teresiae Benedictae a Cruce (in saeculo Edith Stein) monialis professae ordinis carmelitarum discalceatorum (1891–1942), Rome, 1983, 322.
13. Isa. 53:5.
14. Edith Stein, Getsamtausgabe, 3 (1933–1942) (Freiburg: Herder, 2000–2001), 373, quoted by Cécile Rastouin, Edith Stein. Enquête sur la source (Paris: Cerf, 2007). Edith Stein’s Collected Works have been issued by the Institute of Carmelite Studies (Washington D.C.: ICS, 1992/2003) in an eleven-volume series involving various translators and editors.