I went over to the mirror and saw that he didn't just trim it. It was totally bald!
"God! What am I going to tell the girls at school when we take showers after gym?"
"Just tell them all the movie stars do it. It is easier to keep it clean. Those girls will believe anything. I want you to keep it that way all the time. Only I want to be the one that does it."
"Can't I keep just a little bit. It makes me feel so naked."
"No way. I want you to feel naked. It will keep you horny. You can't wear panties either. That way you will feel every little breeze."
"Well okay. I guess it is worth it if you will lick me down there. That felt wonderful."
"Don't say down there. Say I want you to lick my pussy."
I had to hesitate as it seemed dirty to ask for such a thing.
"Say it!"
"I want you to lick my pussy."
"Get on your knees and say, 'Please lick my pussy Todd, I'll do anything for you."
This was getting kind of kinky but I did as he asked.
"I will as soon as you reciprocate."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean as long as you are on your knees, suck my dick."
"No Todd. That is disgusting. It has been in my pussy!"
"So has my tongue. Are you going to do it?"
"No. It would probably make me sick."
"Alright. Put on your clothes. I'll take you home. Don't talk to me at school. I don't want to hear any excuses."
"No. I'm sorry I'll do it."
"Say Please let me suck your cock Todd."
By this time I didn't even want to think of the consequences of making him mad so said timidly,
"Please let me suck your cock Todd. I promise I will make you happy."
"Alright. Turn around and put your hands behind your back. I don't want you to cheat by jerking me off."
I turned my back and he tied my hands behind me with my panties. Then he sat back in an overstuffed chair as he pointed his dick at my lips. My imagination went wild. I remembered a romance novel I had read where this arabian prince fell in love with a beautiful slave. I was suddenly that heroine wishing to please my master. I did not know what I was doing so he provided instructions telling me how to move my tongue and not to let my teeth touch him. Then he pulled my head forward until I would gag until I finally got used to it and felt his cock go down my throat. This really made him happy especially when I would swallow. Suddenly he grabbed my head and jammed my nose into his crotch hair as I felt his cock pumping semen down my throat. Thank God it didn't taste bad and I was glad I could make him as happy as he had me.
My butt was still tingling a little from the spanking and I went over to the mirror to look at it. It was just a little red and the tingle felt good.
I said, "Oh look. My bottom is still red from your spanking."
"How do you feel about that?"
"I don't know. I always thought of spankings as punishment and humiliating but for some reason when you did it it was exciting and the tingle now feels really nice."
"Then you will really like this."
His dick was hard again and he had me sit on it while he laid on his back then as I pumped up and down he began slapping my butt with his hands. It seemed to double the sensations and as I neared orgasm I said excitedly, "Harder! Faster! until I had a wonderful orgasm.
"Oh God that was fabulous!"
"Yeah. It was great for me too. Having to concentrate on slapping your ass when you went up made me last longer."
I knew then my butt would be spanked a lot but that only thrilled me and when he suggested I let my bare butt sit on the leather seat on the way home it felt really great.
I had to go home as it was getting late and I knew Mom would be waiting up for me. I had brought a sweater in case it got cold. It was a good thing because Todd wouldn't let me put on my blouse or bra on the way home and had me pull up my skirt so my bare ass was on the seat and pushed forward so he could play with my tits and pussy all the way home. I was panting with excitement by the time I got home so I had him let me off at my driveway to give me a chance to calm down before I went in the house.
He was right about the girls at the shower. Once they got over the shock a few shaved theirs and by the end of the week all of them had trimmed the hair like a crew-cut or in shapes like hearts. I really felt like a trend setter and I owed it to Todd.
Another change came with the decorated pussies. Before we had wrapped ourselves in towels as soon as we stepped out of the shower but little by little all the girls just dried off and dropped the towels to walk proudly back to their lockers causing even more embarrassment to the girls with too fat or skinny bodies. It was a boon for the school because the fat ones went on diets so they could be naked without embarrassment while the skinny ones began to exercise to give themselves a better appetite. I especially became very vain and was anxious to get naked for him, delighted by the fact it would make him excited and he would say that I was beautiful and his friends would be jealous if they saw me naked.
I guess we both knew at this point that he owned me and I would not protest any thing he wanted to do. We had done just about everything we could do in the way of sex . I was willing to try anything he suggested because every thing he came up with ended by my having great orgasms. All I had to do was think of him to get excited and I thought about him most of the time.
Although just looking at him excited me and in spite of my willingness to please him he seemed to become less interested in me. Our dates became further apart and sometimes I had to beg him to make love to me. In desperation I told him I would do anything he wanted in even his wildest fantasies. that brought back some interest as he said, "Are you really my love slave? Will you do anything for me?"
"Yes anything!"
"Even something humiliating in front of others?"
I knew he liked showing me off and thought he meant making me get naked in front of his friends. Actually I was now very proud of my body and the idea actually appealed to me.
"Yes. You can make me get naked in front of the whole schoool if you want."
He grinned and said, "I don't think that could be worked out but I may come up with something."
I found how committed to him I was in a few days. He was giving me a ride home from school when I asked him what he planned to do later. He told me he was going to play poker with his friends and said I would be bored. I kept pleading to go with him till he agreed as long as I kept quiet.
He was right, I did get bored right away and couldn't resist hanging around his chair while he played. He kept telling me to go away and play the tv or stereo but I always worked my way back.
After awhile it evidentally annoyed one of his friends as he began to talk about me as if I wasn't there.
"Jesus Todd. What do you want this young chick hanging around for. You know you can do better."
"Maybe not. She is pretty, has a great body, and best of all she will do anything I want. Won't you baby."
I wasn't expecting the question and didn't know our relationship would be so public but stammered, "Yes, anything."
"Yeah sure." sneered the one who had been picking on me.
Todd replied. "I guess you guys need some convincing. You can see she has a beautiful face. Terry! Get your clothes off so they can see your great bod."
I realized we had reached the scene he had talked about. He wanted to show me off to make them jealous of him. I hesitated too long as I looked at all the expectant faces thinking about it and wondering if I should put on music to do a strip tease. He evidentally interpreted my indecision for refusal. He suddenly barked,