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I can see I’ve digressed, though. Nakhzor le’inyoneynu harishon, then — let’s leave the prince on his horse, as you writers like to say, and see what the princess is up to. Where were we? Yes, in the chapter of Lekh-Lekho. But before we get to Lekh-Lekho, suppose we have a look, if you don’t mind, at the story of the Amalekites in the Book of Exodus. I know that the way things are done in this world, and the way they always have been, Genesis comes before Exodus, but in this case the Amalekites came first. And I suggest you listen to the lesson they taught me, because it may come in useful some day.

In short, let’s go back to the days after the Japanese war, when the Constantution was in the headlines and we Jews were having a fine old time of it, first in the big cities and then in the smaller towns to which the pogroms spread. They never reached my own village, though, and they never could have. Would you like to know why not? For the simple reason that I was the only Jew among Christians and on good terms with every one of them. Why, Uncle Tevel was king of the roost there, a friend in need and indeed! Did someone want advice? “Let’s go ask Tevel.” A remedy for baldness? “Tevel’s sure to know.” A little loan to tide him over? Try Tevel again. Why be afraid of a silly thing like a pogrom when my Christian neighbors had promised me over and over that I had nothing to worry about — they simply wouldn’t allow it. And in the end they didn’t. Listen to a crazy story.

One day when I came home from Boiberik — I was in my heyday then, selling cheese, cream, butter, and such stuff — I unharnessed my horse, gave him some hay and oats, and was about to wash up and have a bite myself when what do I see in my front yard but a big mob of peasants. The whole village was there from top to bottom, from Ivan Paparilo the elder to Trokhim the shepherd, all with an odd holiday air. For a second my heart skipped a beat, because I knew there was no holiday in sight. They’ve come to give you a Bible lesson, I thought, and “Then came Amalek and fought with Israel” is their text … only then I thought again: shame on you, Tevye! They may be Christians and you may be a Jew, but you’ve lived your whole life peacefully among them without a hair of your head being harmed. And so I stepped outside and acted my friendliest. “Welcome!” I said to them. “What brings you here, dear neighbors? What’s the good word? What’s new in the world?”

“We’ve come to you, Tevel,” says Ivan Paparilo, stepping forward and getting right down to it, “because we want to have a pogrom.”

How’s that for an opener? There’s nothing like breaking it gently!

Well, I don’t have to tell you what I felt like. Don’t think I let them see it, though. Far from it: Tevye was no crybaby. “Congratulations!” I said to them in my cheeriest voice. “What’s taken you so long, though, my children? Everywhere else the pogroms are already over.”

But Ivan Paparilo was in no mood to joke. “You see, Tevel,” he said, “we’ve finally made up our minds. Since you Jews have been beaten up everywhere, why let you get away with it here? We just aren’t certain what kind of pogrom to have. Should we just smash your windows, should we tear up your pillows and blankets and scatter all the feathers, or should we also burn down your house and barn with everything in them?”

This time my heart did a flip-flop. I looked at all those good people whispering to each other as they stood leaning on their staffs and I thought, Tevye, this is serious! It’s bo’u mayim ad nefesh for sure, just like it says in the Bible — you’re in for it this time, all right. You’d better watch what you say, because who knows what these pigs’ snouts might do to you! And you’d better say it fast too, because this is no time to play guessing games with the Angel of Death …

Why make a short story long, my dear friend? It was a miracle from God that I kept my wits about me, got a grip on myself, and said, not sounding the least bit put out, “Listen to me, dear neighbors and villagers. If that’s what you’ve decided, who am I to object? You must have good reasons for thinking that Tevye deserves to see his life go up in smoke. I just hope you realize, though, that there is a higher power than your village council in this world. You do know there’s a God above, don’t you? Mind you, I’m not talking about my God or your God — I’m talking about the God of us all, He who sits in His heaven and sees every low-down trick that we play on each other here on earth … It may very well be that He wants you to punish me for being guilty of nothing at all. But the opposite may also be true, my dear friends, and He may not want you to lift a finger against me. Who can know what God’s will is? Is there anyone here who would like to explain to us how God makes up His mind?”

Well, they must have seen there was no outtalking Tevye, because he said to me, did Ivan Paparilo, “Look, Tevel, it’s like this. We have nothing against you personally. You’re not at all a bad sort for a kike. It’s just that that has nothing to do with it. A pogrom is a pogrom, and if the village council has voted to have one, then that’s what must be. We’ll have to smash your windows at least, because if anyone passing through here sees there’s been no pogrom yet, we’ll be in hot water ourselves.”

I swear to God and hope to die, those were his very words! You’re a Jew who’s been all over, Pan Sholem Aleichem, you tell me: is Tevye right or not when he says there’s a great God up above?

That’s the story of the Amalekites — and now let’s get back to Lekh-Lekho. You see, I was only recently given a lesson in its real meaning, against which none of the commentaries I knew helped one bit. Let me tell it to you exactly as it happened, blow by blow ka’asher ohavti, the way you like a story told.

Vayehi bimey Mendel Beilis—it happened back at the time of the Beilis case, when Mendel Beilis was atoning for all our sins by going through the torments of hell and the whole world was talking of nothing else. One hot summer day I was sitting on my front stoop, the wheels spinning round in my head. How can it be, I thought, how is it possible that such a thing can happen in times like these, in such an intelligent world full of smart people? And where is God in all this — where, oh where, is our old Jewish God? Why doesn’t He do something? Why doesn’t He say something? Why, why, why, why, why …

Well, once you get on the subject of God, you beat your brains out about other things too. What was life all about? Was there more of it after death? Why hadn’t the Messiah come yet? Ai, I thought, wouldn’t it be clever of him, the Messiah, to come riding down to us on his white horse right this minute! Just think how grand that would be! Why, we’ve never needed him so badly! There’s no knowing what goes on in the mind of a rich Jew, of a Brodsky in Yehupetz, for example, or of a Rothschild in Paris — the Messiah may be the furthest thing from it; but we poor Jews of Kasrilevke, and of Mazapevke, and of Zlodeyevke, and even of Yehupetz, and yes, of Odessa too, can’t wait for him any longer — no, we absolutely can’t wait another day! The only hope left us is for God to work a miracle and send us the Messiah right away …