“I don’t want to ruin your shirt.”
“You prefer blood loss?”
“I owe you a shirt with your pie,” she said, and I smiled.
A few minutes later, I glanced back down at her hand, which was now completely covered with my shirt. She looked small, hunched down there on the floor. And pale. Her skin stood out against the darkness.
The reaction she had when she saw this truck wasn’t good. I’d seen enough during my time in the Corps to know that something bad happened to her in this truck, something that her brain probably suppressed until she was brought face to face with it.
I felt like the world’s biggest ass by forcing her into this vehicle. I was afraid to even know what the hell caused her to have such a violent reaction back there. But I didn’t have a choice. This truck was our best option at getting away. It was beyond clear to me that Honor needed away from here as soon as possible.
Yeah, I wanted to stay and take him down.
Yeah, beating him in the head might feel good.
But the price of that would cost… maybe not cost someone like me anything, but it would cost Honor a lot. She’d already been through enough.
It was strange, the streak of protectiveness I felt when I looked at her. I’d never felt that way about anyone but my family and some of the men I worked with. But this was different… I’d only just met her. Why did I feel this innate drive to keep her safe?
It was almost as if something inside me claimed her.
The main road came into sight and my tense muscles relaxed a little.
“Where are we going?” Honor asked.
“I’m taking you to the hospital.”
She groaned. “I want to go home.”
“You need to be looked at. They’ll give you something for those ribs.”
“What about the police?”
“They can meet us at the hospital.”
Honor was silent for a minute, and I knew her brain was working. I could almost hear her worry.
“You know his name? Where he lives?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You’ll tell the police?”
I absolutely hated the tremor of fear in her voice. I knew she was worried he would come after her again. Hell, I was worried about that too.
“I’m gonna tell them, babe,” I said, taking my eyes off the road and looking directly at her. “I’m going to tell them everything, and they’re going to lock him up where he belongs.”
She nodded and then rested her cheek against the thick shirt wrapped around her hand. The ride to the hospital was quiet. The closer we got, the more traffic surrounded us and the more relaxed I felt. I wondered what Lex was doing, how pissed he was that we left him stranded in the woods.
I pulled into the hospital. The whole place was lit up with bright lights. Ambulances lined the sidewalk beneath the awning for the ER entrance. They must’ve still been dealing with the car pileup from earlier tonight.
There were also some police cars with flashing lights parked at the curb. Good. That would make for easy contact.
Because it was so crowded near the entrance, I parked in the lot. Of course there was nothing available close. Every vacant space was in the nosebleed section, so I took the first spot I came to and then reached down low and disconnected the wires, shutting off the truck.
Honor still rested her cheek on her hands, her face turned away. I couldn’t tell if she was asleep or not, but she didn’t move even after I pushed open my door and got out. I went around to the passenger side and opened the door. I reached in and slid my arm around her waist, and this panicked sound ripped from her throat and her body went rigid.
Her head nearly smacked the glove compartment, but I blocked it with my hand.
“Easy,” I said gently. “It’s Nathan. We’re at the hospital. Time to go inside.”
Her body relaxed, but she made no move to get out. “I’m going to pick you up,” I informed her. She didn’t try to blacken my eye, so I took that as consent and lifted her out and then kicked the door closed.
Her cheek fell against my chest and her lips parted on a deep exhale. “I can walk,” she protested.
I chuckled. She’d probably fall over the minute I put her down. “No,” I said, leaving no room for argument. I wasn’t about to admit how cute I thought she was. The minute she knew that, it would all be over. She’d have me wrapped around her little finger.
Ain’t. Gonna. Happen.
I was going to place her in the doctors’ care and then go talk to the police. Once that was done, so was my job. I could go home.
Go home to what? a voice in my head argued. Cold fried chicken? Your weight set in the basement? Your memories?
I ignored those thoughts as I walked past a police officer reclining against the side of his cruiser, holding a coffee cup in his hand. “I have a crime to report,” I told him and kept walking.
He could follow me. It irritated me the way he was just standing there and Honor was out there dumped in a hole for fifteen hours. No, it wasn’t that cop’s fault, but… but I was irritated anyway.
Inside the ER I found what I expected. A lot of organized chaos. People filled the chairs with various injuries, all waiting to be seen. I clenched my jaw and went to the check-in desk.
“This woman needs to be seen. She was kidnapped, dumped in a hole, exposed to the elements, and has several broken ribs and various other injuries.”
That got the nurse’s attention. She stared at me and my bedraggled appearance with shock. “Who are you?”
Honor lifted her head off my chest and turned toward the woman, who gasped at the sight of her bruised and swollen face. “He’s the guy who pulled me out of the hole. He’s a Marine.”
“Is she bleeding anywhere?” the nurse asked hopefully.
My back teeth came together.
“Yes,” I ground out. Why did it matter?
Honor held up her hand wrapped in my shirt.
“When people come in bleeding, they get higher priority.”
Oh. Well. That was good. “How long do we have to wait until she gets seen? She’s been through a lot. She needs fluid and a bed.”
She pushed a clipboard at me. “Sign in.”
I signed in. Under my name. For some reason, having a record of her being here for anyone to see didn’t sit well with me.
The nurse glanced up at me and then at Honor bundled up in my arms. Her eyes softened. “I’ll see what I can do,” she said low and then disappeared.
There wasn’t an empty chair in this place. Not one.
I took up position against the wall, planted my feet, and tucked her a little closer to me. Honor seemed to be floating around somewhere between consciousness and sleep. It made me worry she had a concussion. She did have that bump on the back of her head.
Fifteen minutes later, the nurse from behind the desk motioned to me. I pushed away from the wall and followed her back along a quiet hallway and into a small area with a bed and a curtain all the way around it. “Someone will be in as soon as they can.”
“Thank you,” I told her, and I meant it.
She smiled and disappeared behind the curtain. Even though my arms were shaking with the effort of holding her for so long, I was hard pressed to put her down. I stood over the white bed for long minutes, debating, until I gently laid her out on the covers.
Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. “Thanks.”
“You look like shit,” I told her tenderly and brushed a strand of damp hair off her face.
Her eyes widened and focused on my face. I opened my mouth to tell her I was teasing when she said, “There’s lights in here.”
Yeah. She hit her head too hard. “Yeah,” I drawled slowly.