After the agents left the room, Reagan commented that he liked the place, that it reminded him of the Ranch. He took my right hand and asked, "Should we do our dance?"
"You bet," I answered. So he twirled me around several times, for programming purposes and then laid me on the bed. I was wearing a white pantsuit with fancy tassels on the front and short white boots. He had given me a Reagan watch to wear for the day, but later the agents took it away. Reagan loved the watch. He unbuttoned my shirt as he lay on the bed next to me and went directly for my belly button and began tracing his fingers around my navel. Waiting for my programming to kick in, he laid on his back for me to satisfy him. Afterwards, he took a short nap and then sent me out to notify the agent who was waiting in the limo. The agent snapped to attention and directed the driver to get into position, and they escorted Reagan back to the limo.
We took off down Pacific Coast Highway again and they stopped to drop me off at a gas station in Malibu, where I met a man in an unmarked car who drove me back to the cross at Pepperdine. When he let me out he said, "Weren't you meditating?" In response, I robotically walked under the cross and sat there again. He yelled, "Not too long!" and drove off. I stood up, totally unaware I had been with anyone, thinking I had only been in deep meditation for a long time. I found my car and drove through the canyon home where, with the help of our maid, I prepared dinner. I was pretty out of it.
I was used with Reagan hundreds of times if not more, ever since I was a teenager. He knew that I had to have time in between when he used my mind files for demonstration or information and sex. So having a leisurely lunch provided the time necessary. A cue or signal had to be given to shut down the mind files and then, from that time on, a certain amount of time had to elapse before sex. Once he was President, the Pepperdine cross served as a pick-up point where I was taken to cabins, cottages, or out of the way homes to be with him sexually after the Council had input me with information for him via my home computer. Many messages were phoned to me by Bob, or more often Henry, when they were of a political nature, because political details were more complicated and took more time than the simple well-grooved routines of sexually satisfying stars or political friends of Bob's.
In the early 80's I also rendezvoused with Reagan for sex on nights I drove off by myself in the car, telling my husband I needed to learn to become more independent. I got in my car and played the 'metaphysical game' I learned from books I was suggested to read. For example, I just drove spontaneously and magically stopped when it 'felt right. One evening, it just 'tell right' to stop at a very expensive hotel in Santa Barbara and I checked into a room and waited for Ronnie. Naturally, before he got there two men in suits, carrying briefcases full of programming equipment, let themselves into my hotel room and tortured me in preparation for the President.
Another time it just 'felt right' to stop at a large hotel near the pier in Santa Monica, where again, I met with Reagan.
I remembered being on a gurney at Point Mugu, with a white sheet over my body, a white electrode cap over my head and an IV in my arm. I was hooked up to electrodes all over my scalp and on my wrists and they were having me listen to whale and dolphin sounds via headsets. Huge banks of audio equipment and big tapes on recorders were all running. They often played music or sounds in one ear and tones or word instructions in the other. Sometimes the sound was excruciatingly loud in one ear and nearly inaudible in the other. The words were barely audible but I often tried really hard to listen to what was being played in my ear, though it was impossible to hear. The loudness hurt my ear and the two extremes coupled together nearly drove me crazy.
There were dolphins in tanks at Point Mugu that were also used in research. At times, they also had electrodes on their heads. I think they were attempting to measure thoughts and telepathic communication. At one point they directed me to send a message to the dolphin with my mind, and then listen and decode the language of the dolphin's reply. They tried it with whale language also. The swim programs that allowed me to swim long distances without tiring, were also coupled with the hypnotic suggestion that I was like a dolphin and could swim forever like one.
I think the dolphin research was a secondary project, and among other things was a project to further U.S. Intelligence technology in telepathy. The dolphin research continued because we could communicate long distance with the dolphins, sending messages, and when I received them, I was given a number to call immediately to report what I heard. They paired this need to report with having to go to the bathroom and once in the bathroom I would dissociate, switch personalities and phone in to report, sort of like "ET phone home."
Just a week before my husband and I were getting ready to go on a sailing trip to the Channel Islands, I remembered performing a visualization I was taught, where in my mind, I pictured myself in the middle of a group of dolphin. I performed this whole process in an attempt to actually link up with the dolphin on our trip. Before we left, I told Craig I was going to have a dolphin experience! Low and behold, way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a whole pod of dolphin swarmed our boat. When I saw them coming I got so excited that I slipped on my diving mask, and jumped off the boat into the middle of them. No one on board could believe my impulsive actions! It seemed that time stood still and I felt like I was held in a state of suspended animation as one large dolphin seemed to energetically link up with me. Time seemed to stand still and it was an amazing experience! After that I began to "see light in everything." I still don't have an understanding for exactly what happened, but I began having incredibly prophetic dreams and more psychic experiences. I believe this also was part of an experiment.
There was extensive "dolphin programming" done on me. Movies, stills and motion pictures with beautiful music were shown, administered together with drugs they injected into my arm in order to put me in a state of utter euphoria while I was viewing the dolphin pictures. These movies and other positive stimuli reinforced good feelings that emerged in order to deter me from the Star Wars information. Dolphin programming covered the Star Wars Project. Whales covered a NASA project. This all-powerful programming was meant to keep me from accessing the information stored neatly in my brain away from my conscious awareness.
There were movies I felt drawn to all of a sudden leave my family at night to attend. I went to different new age bookstores or other places where I was told to go to see dolphin movies, some very sophisticatedly created with music. A couple who created and traveled to share their dolphin movie, told the small audience to go into a meditative state and watch the film in order to gain expanded consciousness. The movie contained different geometric shapes shown along with the dolphins in underground cities. The dolphin theme was continued when I was living on the island of Kauai.
President Reagan's project, STAR WARS, was located in my mind files under Dolphin programming. I accompanied Reagan lots of times to Point Mugu and other military bases, but Point Mugu was the original site where I would download top secret information from the mind files, first. Then I was taken to different bases all over, usually without Reagan, to deliver the same information, over and over and over again; all over the world to the major players. The Around the World In 80 Days movie and song was used to cover this activity. So I'd think of that movie and believe I was remembering that instead of my actual assignment. Other movies were used in an attempt to cover and intentionally scramble my experiences. As I retrieved memory of ways I was used, I sorted through the 'movie realities' to discover what actually happened.