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The murders of Peter and of Torre remained unsolved. Baldwin did not like loose ends, yet there appeared to be many. “Simon, do you think we are any nearer an answer to these killings?”

Simon shook his head. “The more I think about it, the more confusing I find it. Elias had all the evidence pointing to him, but when we found his brother, everything which had indicated Elias pointed to him instead – especially since he admitted taking Torre’s head. And his background as an outlaw shows he’s capable of murder. But the Venetians are themselves felons – they were prepared to steal from an Abbot, for Christ’s sake! If they could steal from a man of God, they must be capable of anything. And Pietro was seen in a monk’s habit, which could mean he was the thief as well.”

“Jordan Lybbe is most likely – as you say, he was an outlaw.”

“Yes. But why should he kill Torre?”

“Similarly, what was Pietro’s or Antonio’s motive?”

“You don’t like Lybbe’s explanation: whichever of them killed Torre thought he was preventing his own discovery?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Something is wrong about all this, Simon. My whole soul is shouting to me that I have missed something. There is only one thing I am sure of, and that is that Pietro didn’t kill Peter.”


“Because Peter was killed after Pietro saw Avice. Avice had promised herself to him when they met last night, so his motive disappears. There was no point in his killing the monk.”

“I see no reason for Antonio to have killed the monk.”

“Neither do I.”

“So we are back to Lybbe.”

“Yes,” said Baldwin, but when Simon glanced at him, his friend looked no better pleased than before.


The next morning Baldwin rose from his bed feeling unrefreshed after a sleepless night. He had hoped that some inspiration might strike him while he slept, but as he stared out over the court he felt no nearer a solution.

Seeing a figure hurrying across the court his mood lightened as he recognized Jeanne. She at least was fresh and wholesome. Her face would be a welcome sight after his dislocated sleep. Even as he was aware of the thought, she made her way across the court and through the door that led toward the Abbot’s lodging.

Baldwin dressed and walked down to the court, sitting at a bench, Edgar at his side.

His servant had seen him in similar moods before. The knight sat with his chin resting in the palm of his hand, elbow on his knee, in an attitude of absolute concentration. His glowering eye was fixed on a monk sweeping the court, and he didn’t glance at the servant by his shoulder. This was Edgar’s accustomed place, a point from which he could protect his master. It was the station he had accepted when Baldwin had saved his life in the hell-hole of Acre, when they were both much younger and before they had joined the Knights Templar together. Edgar and he had been among the last to leave the city as the Saracens took the place, and it was due to the heroic bravery of the Templars that the two of them had managed to escape, so when they had recovered, both felt the same urge to join the Order which had saved their lives.

Later, when the Order they both revered had been destroyed to fuel the greed of a King and a Pope, Baldwin had been prone to darkly introspective moods, and today Edgar was at first anxious that his master had succumbed again. But then he caught sight of the knight’s eye and saw the gleam. This was no black despair. Baldwin was simply focusing his entire being on the problem of the murders.

“Master?” he enquired quietly.

“What is it?” Baldwin snapped.

“Do you want breakfast?”

“I cannot be troubled with food now!”

“Master, you should eat something.”

“There’s some detail we’ve missed, something crucial. But what?”

Edgar shrugged. “Those who are innocent will surely be able to prove it.”

His master grunted dismissively. “Like our Order did, you mean? Since when has innocence been a matter of justice? If you look right for the part a jury will assume you were responsible – you know that as well as I do.”

“You mean Pietro?” asked his servant with a frown.

“I don’t know who I mean – I haven’t seen proof of anybody’s guilt,” Baldwin muttered irascibly. He was about to continue when the bell sounded for Mass. “How can they think clearly here when the damn bells toll every few minutes?”

Edgar smiled to himself, and was about to speak when he caught sight of the startled expression passing over his master’s face. “Sir, what is it?”

“Gracious God, I thank You!” Baldwin cried, and rising quickly, he turned to Edgar. “Find Simon and bring him here immediately. Go!”

Edgar set off at a smart pace to the Abbot’s lodging where Simon and his wife had their chamber. Before long he was back. “He’s just dressing.”

To his surprise, Baldwin chuckled to himself and rubbed his hands together. “Excellent! And soon this whole matter will be behind us.”

True to his word, Simon appeared within a few minutes, his hair tousled, and his expression one of comical annoyance at the early summons. Simon liked to stay in his bed later than Baldwin. “What’s the matter?” he yawned.

“I have a clue, no more than that, but from that clue I think I can form a new solution to our problem.”

“And what exactly is that clue?” Simon demanded eagerly as they toiled up the hill toward the jail.

“It will wait, my friend. For now we must get to the truth of another matter.”

They had arrived at the Abbot’s clink, and Baldwin spoke quickly to the watchman at the door. The man glanced behind him. “He’s with the friar right now, Sir Baldwin – do you want me to interrupt them?”

Baldwin considered, and shook his head. “No. It would be offensive if he is making his confession. We shall wait.”

It was not long before the friar came out, and Simon was struck by his thoughtful attitude. He scarcely glanced at the two waiting men. The guard leaned through the doorway. “Lybbe? Come out here, mate – someone wants to talk.”

The merchant appeared in the doorway, blinking and scratching in the cool of the early morning, and gratefully left the jail to stand in the sun.

Baldwin eyed him with sympathy. “Jordan, I know you have no desire to assist us in finding the killer, for it can hardly help you, but I would ask for your help to stop someone dying unnecessarily.”

Jordan Lybbe cared not a fig for the fate of anyone else. His own life was soon to end, and that was a hard enough fact to come to terms with. “Why should I help you?” he asked listlessly.

The knight could see his resentment. It was there in his eyes, glittering with jealous malice as he stared at a man who was not under sentence of instant death as soon as he was denounced. “Lybbe, I cannot save you, but another man might be wrongly convicted unless I have your help.”

“Another man? What about me?”

“Do you deny your crimes with the trail-bastons?” Simon asked, and Lybbe looked at him coldly.

“I was never with that band.”

“Then why did you flee the country?”

“What would you do if you were accused like that? I heard that an approver had accused me – what else could I do but run? Who would take my word when a man had sworn on his oath that I was guilty?”

Baldwin’s eyes narrowed. “Do you swear that you are innocent?”

“Of course I do. Do I look like a murderer?”

The knight eyed him dubiously. Anyone, he knew, was capable of murder, given the motive. If he had to pick a suspicious-looking man, someone like Lybbe, with his strong build, thick beard and intense features, would rate highly.

Lybbe gave a bitter grin. “So even you doubt me. I have no hope of a fair trial or justice – why should I help you?”

“For information I would gladly perform any service you asked of me.”

“Make sure my brother is freed and that my boy is protected by him, and I’ll think about helping you.”