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Nathan’s expression was stern yet pleased, as though he had been waiting to say those words for a long time. “Now Michael will be given the chance he was denied by every authority other than God. He will tell you in his own words what he has endured. Then together we will relate the truth about Chimera Global, the mission we are currently engaged in, and the dire catastrophe that will befall everyone if we do not succeed. Ignore our warning at your peril. Chimera and its associates take great pride in being able to suppress the voices that accuse them. But the greatest threat to a silent empire is the spoken truth. You will hear the truth today, I promise you. And you will be the judge.”

He moved to the side as Michael took a seat beside him. Cynthia felt her heart hammer against her chest. Michael had never looked as handsome as he did in that moment. His blue eyes seemed to see beyond the screen, locking gazes with her as though there in the room.

“First of all, I’d like to give my love to my fiancée, Cynthia Graham, and my newborn child Michelle, who I haven’t been permitted to see yet. We’ve been done wrong, but I’m working on making it right. What I’m doing, what we’re doing right now, needs to be done. You’ll understand when you hear about it. But when this is over, when it’s all said and done, I’m coming home to my family.”

Cynthia’s free hand drifted to her mouth as her vision blurred with tears. Michael’s face filled the screen, eyes glimmering with earnest emotion.

“I’m coming home.”


Senator Jack Blackwell bit into a spinach and goat cheese sandwich. He had coerced the cook to slip in a few strips of bacon, which made it taste a lot better than it should have. Carol was strict with her demands and the staff knew it, so much so that Jack had to wrangle just to get the added pork. Carol had been on the alert ever since the scare with his chest pains, performing a hostile takeover of his eating routine and stripping it of basically everything he ever liked about eating. He couldn’t even take a sip of Coke without taking a wary glance around for her watchful eye. She seemed to know every time he stepped outside of the boundaries of his dietician-prescribed meals, as though she employed spies to report his every calorie intake when she couldn’t be around.

He grunted. Wouldn’t be a surprise. Carol was a tough woman, being a former CIA coordinator. Their marriage was more a convenience than a romance, but that didn’t stop her from performing all the duties of a devoted wife.

A rap on his office door was followed by his personal aide sticking her head inside. “The hounds are ravenous, Senator. I won’t be able to hold them much longer.”

He waved a hand. “I know, Kendra. Tell them I’ll be at the podium in ten minutes. That should buy me at least a half hour.”

She smiled and shut the door.

Jack chewed and glanced at the television set on the wall. The screen was split between four different news stations, all reporting the same damn thing. The nation was fixed on it, and no wonder. A daring expedition into the Bermuda Triangle to rescue a lost crew of scientists was captivating enough, not to mention the tie-in with the Blurred Man conspiracy, infamous Chimera Global, and implications of their pursuit of an energy source that could change the world — or destroy it.

Press had already swarmed Miami, where the Halifax had departed from. Craggy-faced government officials and heads of investigative organizations gave reluctant interviews, all denying any knowledge or involvement in the venture. The mood in Washington was annoyed and concerned, and everyone wanted to know what Jack had to say. After all, if was his son who was responsible, and his former private corporation allegedly involved.

Once again, the nation’s attention would be fixed on the actions of Senator Jack Blackwell.

He turned the volume up on the set. Nathan Ryder was in the middle of finishing his lengthy and damning diatribe.

“I’ve revealed the names of all employees assigned to Dr. Stein’s offshore laboratory, so the families can know what to expect. Please offer them your prayers and hopes for the safe return of their loved ones.”

Despite himself, Jack felt a wry smile tug the corner of his mouth. The kid should be a politician.

“As for any press, rescue and investigative units: I cannot stress how important it is to stand down. While Chimera Global is solely responsible for this tragedy, they are also the only organization with the technology and data to engage in a rescue mission. To avoid further damage and possible loss of property and life, I urge everyone to avoid the Bermuda Triangle until our return. The mill explosion was only the tiniest example of the destruction that this untapped power can unleash. Our data estimates the conflagration in the Triangle is already more than a thousand times more volatile.

“The best bet is the mission at hand. We cannot promise anything except we will try our best to locate and extract those in danger and bring them home safely. If we fail, it will mean we are dead. If we fail, God have mercy on us all.”

The video ended. Harried reporters immediately made attempts to break down the exact meaning of the message and the information it revealed. Jack muted the television and ran his fingers through his thinning, iron-colored hair.

Alexander, you let this happen. You destroyed everything with your mad obsession. I knew you would.

He slipped a secure phone from his inner suit coat pocket and selected a number. “Hello, Director. Yes, I’ve been watching. I’m calling to inform you that I’m taking over the operations of Chimera Global, as per the regulations filed under Emergency Protocols. Have all pertinent information on the Tantalus mission forwarded to my private email, and order our nearest carrier to head for Miami. That’s right, a carrier. Locked and loaded. I have to pull my son’s ass from the fire before he burns everything to the ground.”

Part II: Torment

Chapter 10: Ergosphere

The first thing Nathan did was wash the sheets.

The coverlets were next, along with the pillowcases. While they were drying, he tackled the room itself. Fortunately there was a supply closet full of cleaning supplies, so in short order he wiped down the beds and desk, then dropped down to scrub the floor, ignoring Michael when he left complaining of fumes.

That’s it, Nathan. Keep distracting yourself. Think of anything else besides Elena.

He couldn’t figure out what made her so special. At the briefing she had been dressed in military fatigues with a matching cap on her dark hair, which was pulled in her customary ponytail. Unadorned by makeup she almost looked boyish. But he could never mistake her for a man. She was still too feminine, too attractive for that. Sitting among the fierce-looking soldiers, she immediately appeared out of place. He didn’t want to imagine what might happen if Damon had kept her on the ground team, first to experience whatever horrors awaited at the Tantalus. Nathan probably saved her life just be showing up, and she had no idea.

“There’s the hero.”

Sid Damon stood in the doorway, dressed in all black military garb. His stare was particularly heated, as if he were trying to set the room on fire from sheer rage.

“Yeah, Mr. Social Justice, I’m talking to you. You think you’re really smart, don’t you? Some sort of courageous whistle blower. The next Edward Snowden, that it?”