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“Everyone stay together.” Guy’s face was barely visible in the light of his flare. “We’re in a chamber of some kind. Let’s try to find a door.”

Blackwell held up a hand. “Listen.”

They paused. Elena’s chest tightened when she heard the sound. It was a gurgling noise, the sound of thick liquid pouring from multiple orifices. A medicinal scent filled the air.

“My feet.” Hayes yelped and leaped backward. “Something’s moving down there.”

Elena felt it. Something cold and wet oozed into her boots. She fought down the urge to scream, even as the others gave in to various levels of panic.

“What the hell is this stuff?”

“It’s pouring in from somewhere.”

“Is it water?”

“No. Too thick. Don’t know what it is.”

“It’s coming in fast.”

“From where?”

“I don’t know!”

“Stay calm.”

“The hell with that, Guy. How do we get out of here?”

“I’m looking.”

“Look harder!”

“It’s up to my knees now. Aw, man…”

Elena bent and dipped her fingers in the viscous fluid. It was translucent and dripped from her fingers like slime. Nathan joined her, lowering his glowing lightstick to take a closer look.

“It’s some kind of gel.” He sniffed it. “It looks synthetic, not biological. Not acidic, or we’d have felt it by now.” His voice shook when he stared upward. “Why bring us inside only to release this in the chamber?”

“Why the hell do you think?” Hayes’ voice rose in a shrill yell. “It’s a defense mechanism. Last resort to keep us from getting inside. It’s a goddamn trap, get it? We’re totally screwed, man!”

Elena’s chest felt tight, her breathing choppy. The panic pulsed in her veins, thudding in her temples.

We’re going to die.

The gel was up to her chest. She looked over at Nathan. He looked more resigned than anything else. She realized he had already assumed he would die on the island. Now that the moment had arrived, he almost looked relieved.


He glanced at her and his face softened. “I’m sorry, Elena.”

“For what?”

“For not getting you out of this mess.”

A sputter of desperate laughter escaped her. “Get me out? What did I say? I’m the one watching out for you, Mr. Consultant.”

A grim smile touched his lips when he glanced around. Everyone thrashed in the rising gel, their voices bouncing off its viscid surface. “Not exactly pleased with your job performance, Private Ruiz.”

She tried to laugh, but it died in her throat. She reached through the thick liquid, found his hand and squeezed it. “We’re going to make it, Nate. Have to keep trying. Tread water for as long as we can. Maybe there’s a hatch in the ceiling, or—”

“Impossible.” He shook his head with a heavy sigh. “Took thick. I’m tired, Elena. Tired of fighting. Tired of trying. I just want to leave this place. Just want to let go…”

His hand slipped from hers. She gasped when he tilted back and slowly sank into the liquescent gel. His eyes were closed, his face almost peaceful.


She tried to swim toward him, but the gel resisted her efforts. She finally gave in to full-blown panic as it rose to her chin. The cries of the others rang in her ears. Her breath punched from her lungs in quick gasps, her heart hammered, echoing all around her.

The gel crawled over her face.

She thrashed, choking her screams down and cursing the foolishness of not filling her lungs with air before she went under. Her eyes snapped open.

Dark shapes were barely visible around her. The nearest was Nathan, not at all peaceful as he thrashed in slow, exaggerated motions. Thick, gummy bubbles exploded from his screaming mouth.

Her chest burned. She tried to force her body to rise, but it was impossible. She was trapped, unable to move. Unable to breathe. Her lungs begged for air, every muscle in her bone seared with fire.

This can’t be happening. Can’t be happening…

Her body finally betrayed her. She gasped, trying to suck in air that didn’t exist. The gel filled her mouth instead, poured down her throat, filled her lungs. She flailed, trying to find the surface, find the air

Please, God. Please don’t let me die here. Please, God. Please…

Heavy pressure crushed her chest, thick liquid asphyxiated her lungs and throat. Her movements weakened, her vision blurred. The darkness rolled in from all directions, smothering everything.

Part III: Tantalus

Chapter 19: Tergiversate

Nathan sat up with a choking gasp. A fit of coughing followed, inflaming his throat and chest. He rolled over, tumbled, and struck a cool and slick surface. He continued to cough and gag as he curled into a fetal position. He realized he wasn’t dead, that somehow he had inexplicably survived being drowned in a chamber flooded with sticky, viscous fluid. It didn’t make any sense, but he was certain of his hasty hypothesis.

He was in too much pain to be dead.

Bright fluorescents clicked on, revealing sterile, starkly white walls and tiled flooring. He slowly staggered to his feet and examined himself. He had been stripped down to clean, new underwear. A pile of garments was neatly stacked on a nearby white bench. He shuffled over, hesitantly looking around.

Where am I? Is this a prison? Am I being watched?

His breath caught as he flexed his arms and examined himself. He expected a severe amount of cuts and bruises, but aside from a few fading marks, there wasn’t any real damage.

The fabric of the black and white jumpsuit was velvety soft but felt flexible and durable. He fingered it as he continued to examine his new surroundings. The bed was streamlined and padded with a thin mattress that appeared to be filled with some sort of gel. Beside it was a transparent end table with a clear pitcher of water on top. He quickly poured a glass and downed it, despite nearly choking.

Wiping his mouth, he glanced in the corner. A bathroom area was sectioned off, complete with a toilet and shower. He tottered over, raising a hand that direction. There was no longer any blood, any muck stuck to his body. No dirt, no mold, no viscera from the monstrosities he’d killed. He had been washed by his mysterious captors, cleaned of filth and impurities.

It wasn’t enough.

He turned the knobs, gasped as the water struck him. It wasn’t enough. He turned the knob further, increasing the heat until it was near-scalding. Gritting his teeth, he ran his hands over his chest and shoulders, scrubbing.

A sob escaped his lips.

How can this be real? It’s not real. You’re still out there. Out in the Aberration.

The faces of the dead swam from his subconscious to greet him. Chen’s severed head staring sightlessly. Lurch, squinting with his face on a monster’s body. Ariki, screaming as he was torn limb from limb. Worst of all was Nathan’s father. His head ruined, smoke billowing from the bloody hollows.

Nathan’s legs gave out. He wept, shuddering on the shower floor. Water streamed over him, but he would never be clean again. The shame clung to him like a second skin, something he could never be rid of.

No matter what he did, he would always be filthy.

A hissing noise. A rush of air. The sound of padded feet approaching. His eyes opened, blurred by the water on his face. Black-clad figures entered the shower, soundless as they hoisted him with gloved hands. Their faces were covered by black fabric, not even their eyes were visible.