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In a few seconds of eternity, it was over.

Michael’s chest heaved as he wiped blood from his face. The hall simmered with wet heat, sweat dripped from his skin in response. He had never felt so thirsty in his life. Gasping, he looked at the rest of the battle-tested group. With the exception of Guy, they all looked as wasted as he felt. Their new jumpsuits were spattered in gore as if they’d never been clean.

It’s never going to be over, Michal realized. This is just going to go on and on, until every one of us is dead.

Charlie Foxtrot fingered a tear in her jumpsuit sleeve. “Too close. Why didn’t you just take them all out with your superpowers, Mike?”

Hayes paused from panting like an overheated dog. “Superpowers?”

Michael shook his head. “Hard to focus in here. Too much static.”

“What superpowers?”

“Keep moving,” Guy said. “That was only the first wave.”

Nathan led them further down the hall. It was strange to see him at the head of the group, but he was the only one who knew where Stein was. Blackwell and Elena followed right behind, then Hayes and Charlie Foxtrot. Guy was last, right behind Michael. It was a small comfort, knowing Guy had his back.

With visibility stunted, they hugged the wall. It looked like they were no longer in the facility, no longer in a brightly lit hallway. It may as well have been another world, dim and alien. Red pulsed like a heartbeat, alarm lights barely pushing through the dirty haze. Condensation slid down the walls like tears.

“Just around this corner,” Nathan whispered. They crept behind as he approached a door down the hall. Two figures lay prone on the floor, black from head to toe.

Nathan pointed. “Guards. Had to take them out.”

Elena stared at him. “You did that?”

“Had to.”


A terrified voice warbled from the door’s intercom.


He peered into the window. “We’re here, Stein. Open up.”

“How… how do I know it’s you?”

“What? You just sent me down to the lab. Victor was breaking free when we left. He’ll be on us any minute, not to mention whatever else got inside. Open the door now!”

“I… can’t.” Sobbing escaped from the speaker. “I don’t know if it’s you, or just another trick. You killed Nathan, I know it. You’re just playing with my mind…”

Nathan pounded on the door. “Open the door, Stein. Open it!”

Blackwell shoved forward. “Allow me.”

He placed his hand on a specific portion of the wall beside the door. It lit up at his touch, displaying a numbered panel. He tapped a sequence and yanked the door open.

Dr. Stein sat against the wall inside, tears streaming down his face. He shielded his eyes. “No… I don’t see you. You’re not real…”

Blackwell ignored him, hurriedly tracing his fingers over the inner wall. Finding a cleverly concealed niche, he pressed it and slid the façade to the side. The sight was a welcome one.

Guns and ammunition lined the hollow inside. Blackwell handed out rifles and handguns like Santa Clause to eagerly waiting children. The metallic sounds of firearms being loaded drowned out Stein’s pathetic weeping.

Charlie Foxtrot slammed a magazine into her HK 416. “Now that’s what I’m talking ‘bout. I could kiss you right now, Blackwell. Can’t believe you planned for this.”

“Not this particularly, but I took the threat as seriously as possible.” He strapped Berettas to both legs. “We always knew infiltration was a credible threat, and we wanted to be prepared. I had a security detail as well, but it looks like they were taken out before we got here.”

“We’re here now. That a grenade? I’ll take it.”

He tossed it to her. “Just watch before you throw. This is an enclosed area.”

“Do I look like an amateur to you?”

Stein scrubbed a hand across his face. “Mr. Blackwell… it is you. I thought—”

“Never mind what you thought,” Nathan said. “You need to tell us where the nuclear device is.”

“Nuke?” Elena was clearly stunned. “Why would there be a nuclear bomb here?”

“Ask your boss.” Nathan jabbed a finger at Blackwell. “He brought it.”

Blackwell didn’t even blink. “What do you think I’ve been carrying in my pack? Just be glad I didn’t let Damon handle it.”

“You were planning to destroy this facility from the start. A rescue mission was never the plan.”

Nathan’s mouth twisted. “You actually believed him? That would require the ability to care. Blackwell’s never been affected by that particular sentiment.”

“I think the millions of people saved by this facility’s destruction would agree that the sacrifice of a few staff members just makes numerical sense. So spare me the righteous scorn.” He looked at Dr. Stein. “You were telling us where it is.”

“Victor took it. It’s either secured in the server room, or the control room. Both have secure vaults where he might have stored the device.”

“Server room.” Blackwell nodded. “I take it all the data from this expedition has been downloaded and compressed there?”

“Of course.”

“Along with pertinent samples ready to go in cold storage?

Stein gave him a questioning glance. “Yes, but—”

“Good. I need to collect it on the way out.”

Michael felt his face flush with heat. “Are we really having this conversation right now? Seriously?”

“Of course I’m serious, Michael. I don’t expect you to understand, but this is a multi-billion dollar expedition. If you expect me to get all the way here without recouping on my investment, it’s you that needs a reality check.”

“Forget about him.” Guy slid a Bowie knife into his boot sheath. “He wants to die for his money, he can. You know what we have to do, Michael.”

“Stop the Aberration.”

“That’s right.” Guy turned to Stein. “Where’s the Threshold?”

Stein slid back from Guy’s hard stare. “Center of the facility. It’s been completely reconstructed to act as a gateway. But you’ll never get there. Victor will—”

“Die,” Guy said. “Or we will. Is the sub still docked here?”

Stein sagged, eyes distant. “Still here. You won’t make, though. No one has. It’s a trap. A tease, a delusion to tempt us. But no matter how you try to get to it, it’s always just out of reach.”

Guy ignored him. “Two teams. Blackwell, you take one and get to the server room. Get your precious data, look for your device. I’ll take another and go for the control room. If anyone finds the nuke, set it to blow. We’ll meet at the sub and hope we can get out in time. Everyone grab an earpiece and head out.”

Stein shook with laughter. “You’ll be monitored. The Gestalt will know your every move…”

“Then we’ll move quickly. Michael, you’re with me. I’ll take Hayes, too. Blackwell, you take the others.”

“I know the layout, but you don’t. You’ll get lost.”

Guy glanced down. “I’ll take Stein, then.”

Stein’s eyes widened. “What? No. I can’t leave this place. It will have me, control me…”

Guy pulled his handgun and thrust it in Stein’s face. “Then I put you out of your misery. Be of some use, or bite a bullet. Your choice.”

Stein’s hands flew up. “Glad to help.”

Chapter 23: Daemon

A massive fly buzzed down the hallway. It flew in agitated circles, smacking against the walls and ceiling before colliding with the floor, where it skittered around as if dazed before righting itself and trying again.