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“Where are you going to take me?” said she, as we made for the house. The little slut thought I was going to lead her into the alley, whither she was ready enough to go, and how much more fortunate had it been for me! But I had not sufficient experience to see that she desired nothing more. I feared she would still resist, and, besides, my destiny drew me along. I answered that I was going to conduct her where she would see something to please her.

“Where's that?” said she, as we approached the house.

“In my chamber,” I replied.

“In your chamber, indeed! No, no, Silas, that will not do; you will be at something with me.”

I swore I should not meddle with her, and I observed that she was not sorry that, by promising to be on my behavior, I had given her an excuse for accompanying me. What a pleasure I feel in recalling these happy moments of childhood! The habit of gratifying all my passions, and the immoderate use of pleasures have not deadened my sensibility for these sweet moments of my life.

We reached my chamber unperceived; as I held Susan by the hand, I perceived she trembled; I walked on tiptoe, and she followed my example. I motioned to her not to speak, and made her sit down on my bed. I went gently up to the partition, but there was no one there. I told Susan that they would not be long.

“But what do you mean to show me?” said she, puzzled by my mysterious proceedings.

“You will soon see,” said I, and immediately, in advance of the privilege that I reckoned the sight would give me, I threw her backwards on the bed, and attempted to slip my hands up her thighs. I had not reached her garter, when she started up, and declared that she would cry out if I dared to touch her again. She even made me believe she would go out, and I was simple enough to think her in earnest. I was quite confounded; my heart palpitated, and I durst scarcely answer her, and though I made but a stammering business of it, she was easily induced to remain. I almost despaired of gaining my point, when I heard the door of Ambrose's chamber open.

“Here they are,” said I, making a sign for her to be still and drawing closer to her on the bed. I soon went to the partition, and drawing aside the picture which covered the hole, I saw the Father embracing Annette and giving the most unequivocal proofs of his good will towards her. There they stood, motionless, and closely locked in each other's arms, as if meditating the grandeur of the mysteries they were about to celebrate. All attention to their movements, I waited for them to proceed a little further before I beckoned Susan to approach. The good dame, tired at last of such long musing, disengaged herself from the monk's arms, and throwing off her stays, petticoat, and shift, stood before me in all the naked beauty of nature. How delighted was I thus to see her! My amorous frenzy, which had been somewhat excited by Susan's resistance to my wishes, was redoubled at the sight.

Susan, having observed how much I appeared to be interested in what was passing, had got off the bed, and come towards me, without my perceiving it.

“Let me have a look,” said she, pushing me gently aside.

This was exactly what I wanted, so I let her take my place, and eagerly watched her countenance to see what impressions the spectacle made on her. At first she colored, but I was too certain of her amorous propensities to fear that what she saw could have any other effect than the one I expected. As she kept her place, I was somewhat curious to ascertain how the example operated, and accordingly slipped my hand up her clothes. I met with but little resistance, as she only pushed down my hand, without, however, preventing it reaching her thighs, which she kept closely squeezed together. I owed the facility with which I succeeded in parting them to the transports of the combatants behind the partition. I could count every push that was made by the Father or his paramour, by the progress of my hand up her charming thighs. At last I reached the goal, and she then abandoned herself entirely to me; opening her thighs to let my hand revel at its ease amid those hidden charms. I did not omit to profit by this opportunity, and putting my finger to the very centre of sensibility, I found that there was scarcely room to admit it. On finding that the enemy had taken the citadel, she trembled, and continued to do so at every motion of my finger.

“Now, I have you, Susan,” I whispered; and raising her petticoat behind, I saw the finest, whitest, firmest little arse that can be imagined. How perfect was its shape! How exquisitely rounded! None that I have since seen can be compared with it for a moment. What heavenly buttocks, of a roseate hue more beautiful than even her face! With what rapture did I smother them with kisses! Yes, indeed, they merited my most fervent adoration, but they had a neighbor whose attractions would not let me stop to worship them long. I knelt before this charming little rump, and kissed it in an ecstasy; but Susan had a thousand other beauties that aroused my curiosity. I rose transported, and fixed my eager eyes on her lovely bubbles, which were hard, firm, and rounded by love itself. They heaved and sank alternately, and seemed to require a hand to steady their movement; so I gently pressed them with mine. Susan let me do as I pleased, and kept looking attentively through the peephole. I was delighted at this, but her attention was much too great for my impatience. I burned with a fire that nothing but enjoyment could abate. I wished to have her naked, to satisfy myself with the sight of the whole, of which I had kissed and handled such ravishing portions. I thought this would content me, but I found the contrary to be the fact when I had pulled off her clothes, to which she offered no resistance. I too was naked and sought means of gratifying my passion. Thousands on thousands of kisses, the most expressive tokens of love, were infinitely short of my feelings. I tried to make an entry, but, owing to her position, I was obliged to begin the attempt from behind. She opened her legs and thighs, but the entrance was so small that I could not get in. I put my finger in, and withdrew it covered with the dew of love. I then made fresh efforts to take possession of the place my finger had just quitted, but the same difficulty prevented my success, in spite of all my partner's assistance.

“Susan,” at last I began, enraged at the obstacle that her stupid attention to other people's matters opposed to my happiness; “come away; we will have as much pleasure as they.”

She looked at me, and I saw by her eyes how much she was excited. I took her in my arms, carried her to the bed, and laid her on her back. When she opened her thighs, my eyes were instantly arrested by the sight of a bright little rose, just beginning to bloom. Light colored hair, in a thousand little curls, was just beginning to overshade a hillock which the most delicate pencil could but feebly portray. Susan lay without stirring, and awaited impatiently for some more sensible and satisfactory tokens of my passion. I endeavored to give them, but made a sad mess of it, sometimes too high, sometimes too low, wasting my strength in vain efforts. At last she guided me and well did I know that I was in the right road then. A sharp pain, which I had no thought of finding on a road that I expected to find strewn with flowers, for a moment arrested my progress. Susan experienced a similar inconvenience, but we were not to be deterred by trifles. She tried to enlarge the passage; I pushed, and she seconded every motion. I soon reached the halfway house. Susan looked at me with languishing eyes; her face was inflamed, she breathed at long intervals, and imparted to me a prodigious heat. I swam in an ocean of pleasure, and hoping for still greater, hastened to snatch them. O Heaven! That such blissful moments were to be troubled by the most cruel misfortunes! I was pushing most vigorously, when my infernal bed gave way, and fell, making a horrible clatter. This fall might have been favorable, since it helped me to reach the end of my journey, though with grievous pain to both of us. Susan had the utmost difficulty to refrain from screaming. Dreadfully frightened, she would have torn herself from my arms, but I was mad with love and rage, and held her tighter than ever. I paid most dearly for my obstinacy.