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He had no sooner finished one fuck than she wanted another, and she was always suggesting some new plan for varying the enjoyment or intensifying the pleasure. She loved to look at erotic pictures, of which Dick had a store, and was always trying to imitate the attitudes and adapt the positions therein depicted.

She told him that for years she had been conscious of great irritation in her cunt; that she often frigged it while watching its reflection in the glass; and that she had never met any young man without casting a sly glance at the lump in his trousers and wondering what his prick would be like when it was stiff and standing up.

She had also a particular fancy for looking at and playing with the cunts of other girls. She assured him that there was scarcely a young lady of her acquaintance whose cunt she had not seen and handled, and that she liked even to kiss and suck them.

Dick asked her if she generally found it easy to prevail on them to allow her to take these freedoms?

She replied, that of course most girls more readily yielded their hidden charms to the enterprises of the other sex, and were more inclined to trust them, too; yet, as they all liked the thing itself, she usually found that, by gaining their confidence and by skilful allusion and suggestion exciting their imagination and providing their desires, she could mostly get them to meet her halfway; especially as they knew that with her they ran no risk of a big belly; and as she was always ready to gratify them with a similar inspection of her own belongings, she seldom experienced much difficulty. Dick told her how delighted he would be if he could witness one of these inspections without being seen himself.

She promised to gratify him if she could. So one day she told him that a young lady, Miss Madge Stevens, whose cunt she had often seen and petted, was to visit her next morning; and as she always brought her special visitors to her own room, she would hide him there first if he could spare the time.

He said he would arrange that, and promised to be there at the time she fixed. So accordingly, remaining home the next day under plea of a headache, he quietly stole upstairs to Mary's room, and by her direction, concealing himself under the dressing table; in the cover of which a slit was made to enable him to look out and see as well as hear all that passed.

Soon afterward, Mary and Madge entered the room together, with their arms round one another.

'Come sit with me on the bed, Madge, I have not seen nor petted your little fanny for nearly a fortnight; how is it getting on?'

'First rate,' replied Madge, 'how is your own?'

"Just as troublesome as ever; it is for all the world like a bird in a nest opening its mouth every moment expecting some titbit to be popped into it!'

Madge laughed, 'I suppose that most girls, who know what the titbit is like are in the same sort of expectation and desire; and true for you, Mary, your cunt is in a most excited condition; oh my! How hot it feels!

And how red it looks. I am certain you have had a fuck lately; now tell me all about it like a darling; ah! You are laughing! You can't deny it, you may trust me, dear.'

'Well, lie back first and perhaps I will tell you; draw up your thighs, and poke your bottom out that I may see it all, as I like a good sucking and kissing.'

The bed was opposite the table and window, so Dick had a magnificent view of Madge's splendid arse, with its great fat cheeks bulging out on either side, and a most delicious hairy randy-looking cunt gaping in the hollow below.

Mary pulled open the lips with her fingers as widely as she could, showing the rich carmine of its interior folds all glistening with the dews of love. Then drawing up her own dress behind, so as to indulge Dick with a view of her own naked posterior, which she knew he greatly admired, she kneeled on the floor and plunged her face between Madge's wide-spread thighs, and kissed her cunt with such vehemence that she caused that voluptuous young lady to exclaim in a loud voice, 'Oh! Mary you drive me wild! You make me long for a prick! Have you not got one! How I wish you were a man! I would tell you to stick in your prick and poke it up to the last inch.'

'Hush, Madge if anyone heard you, what would they think?'

'What would they think? they could only think that we were a pair of love-stricken maids that were ripe and longing to be fucked, just as their mothers before them. But Mary, in sober earnest, I never did feel in such humour as now! Where is that dildo you were talking of! Fetch it, my dear, anything at all in the shape of a prick to give one some relief.'

Dick had already given Mary one of those precious instruments, and when he had to save his own over-taxed energies, he enjoyed watching her endeavours to satisfy her cunt with that inanimate substitute for the living tool. Not that I mean to repudiate or make light of the dildo. It has its own peculiar excellences and good qualities. It is more under command, and does not need the coaxing and the humouring which the living article sometimes requires. We can make it move fast or slow, just as we like, and it will retain its stiffness as long as we desire. It will discharge too at the precise moment when we can meet it with our own. But, at the best, it is still only a poor substitute for the living, throbbing organ of bliss wielded by a man we like, thrust into our quivering cunts by successive heaves and driven home by the mighty push of a vigorous backside.

But to return. Mary said: 'Well, remain as you are while I unlock my drawer and take it out of its hiding place.'

As she turned around she glanced toward the dressing table, and catching Dick's eye peeping out through the slit, she smiled and put her finger on her lip to warn him to keep quiet.

Then quickly returning she reoccupied her former place between Madge's wide-spread thighs and holding up the dildo, cried: 'Is not this a pretty plaything for two innocent maids like you and me, Madge, to amuse ourselves with! Now I will give you a taste of its performance, but I must stiffen it first,' she said, blowing into the tube and then screwing up the nozzle.

'Let me feel it in my hand,' said Madge, taking it up and rubbing its smooth red head to her lips; 'and, Mary is this an exact resemblance of a man'' prick? I did not thing it was quite so large, but you can tell me about it, I am sure.'

'Don't be too inquisitive, Madge; one thing at least you may depend on, it is intended to be an exact resemblance, and as to its size, you can best judge of that when you have it in your cunt; now open it as much as you can; once we get the head in, the rest will be all plain sailing.'

She spread open the lops of the randy-looking cunt, and standing so as not to interrupt Dick's view, took the dildo again, and having moistened its top pushed it against the tender opening.

'Oh! Mary! Oh! It does feel very big, ah! You have got it in, that is a relief — how well you work it — yes, I like that — Oh! It is beginning to feel very nice, go on push it in further — faster, harder.' Mary worked the dildo with one hand, while she frigged her own cunt with the other, panting at the same time, 'I am fucking you, Madge, and frigging myself. Oh! Prick — cunt — bottom — piss — fuck — fuck,' and throwing herself forward on Madge she hammered her own cunt on the butt of the dildo, while they both squirmed about in all the voluptuous wriggles of full enjoyment.

Dick described this scene as having a most overpowering effect upon him. It made his prick stand like a bar of iron, while his spunk seemed actually boiling in his cods; his heart beat audibly, and his breath came fast and hard. Yet the fear of frightening Madge and offending Mary caused him to use every effort to restrain himself; but at last he could endure it no longer; the view of Mary's splendid arse bounding between Madge's voluptuous thighs fairly conquered him. So slipping out from under the table he crept upon hands and knees behind Mary, and seizing her round the thighs began to kiss the soft cheeks of her bottom. Mary seemed almost to have expected his approach, for she did not start, nor utter any cry, but quietly spread her legs further apart and bent her bottom more to his face.