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Under any circumstances Dick could not fail to have been moved by this extraordinary sight, but in his present excited state, it appeared absolutely celestial. He could just distinguish the fat lips of her cunt spread out on the end of the dildo, close to the little round hole of her arse, with its delicate pink edge wrinkled up, and fringed by fine silky hair and flanked on either side by the resplendent semi-orbs of her glorious bottom, lasciviously quivering with amorous excitement.

He applied his mouth without hesitation to the sweet little orifice, sucked it with vigour, and thrust in his tongue.

This was a treat he had not given her before, and she enjoyed it immensely. She pressed her bottom on his face, and relaxed the constricting muscles, to allow his tongue to penetrate more deeply into that highly sensitive entrance.

It prepared her too for his next move when, raising her up, he softly pushed her forward over Madge so as to cover her face with Mary's bosom, then drawing the dildo out of her cunt, he replaced it with his inflamed tool and slowly worked it in and out.

At first Madge did not perceive the difference, but after a few strokes the delicious friction of the living instrument on the flesh ridges of her cunt stirred up every lustful emotion, and forced her to exclaim: 'Oh!

Hold me, press me — I feel as if I were in heaven, my cunt is just bathed in rapture — oh! Keep on, don't stop, sweet dildo, precious tool, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, let fly now — I'm off! And Madge sank back in love's delicious swoon.

Meanwhile Dick pressed his belly against the fat cheeks of Mary's arse, and squeezing her in his strong arms moved her body from side to side as he plunged energetically in and out of Madge's hot receptacle and uttered groans of prolonged delight as he inundated Madge's cunt with his boiling spunk.

Mary looked over her shoulder and whispered, 'Oh Dick! What have you done! Do go back to your hiding place, like a dear fellow.'

But Dick was not yet satisfied; finding that his prick still retained a fair allowance of stiffness, her drew out of Madge's dripping cunt, and placing its well-moistened head to Mary's little pink arsehole, with one push he drove it up to the hilt. Mary groaned, but it was a groan of extra delight.

'Oh, my bottom! Oh, my bottom! Yes, push — yes, my arse — Oh! I can't keep still — fuck — fuck my arse — I can't help it,' and tightening her arsehole, she closed it like a fiery ring of pleasure around Dick's tool as it slipped rapidly in and out.

'What are you saying, Mary? Who is fucking your arse!' and looking up, Madge blushed crimson as she saw Dick stooping over Mary, his face flushed and his eyes starting out of his head, while his thrusts made them all shake together.

Just then, a loud knocking at the door made them all jump. Dick, without saying a word, rushed back to his shelter, Madge smoothed down the bed and threw herself into a chair, while Mary fumbled at the door to give them time. When she did open the door her mother, who was standing outside, asked: 'What on earth are you two girls about? Making such a noise! And your door locked and your faces like scarlet and your dresses all tumbled!' and she glanced from one to the other. 'What I wanted was to ask whether you know anything of Mr Dick? A messenger has come from the hospital for him, and he is not in either of his rooms, thought I thought he had not left the house.'

'How are we to know? You don't expect to find him here, I hope, mamma.'

'I don't know as to that, my dear,' she replied laughing, 'for when two such skittish girls as you and Madge Stevens get together, if you have not a young man with you, I am quite sure you would not be wishing for him, or perhaps even trying in some way or other to make up for the deficiency. What sort of a thing is that?' she said, with a twinkling eye, and a knowing look, as she pointed to the dildo lying on the floor at the bedside where Dick had thrown it, and forgotten to put it away.

'Oh! Mamma,' groaned out Mary, covering her face with her hands, 'how horrible! What ill luck brought you in?'

'Ah well, dear,' said Mrs Bond mildly, not wishing to make her presence disagreeable, 'you need not mind me so much; don't I know very well that it is not at all unnatural to like this sort of thing, and most girls have an itching for it, more or less, whatever they may say; and indeed, if they only amused themselves with such innocent playthings as this' — taking up the dildo — 'it might be much better for them. But which of you was trying it, may I ask?' As she spoke, she passed it through her fingers with a loving kind of touch, while her eyes glistened with amorous excitement.

Mary made no answer, but she and Madge looked at one another, and seeing the turn that matters were taking, they broke out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter; the events which followed, however, require a chapter to themselves.


Mrs Bond

Mrs. Bond, as already described, was fat, fair and forty; but she was something more, for not only had she a very imposing presence, and a remarkably find physique, but she was possessed of one of the hottest, randiest and most insatiable cunts that every poor widow was plagued with; but, at the same time, she was clever enough to maintain a character of the greatest decorum and respectability.

On this occasion, she felt that having caught the girls in flagrante delicto, she might safely indulge her favourite passion; besides, she had been listening for some time at the door, and had heard sufficient to agitate very keenly her prurient inclinations.

So, sitting down on the bed, she joined in the laugher, and invited the girls to sit by her side. Then, placing her hand with lascivious pressure on Madge's soft thigh, she said: 'You really must give me a lesson in the use of this clever invention. I need to make up for the pleasures that have been taken from me, while you employ it in anticipation of pleasures you hope to enjoy in the future; and which, if report is to be relied on, you at least, Madge, will soon have to the utmost your desire.

Jack seems well supplied — eh Madge! — and I am certain that you are equally well prepared to give him every satisfaction. Let me feel how you are furnished up here. You know I have had great experience in these matters,' and stooping forward she ran her hand up under Madge's petticoats.

'Oh! Mrs Bond, how can you!'

'What a luxuriant crop you have! This is a larger bush than mine though I am twice your age; and such a pair of luscious lips! How they will suck in Jack's tool, and cling around it with loving delight! Oh, Madge, I envy you your first fuck; but very likely you have tasted that pleasure already — eh Madge? — you are quite as roomy here as I am.'

'Oh, Mrs Bond! How you talk!'

'Why not, dear, I was myself fucked many times before I was married, and my good man was never the worse for it; of course, I was not fool enough to tell him, though he got the benefit of it, all the same, for I knew beforehand what would gratify him much better than if I had been a poor innocent unsophisticated girl. And now, as I want you both to be quite at your ease, I will, if you wish, give you a full account of how and when I was first fucked.'

'Do, dear Mrs bond, it will be delightful.'

'Very well, but let us place ourselves in position; I can talk more freely when I am looking at a cunt, and when somebody is petting mine. Tuck up, Madge, and let me see it, and place your hand here.'

'Oh, Mrs Bond, what nice soft silky hair you have; and the mouth feels as hot as fire! May I see it?'

'Yes, dear, if you wish,' and pulling up her petticoats she displayed a pair of fleshy thighs, and between them a cunt of extraordinary luxuriance and extent, its great lips pouting out in the most wanton manner as if ready for any kind of prick.