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'Oh, Mrs bond, what a grand affair you have! Mary, did you ever see such a glorious love-chink?' and drawing the lips apart with her fingers, she exhibited its glowing interior.

Mary looked at her mother's cunt at first with a sly kind of interest mingles with feelings of shame at its exposure to the prying eyes of Dick, who, she knew well, was then regarding it with most lustful desires. But when Madge went on manipulating it, rubbing the large distended clitoris, pressing together, then opening wide, the fat pouting lips, her libidinous propensities overpowered her natural disinclination to make free with her mother's cunt, and with a sudden dash, she placed herself between her mother's widespread thighs, and having regarded for a moment the mysterious portals through which she had passed into life, she pressed her lips on the secret spot, drew the soft clitoris into her mouth, and probed with her penetration tongue the hot folds of the passage inside.

Mrs Bond laughed with pleasure, as she pushed her tingling cunt against her daughter's mouth, and said: 'Why, Mary, Mary, are you sucking your mother's cunt? I must see that your own sweet little pussy is soon gratified in the way it likes best. I have no doubt that if Mr Dick was here, he would be quite ready to repay it for the pleasure you are giving me; and I would place his prick myself in its mouth and hold his balls and tickle his bottom while he fucked you. And now that I think of it, when I finish my story, we need search for him, for I am sure he is in the house, and if he gives me his promise to marry you, he may enjoy you at once, and we will all be happy to assist at the demolition of your maidenhead — that is, if you have not given it to him already, which I am strongly inclined to believe.'

Mary kept her head down, and said nothing, so turning to Madge, Mrs Bond asked: 'What's your opinion, Madge, don't you think that Mr Dick, who often passes whole evenings alone with her, has already explored her maiden secrets, and made her acquainted with the power of his pleasure-giving tool?'

'Indeed, it is highly probable; and as I was saying to her before you came in, in spite of her innocent looks, I am sure she has been often fucked, and could tell us all particulars of Mr Dick's prick and balls and everything, if she pleased. But in the meantime, don't forget the story you have promised us.'

'Well, my dears, let me say, by way of preface, that I am a great admirer of what the Americans call going the whole hog, that is, if I go in for a thing at all, I go in for it altogether; I mean what I say, and say what I mean. I am not ashamed to cal a cunt, a cunt; and a prick, a prick.

I enjoy fucking, and I like to talk of it. I delight in frigging and being frigged; and I find great pleasure in looking at and petting a nice cunt, like yours, Madge, and to have my own cunt at the same time caressed and sucked by my darling child is heaven itself.' Here she laid her hand most lovingly on the back of Mary's head as she licked between the fat unctuous lips and darted her tongue into the recesses.

'I sometimes think,' she continued, 'I must have been born with an itching cunt, at least, I don't remember any time when it did not. When I was quite a child, I used to play with two young cousins, and their little pricks were objects of great admiration and wonder to me. I loved to fiddle with them and suck them in my mouth, and was always gratified when they repaid the compliment by inspecting and kissing my little nest, as they called it. I had a governess, and used to tease her with all sorts of queer questions: what was a virgin? What was a eunuch? Why was it wicked for a man to lie with a woman? And what harm could it do her? Her attempts to evade my questions only made me all the more curious. As I grew older, nature made me feel that my little slit was evidently so formed that something might enter it, and whatever that something was, I felt sure it would be a source of great pleasure and enjoyment. And I determined that if any opportunity ever presented itself, I would not fail to make the most of it. Well, my dears, the opportunity came in the shape of a slave boy, named Dindee. My uncle had a plantation in the hills about six miles from Kingston, where we lived, and I sometimes rode on my donkey to visit him. On such occasions I was always attended by Dindee, as the donkey was his special charge.

'We usually took a short cut across the wild part of the country through which a small stream flowed rapidly down. One very hot day, we were passing near a deep pool in a retired part of the river. Dindee asked permission to take a dip to cool himself; so I dismounted a little way off and told him I would mind the donkey while he was bathing. I soon heard Dindee splashing about in the water and the temptation arose in my mind to creep among some bushes that lined the bank and watch him as he sported naked in the water. The shrubs were pretty thick and enabled me to come quite close to the edge which overhung the water some four or five feet. I was delighted with the view of his black shining body and queer-looking tool lolloping from side to side as he rolled about enjoying the refreshing coolness of the stream. He was sixteen years old, and had an unusually large prick for so young a lad. He touched it occasionally with his hand and shook it up and down. Oh! I said to myself, that is the very thing I want for my little slit.

How nice it would feel going in! and putting down my hand, I squeezed the lips and rubbed the clitoris. His further proceedings were still more attractive, for leaning against the bank right opposite hiding-place, he commenced frigging his prick in the most deliberate manner, drawing down the skin from its large round head, and making it stand up firm and erect; then placing his hands on both sides of it he jerked his bottom so as to make his prick pass in and out through his palms, just as if he was fucking a cunt.

'In my eagerness to se all I could, I incautiously stretched too far over the brink, and to my terror and dismay, the bough on which I was leaning gave way, and I tumbled head-foremost into the water. I gave a cry as I sank below the furnace, but in a moment I felt myself borne up by the arms of Dindee, taken to the other side and drawn up the sloping bank.

'Beyond a good fright, and a thorough wetting, I was uninjured, so, looking at Dindee's rueful countenance, I burst out laughing, as I said:

"Dindee, what shall we do? I am wet to the skin." '"Missy must take off her wet things or she will catch cold; leave them here and I will dry them on the rocks." And he turned as if to go away.

'"Stay, Dindee, I want you to help me; I am so drenched, that I never could get them off by myself." 'I turned my back to him, and after a deal of tugging and twisting, we got them all off except my stockings and shirt. I then sat down while he spread them on the rocks to dry. Shivering with cold, I called Dindee again: "Dindee, you must help me off with these also, they make me quite chilly. Thanks. Now come and give me a good rubbing, as if you were shampooing me."

'I stood with my back toward him, while he rubbed my arms and legs. I knew by his quick breathing that he was growing very excited. I pushed my bottom up to him, and felt his stiff prick poking against me.

He put his hand on my buttocks, and rubbed the cheeks; then passing between my thighs, rubbed softly up and down. The side of his hand touched the lips of my cunt; I opened my thighs a little and he touched my cunt again, and yet again, each time pressing more firmly against the lips. He passed his other hand round in front and placed it on my mons, just beginning to be overspread with silky down. One finger slipped in between the lips. "Oh! Dindee, that tickles me." 'The other hand passed swiftly round, and with both together, he pressed my bottom into him. I felt the head of his prick poking stiffly between my thighs, and rubbing up against the lips of my cunt. He opened the lips with his fingers, and rubbed the head of his prick in the moist chink.