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The Goddess feels this inundation pour,

And sinks exhausted on the verdant floor:

Her flooded cunt the fierce coition owns While sobs of pleasure mingle with his groans.

And sated thus, his passion finds relief:

His dripping weapon slips from out the sheath.

The Goddess rises from the reeking ground, And startled wood nymphs, trembling, gather round.

Convinced at last he has some power to please, They watch his wanton gambols at their ease, Not one so coy she will not gladly share His wondrous gifts, and own their pleasures rare;

In fact, the monster, thus in great request, Soon trotted off to take some timely rest.

'Tis thus that fashion, once set in and strong, Obtains, and rules by force the mouthy throng;

And many a rude exterior hides a charm Which, once 'tis tasted, use conceals the harm.


The widow's crafty scheme

The governor and I were waiting on the shore ready to welcome Mrs Bond's party on their arrival.

Mrs Bond was younger and more fresh looking than I expected. She had the sprightly vivacious manner of a Frenchwoman, and all the ease and accomplishment of a well-bred lady.

Mary, I did not fancy so much: she was pretty, but there was something reserved and sly in her look and demeanour which rather repelled me; but Jim, with her merry open face, and warm impetuous little ways, was altogether to my taste, and we quickly became close friends. Dick I thought wonderfully improved; he had grown more manly in appearance, and his handsome bronzed face was set off by a full darkcoloured moustache. He met me with the greatest empressement, and his salute was something more than brotherly.

The governor's interest secured for him the appointment he desire, and when he had obtained apartments in a neighbouring lodging house, he entered his duties with zeal and ability. Mrs Bond quickly made herself at home, and the governor, I need not say, was a frequent visitor at her house and was soon fully initiated in all the mysteries of her sanctum.

From the first she brought all he seductive arts to bear upon him, and knowing that he had been made acquainted, through Dick, with all her secret tastes, habits and capabilities, she permitted him to take her in his arms, and after a little coy remonstrance, push his roving hand up between her easily separated thighs and explore with lecherous fingers the secret charms of her ripe and unctuous quim.

Then having carefully secured the door, she allowed him to raise her petticoats and lay bare the hidden beauties that clustered round the junction of her large fleshy thighs; then she even reclined back and spread herself open to afford him the fullest gratification by a near inspection of the gradually swelling mound and full voluptuous lips of her well-garnished cunt.

While he stooped over her, she unbuttoned his trousers, pulled up his shirt, and drew forth his soft and attenuated tool.

'Let me fondle it a moment, my dear sir, it has plenty of life in it yet, it only needs a little attention to flatter and excite it.'

She took it coaxingly in her well-practiced hand and with a stimulating touch passed her fingers gently up and down its shaft and over its pendant head. Then, leaning toward it, she took it into her warm mouth and played around its top and neck with her plaint tongue, while with soft suction she compressed her lips as she moved her head back and forward over it. at last, yielding to her skilful treatment, it slowly filled up and attained a certain degree of firmness and erection.

Still nursing it with her stimulating touches, she looked up, and with a smile, said, 'It is in fair condition now; would you like me to call in Mary? She is young, fresh and beautifully made; in fact, she has one of the most satisfying cunts that ever man entered and I am sure she will think herself happy in being able to minister to your pleasure.'

The governor's face quite brightened as he replied that while nothing could exceed the ripeness and the beauty of her own lovely charms, yet as she had kindly suggested the idea, it would certainly intensify his enjoyment to include her fair and accomplished daughter.

Mrs Bond thoroughly understood the old governor, and with a wily craft impressed a lascivious kiss on the sensitive end of his half erect tool and said: 'Cheer up, you dear old prick, I bring you a fresh young cunt that will fill you with new vigour and delight.'

She got up and went out, soon returning leading her daughter Mary by the hand.

The governor rose to meet her and taking her in his arms said, 'allow me to congratulate you, sweet Mary, on the bloom of your lovely cheeks and the sparkle of your bright eyes.' Mary looked shy and turned away her blushing face.

'Don't be over modest, my child, the governor has been very good to us, and we must do what we cant t show our gratitude in pleasing him by every means in our power; and that reminds me, I intended correcting you for being too lazy this morning. I will do it now, and that will make us all easy together,' and sitting down, she made her daughter bend over her knees, and then proceeded to pull up her skirts.

'Oh, mamma! don't uncover me before Sir Charles. Ah, don't! you will let him see — all — every — Oh, my! what a shame! Don't look, sir Charles.'

'I will uncover you before Sir Charles, just to punish you all the more; and if he cares to look, he shall see all you have to show. Now, you lazy girl, take that and that — and that,' each time giving her a smack on the bare bottom with the palm of her hand. 'I will make this saucy bum blush, like your rosy face.

'Look, governor, do you see how red her bottom is getting? How she pokes it out! and wriggles it from side to side, the impudent hussy! Yes, I will smack you in here too, open your legs, miss.'

'Oh, mamma! Oh mamma! don't let Sir Charles see my-'

'Your cunt, you mean, yes he shall see your cunt and everything about it; just to punish you; lift your bottom and spread your thighs more — that's the way. Look, governor, at these two pretty fat lips. I will pull them open for you — see this clitoris, how stiffly it stands out! and this deep chink, how red and moist it is! I declare the impudent girl is spending; look at this white juice oozing out! how hot and randy she is!

Now, Sir Charles, where's your prick — I will hold her while you stick it in — get down there between her legs — so — let me guide it for you — now push there, how nicely it slips in! Now work away while I keep my hand on your cods and tickle your bottom.'

'Oh, mamma — let me up — what are you and Sir Charles doing to me?'

'Fucking you, my dear, don't you feel his nice prick rubbing in your cunt, and his hairy balls smacking against your bottom? Tell him, Mary, how you like it.'

'Dear Sir Charles, your fucking gives me a very pleasant feeling in my cunt. I hope you are enjoying it yourself. Do you like looking at my bottom? Can you see it while you fuck?'

'Yes, darling Mary, I don't know when I enjoyed a fuck so much, and your talking about it so freely makes it still more enjoyable. You have a most delicious cunt; it holds my prick like a hand; and you have the sweetest roundest and plumpest little arse that ever lady carried behind her. But I must withdraw now, as I am going to spend,' and he pulled out his prick.

'Pop it in here,' said Mrs bond, drawing it under the cheeks of Mary's bottom and presenting the little brown hole in the most easy and inviting position.

'Shall I Mary? shall I fuck your arse?'

'Yes, Sir Charles, fuck my arse if you like.'

The governor pushed at the narrow entrance and the well-moistened head of his prick slipped into her bottom, passed up, and discharge amid her entrails the few drops of spunk it was able to deliver.

Mary ran, poured water into a basin and returned, bringing her own sponge then carefully washed, wiped and then petted and kissed the drooping article which the governor dignified with the name of prick.