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'Now, Davy, stand up before me while I sit on the sofa so; I want to see what you like,' I said, drawing out his black tool, 'why, it is all hot and moist, what were you doing with it?'

'Oh, missy, don't you know? Susy was kissing it.

'Then it must have been with the mouth between her legs; I know by the smell it has; you may as well tell me honestly; I won't be angry with you.'

'Well, missy, I won't tell you one lie, I had just given her one little poke, and was going to begin the second time, when you called me. I felt angry then, but I glad now.'

'Has Susy a nice cunt? Did you every fuck it before?'

'No, missy, but I kissed it. it is very nice, and you can see it all very plain, for it hab scarcely any cubbering, and it bery smooth to suck; but oh missy, I nebba see cunny so nice, and soft, and beautiful as yours; may I get in and hab one little fuck?'

'Yes, Davy, but listen first. I want to see you fuck Susy. To enable me to do so, you will have to bring her into the lower part of the kiosk in the garden, and lay her down on the matting in the corner, with her clothes well thrown up, you know, so that when I look down through the floor of the room above I may see all that you do. I will be there tomorrow forenoon and Susy will be sent into the garden while she thinks I am out riding. And if you do it well, and have plenty of talk too, I will give you a reward soon. Do you understand?'

Davy grinned with satisfaction. 'Good missy, Davy will do all he can to please.'

I then leaned back, spread my thighs, and let him push in his engine of love, turning him so that Charlie might have a view of it as it glided in and out between the clinging lips of my cunt.

'Now Davy, my boy, push home; what do black people say you are doing now?'

'I braggin, missy.'

'And what name have they for the tool itself.'

'Tommy, miss.'

'And what do they call the woman's thing?'

'The whole in her crack.'

'And what is your tommy doing now?'

'He just going to puke. Oh! Oh!!'

'Let him puke away, then.'

Davy now pounded away with all his might, and just as the seed was gushing from him, he let out a tremendous rouser, which so tickled the governor's fancy that he fairly laughed out, but Davy was in such a commotion that he did not observe it.

I then sent him out and gratified my Charlie with another inspection, but would not let him emit; I wanted to save his force for the evening.

After dinner the governor came openly into my part of the grounds and strolled about with me until suppertime; then we entered my boudoir where the lights were burning, and the windows carefully closed. Zilla and Susy were in attendance, and we had a good deal of chaffing with them while they were opening the oysters. The governor insisted on their taking some champagne to refresh them after their exertions, and we soon all grew very merry. The governor began to kiss and tickle them, they retaliated, and Zilla even pulled his beard; in return, he ran his hand up her petticoat and seized the hair of her cunt.

She pretended to be angry, and squealed out; Susy came to the rescue and the melee was tumbled on the floor with her clothes tossed up.

Zilla laughed, and cried: 'Oh, for shame, Susy, you have shown the governor everything you have between your legs.'

Susy struggled to get up, but I held her down, saying, 'Don't mind, Susy, you are just as nice there as any of us; we'll have a peep at Zilla herself by and by.'

Meantime the governor pounced on her, and getting his head between her legs began to kiss her smooth little cunt.

Then, at a nod from me, Zilla unfastened his braces, while I unbuttoned his trousers in front, and drawing out his prick and balls, cried: 'Now then, governor, you are cleared for action; engage under the old flag that for forty years has braved the battle and the breezes.' Susy struck her colours to keep up the metaphor as the governor ranged alongside, and with open arms and legs received him in to her sally-port.

Zilla knelt in front, and holding up her dress, gratified him with a few and feel of her luscious thick-lipped savoury cunt, while I guided his not over-stiff affair into Susy's tender recess, letting it slip in and out through my fingers as I slapped and pinched his bottom to stimulate his efforts.

He ran the usual race of pleasure, and with loud and repeated grunts testified his satisfaction at reaching the desired goal.

Then when he had put himself to rights, he kissed me, and said, 'Darling Queenie, you and your charming maids have given me very great pleasure, I look forward to many happy reunions here; meanwhile, let me remind them, I rely implicitly on their secrecy and discretion, and they shall not repent of pleasing me.'

He then took his departure and we finished the supper by ourselves, and laid our plans for future joy.


Susy's account of her experiences of barrack life

The kiosk referred to in the last chapter was a light ornamental structure built in the Turkish style, consisting of two storeys and commanding a beautiful and extensive view of the government grounds and also a large portion of the island.

The lower part was used for keeping garden tools and implements and rolls of matting for covering young trees and plants. The upper part was luxuriously furnished with loungers and easy-chairs; and the windows were protected with outside shutters and jalousies. It was sheltered by a fine old tamarind tree, and was a cool and delightful retreat in the hot sultry weather that prevailed.

I passed much of my time there, and often received Charlie, and other privileged guests. For though living in the house as the governor's daughter I acted in all respects as my own mistress.

The next forenoon, I started to pay some visits, but soon re-entered the grounds by the wicket gate of which I kept the key, leaving the door unfastened after me. Then having given some directions to Davy that would keep him for a time at the further end of the grounds, I returned to the kiosk.

The governor soon joined me, and after a few warm caresses, and a sight and kiss of my cunt, which latter salute he never omitted, he cautiously raised one of the loose boards of the floor.

Then he arranged the rugs and matting so that we could recline at our ease and at the same time see and hear all that passed in the place below.

We had scarcely made all comfortable, when we heard Davy's voice.

'Come in here, Susy, my lub, dis nice cool place. Missy is out, and de garden door locked, so dere is nobody to bodder nor disturb us; sit down on dis nice clean matting, and we will take our fill ob lub and delight.'

He then threw off his jacket, and helped Susy to remove everything but her handkerchief and shirt; then, making her lean back, he spread her legs wide open, and pushed a roll of matting under her bottom, which caused her fair smooth little cunny to stand out and project in a most lascivious manner.

The governor watched it eagerly, while I petted his slowly stiffening tool, and with loving touch sustained its drooping head.

Davy threw a knowing glance upward, and went on, 'Do you mind, Susy, the night when you and I were hiding in the cupboard, and we saw Sergeant Tompson on top of your mammy; and she clutched and hugged him as he darted his great tool in and out of her hairy crack; and how I wondered at your liking to look at dat secret place where did you gib yur first squeak?'

Susy, who was evidently enjoying Davy's lustful toyings, and whose wanton fingers were at the same time busy manipulating his fine standing prick, replied, 'Why should I not look at it, when she let me see it so often before; shall I tell you how I saw it first?'