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'Do, Susy, my lub, dere is nothing I would so much like to hear.'

'Well, one night my dad and Corporal Simms agreed to exchange wives, and all went to bed together; they had all been drinking, and I suppose that would be their excuse; however, when they came to the bed, I was in it fast asleep. Mother said something about not disturbing the child, but they all laughed, and dad said: "She's now a well-grown girl, and her time for being fucked will soon come, so she may as well have her first lesson now." Whereupon they took me up and stripped me naked like themselves. When they all got on the bed, dad rammed his prick into Mrs Simms' cunt, while the corporal hoisted mother's legs, and slapping her behind, said: 'Look here, Susy, when will you have a cunt like this?" and he drew open a pair of great hairy lips, showing a long red chink extending from the furry mound of her belly down to her bottom. And not content with my looking at it, he took my hand and rubbed my fingers up and down in that moist furrow.

'Now, Susy, I'm going to fuck your mother, and if I can knock as fine a child as you out of her, I'll be proud — here hold my prick, and put it in."

I felt excited, and not a little curious to see how it was done, so I placed the red swollen nob at the end of his prick in the hot crevice of mother's cunt, and felt the whole prick slipped through my fingers and passed up into her belly until the balls pressed hard upon her bottom.

'Mother only laughed, and said, "In for a penny, in for a pound." And drawing me up, she made me lie with my bottom by her face, and my cunt turned up, so that the corporal could lick and suck it while he fucked her. This seemed to afford him great delight, for he sucked my cunt with such force that he almost sent me wild; while mother bit my bottom as she shook under the impetus of his heavy prods, I could distinctly hear the sound made by his prick as it rushed in and out between the unctuous lips of her receptacle.

'Dad, who was lying on Mrs Simms stretched alongside, though in the contrary direction, and hammering at her cunt with his muscular backside, now turned his flushed face toward us, and seeing how I was placed, panted out: 'Ho! They have got Susy between them; how the corporal sucks her cunny while he fucks her mother; put your hand here, child, and you will feel your father at the same sort of work." 'He then raised himself to let me see the whole of his large prick, as he drew it out of the hairy sheath into which it had been plunged. Child though I was, I was quite familiar with all these things; I liked the look of it, it seemed so strong and full of life and had such a bright ruddy colour. So I willingly put my hand on it and held it firmly as he drove it again into the pouting mouth that seemed to devour it with such relish and satisfaction. It slipped easily through my fingers for it was greasy with moisture and glowing with heat.

'Well, Susy, dey war queer women dat libbid in dat barrack room; but sogers' wives and sogers themselves seem to lib for nutting else dan shagging and drinking. You hab oder funny tings to tell, I know, but you see dis here chap won't wait; see how he nods his head; he smell a rat in dis here little hole, and he long to poke in his nose; now open wide and push up to him — ugh! Hold im — Susy — hold im — he going to turn sick — shall I take him out?'

'Davy, you're an ass — you black fellows can never fuck like other people — you make such an awful splutter and commotion — can't you be decent, and don't be letting all the world know what you are doing.'

The old governor shook with fun and enjoyment. He whispered to me, 'Queenie, your plan has turned out a great success. That Davy of ours is quite a genius in his way. Susy and he are well matched and improve one another by their contrast; I owe them something for they have given me a glorious cockstand. Get over me, my pet and put this shameless fellow out of sight.'

He then carefully closed the aperture in the floor, and gave himself up to the enjoyment of his own sensations.

'How uncommonly tight you are, Queenie! After all the fucking you have had, you have the most wonderful power of contradiction I ever met with in any woman; I feel not only a strong suction at the entrance but a powerful grip the further I push in; how do you manage it?'

'Oh! It is just a knack I have learned. Do you like that?'

'Yes, it is very delicious — I feel as if my whole soul were in my prick, and as if, at the point of it, it formed a junction with your own — Oh! Oh!

I can't help groaning out — I hope they won't hear me. But I think they are talking again — let us listen.'

He then put up his again shrunken tool, and having softly removed the covering from the opening, we reclined as before.

'davy, what's that queer muttering I heard?'

'Parrots, Susy, de parrots in de tamarind tree, dey are trying to copy us,' he said with a grin, 'but dey cannot get beyond de sound.'

'It seemed to me, more overhead; what's upstairs, Davy?'

'On it is dere Missy Queenie sits and reads in de heat ob de day. Dat is de way up, but she out now, and she always keeps de door locked.' Susy got up and tried the door, but fortunately we had bolted it inside; so finding it fastened, she returned to the side of Davy, and amused herself playing with his prick and balls.

Davy glanced up again, as he said, 'Go on, Susy, tell us something more of what you seen in dat barrack room — warn't dere a girl, called Nelly Sykes, just about your age?'

'Oh, yes, Nell and I were great friends, it was from her I learned almost everything, for she was older, and had seen more than me; her mother had the far end of the room, which was always thought the pest part.

You know, it was a long room with six windows, and the six married women on the strength were all lodged there, but it was curtained off, so that each couple had a window and a space about it to themselves.

The fun of it was that the men coming in from guard, often under drink, were continually making mistakes and getting into the wrong beds.

Most of the women thought little of this and after having the full benefit of the men while they were fresh would then ramble about until they found their husbands and lug them back to their own compartments.

'But there was one, a Mrs Morgan, who pretended to be very particular, and she was always trying to set us all to right, but everybody disliked her, for she was a great scold. She often kicked up a row at night, when the wrong man got into her bed; but the men all declared that she never discovered the mistake until she had been well fucked and got from them all they were able to give; then she would shout: "Morgan!

Morgan! Come to your own bed; here is somebody else got in by mistake"; and if he did not respond, she would jump up and go round the room in search, waking everybody and scolding all round.

'"Mrs Sykes! I do wonder at you! What do you mean by keeping that rapscallion of mine, you ought to know better!" '"How can I help him, Mrs Morgan, when he won't go; and you're worse yourself, for you have had my man with you this lat quarter of an hour, and were quiet enough until now; out with you, and don't be ballyraggin in that fashion." '"Nell and I used to enjoy all this amazingly. We often followed the men when they came in, and crept under the curtains after they got into bed. We would then get close up alongside, and listen to every sound and word. Sometimes we even ventured to push our hands between the sheets and feel them fucking; when they were at all muddled or excited they never minded us, and many a good feel we had of their slimy pricks as they passed in and out of the wide hairy gaps of the women.

'When Nell and I were by ourselves, we could talk of nothing else:

"What a queer thing fucking is, Susy!" she would say, "it is such slobbery work, it must make them feel very nasty." '"It can't be very nasty, when they are all so fond of it. Did you mind how Mrs Morgan hugged the corporal last night, and pushed up t him, though she knew right well, I am sure, it wasn't Morgan himself; and then without saying a word how she got over him and gave him her cunt to lick; how would you like to be licked there, Susy?" '"I am sure it must feel very nice; did anybody ever lick yours, Nelly?"