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She laughed: "Well, let me look at your little fanny, and I will tell you." '"Oh! I don't object in the lease if you care to see it," and I held up my frock; "but you must show me yours at the same time." '"Well, lean back and let me kiss your smooth little slit, and you can kiss mine afterward if you like." 'She then got her head between my thighs, and holding open the lips, she sucked my clitoris, and tickled it so with her tongue that she almost made me spend in her mouth.

'Then she lay back, and poked out her mossy chink for me to tickle and kiss. It had lots of short curly hair about it, and the clitoris was very big, and it grew bigger as I rubbed it and pushed my fingers into the opening below.

'"Now Nelly, tell me who has been kissing it, and making the passage so wide and roomy." '"Shall I tell you how it all commenced." '"Yes do, that is what I mean." '"Here goes then: do you mind the night when my dad was carried in tipsy, and was confined in the guard room?'

'"I do well." '"That night, I went to Sergeant Luby, into his room, to ask him to get father off; he's colour sergeant, you know, and has great influence with the captain. He put his arm around me, and said, 'You are a good girl, Nelly, for being so fond of your father; but what will you do for me, if I get him off?'

'"What would you like me to do, sergeant?' I asked.

'"I would like you to give me twenty kisses.'

'"That I will, as many as you like,' I said, holding up my mouth, and throwing my arms around his neck.

'"Oh, but anybody may kiss your mouth, I want you to kiss me where you kiss nobody else.'

'"How could I kiss you except with my mouth?'

'"Have you not another little mouth lower down? That's the mouth I want you to kiss me with.'

'"His meaning now dawned on me, and I hung my head.

'"Let me see where it is, and I will show you well it can kiss,' and he pressed his hand on the bottom of my belly, and began to pull up my dress.

'"Oh, sergeant, mother is crying in the room; get my dad out, and send him to her, and then I will let you.'

'"I was knowing enough, you see to secure my bargain first.

'"Well, my little pet, that's fair; but if I go and get him out, will you stay here, and wait until I return?'

'"I will, sergeant, but don't be long.'

'Just let me feel it for a moment, and then I will go.' He quickly got his hand on my cunt, and began to pinch the lips, and rub his fingers in the slit. After a moment, he rose hastily and went to his press, and taking out a book placed it in my hands, saying: 'Here's something that will amuse you while I am away,' and he went off smelling his fingers as he left me.

'"That was the funny book; it was full of coloured pictures of naked men and naked women; and the men had the finest pricks ever seen, and the women the biggest cunts. They were sucking and frigging and fucking in every way that could be imagined. The sight of them made my blood boil. I raised my dress and rubbed my cunt in the vain attempt to relieve the intolerable itching I felt there. So absorbed was I with the pictures and my own sensations, that I never noticed the return of the sergeant until he was close-up; when he burst out laughing observing my excitement, and the manner in which I was trying to alleviate it. 'Bravo! Little woman — you have the right stuff in you — but I will show you a trick worth two of that.' He then took me in his arms, and kissing me, said: 'But first I must tell you that your dad is free. I had him safely taken to your mother, for he was not able to go himself. Now let me see the little mouth we were talking of before I went out.'

'"Of course, I had to yield to his wishes now, so I let him place me lying across his bed on my back, and naked from my waist down. He then knelt on the floor, and shoving his hands under my bottom began to kiss and lick my cunt. 'There — my little pet, I have taught you a new way of kissing, how do you like it?'

'"It is very pleasant, but now you have got the twenty kisses you asked for, won't you let me go?'

'"I will, Nelly, but first I want to show you something. You seemed to like looking at the pictures; now look at the reality,' and he pulled out his fine standing prick. I sat up to look at it as he asked me. 'Put your hand on it dear; you are a clever good-natured girl.' How well these men know our love of flattery. He saw that I liked his praise, and taking my hand, he placed it on the nervous shaft of his animated prick. 'You have delicate fingers like a lady, and they feel soft and tender to the touch; now move it up and down — this way — put your other hand down here; these two round things are the stones which hold the seed, the stuff, you know, of which children are made. Did you ever see it Nelly?'

'"No, sergeant.'

'"Would you wish to see what it is like?'

'" I would, sergeant.'

'"Well, close your fingers firmly round, now gently push back this loose skin all the way; see how that makes the head get redder and stand up more erect! Go on that way — softly up and down — now hold your hand Oh! Oh! There it comes! And such a lot of thick white stuff like starch spouted out and ran down the sides.

'"The sergeant gasped and lay back, and his prick became quite soft and much smaller. After resting awhile, he sat up, and pulling me across his lap made me rub my bottom and cunt against his prick. 'That will bring him back to life again,' and sure enough, I felt it grow quite hard between my thighs. Then lifting me up, he placed its top between the lips of my slit. 'Now push down; once you get it in, it will feel so nice.'

'"I like the touch of it in that most sensitive spot, and so pressed down as he asked me, but the moment it began to enter, I felt a terrible smart.

'Oh! Oh! It is hurting me. Oh! I can't bear it.' But he only put his strong hands on my shoulders and forced me down. The cruel wretch, only thinking of his pleasure, was altogether heedless of my cries of pain; in fact, judging from the fire in his eye, I do believe he enjoyed it all the more for my anguish. Be that as it may, the whole of his great tool passed up into my belly, and the lips of my cunt rested on the hair which clustered round the roots of his prick.

'"I almost fainted at first but in a few moments, when he began to move it softly again, a most heavenly feeling succeeded and I hugged and kissed him in the greatest delight. I have been with him often since, and that is why you find me so wide and room."

'Such was Nelly's account of how she was first sucked and fucked. And now, Davy, I must be off; it would not do for Miss Queenie to find me idling with you when she returned. So for the present, goodbye.'


Dick's letters

It will no doubt gratify my readers to hear something of my old friend Dick. During this period, I received several letters from him acquainting me with the progress he made in his studies and describing various love adventures, which he narrated in glowing terms and with great particularity of detail.

I will therefore interrupt the course of my story by introducing a brief account of these proceedings, not however in the disconnected way in which he wrote them but placed together in the form of a continuous narrative.

After arranging his college matters, he went about looking for suitable lodgings. The ones he selected were kept by a widow named Mrs Bond, and what chiefly influenced him in making the selection, was, as he told me, that the hall door was opened by a pretty clean-looking girl called Polly, with a bright smiling face, and about seventeen years of age.

So finding the situation good, the rooms comfortable, the rent moderate, the landlady agreeable and, above all, that Polly was to wait upon him, he at once agreed to the terms and his traps brought from the hotel.