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Diogenes, 912, 1070

Dionysius, the Areopagite, 123, 477, 743, 965-966

Dionysius Exiguus, 125

Diophantus, 241, 990

Dioscoras, 49

Dioscorîdes, 240, 245, 408

Diotisalvi, 868

diplomacy, 431, 442, 525, 670, 691, 695, 696, 709, 763, 791, 839, 903, 919

Dir, 448

dirhem, 208*

discantus, 899

discipline, 786, 913, 915, 918, 1084

knightly, 572-573

Discourse on Method (Descartes), 327*

discussion, forbidden, 780

freedom of, 939

method of, 940

diseases, 249, 357, 379, 445, 986, 1083

contagious, 1002

eye, 330, 1002

infectious, 247

plant, 330

disbalance, numerical,” 757*

dishes, 836

dispensations, 759, 767

Dispersion, 350, 359, 382, 384, 385, 939

disputations, 921, 929, 980

poetical, 1022

public, 921, 980

dissection, 720, 988, 989, 1001

distillation, 997

Divan (Jalal), 325

Divan (Sa’di), 326

divination, 417, 433, 984, 986-987, 988, 1005

Divine Comedy, The (Dante), 270, 342, 524, 893, 905, 978, 1051, 1058, 1062, 1064, 1066-1081

diviners, 47, 1072

divorce, 113, 181, 341, 362-363, 378, 380, 526, 698, 754, 755, 825, 827-828

diwans, 272

Diwrigi, mosque of, 317

Djamasp, 144

Dnieper River, 444, 446, 447, 449, 616, 654-656

Dniester River, 22, 24, 654

Docetists, 186

“Doctors of the Church,” 55

documents, spurious, 814

doge, 605, 709

dogmas, 338, 406, 867, 934, 939, 945, 974

basic, 939

Christian, 755, 964, 966

Mohammedan, 250, 337

revealed, 336, 405

dogmatism, 266, 930, 1083

dogs, 928

hunting, 840

doles, 433, 785, 831

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, 229, 270, 593, 598, 607, 874, 895

domes, 303, 455, 846, 868, 895

Domesday Book, 622, 667

Dominic, St., 774, 802-804, 862, 1078

Dominica, 25

Dominicans, 401, 693, 780, 803-804, 806, 922, 955, 960, 962, 982, 988, 1014

Don Astruc (Abba Mari), 415

Don Quixote (Cervantes), 459, 578, 1086

Don River, 22, 38, 443, 444, 447, 654, 993

Donatello, 862, 889

Donati, Corso, 730-731, 1061

Gemma, 1061

Picarda, 1077

“Donation of Constantine,” 50, 526

“Donation of Pepin,” 461, 462, 525, 526

Donatists, 38, 46, 47-48, 64, 67-68, 112

Donatus, 47, 860

Donin, Nicholas, 401-402

Donnolo (Shabbathai ben Abraham), 403

“doomsday,” 733*

doors, bronze, 271, 317, 439, 467

cathedral, 848

historiated, 516

mosque, 287

Dordrecht, 474, 640, 686

Dorian mode, 895

Doric order, 128

Dorpat, 618, 664

Dorylaeum, 590, 595

Douai, 476, 615, 622, 623, 640, 642, 648, 685, 690

doubt, 332, 802, 932, 956, 1052

Doughty, Charles Montagu, 155*, 157*, 215

Douglas, James, 684

Doukhobors, 528

dowries, 379-381, 679, 691, 755-756, 823, 943

dragons, 490, 984, 999

drainage, 643, 646

drama, 515, 752, 818, 1027-1030, 1085

Christian, 752

classic, 1027, 1028

religious, 748, 897

drapery, 850, 851

Dream of Scipio (Cicero), 32

dreams, 217, 364, 1005, 1015

interpretation of, 416, 987, 1000

dress, 379, 831-834, 1084

academic, 927

design, 850, 851

peasant, 557

regulation of, 387

Roman, 861

drinks, 837

Moslem, 342

dropsy, 1001

droughts, 1003, 1019

drugs, 245-246, 342, 720, 824, 997, 999

Druids, 84

drunkenness, 358, 380, 445, 467, 470, 534, 764, 830, 837, 842, 928

Dryburgh, 683, 883

dualism, 47

Manichaean, 769

Zoroastrian, 416

dubitabilia, 952

Dublin, 682

kingdom of, 500

Dubois, Pierre, 696-697

Dubrovnik, see Ragusa

Duchesne, Louis, 58

Duccio, 657, 727, 846, 852, 854-855, 1085

duchies, 480, 481, 688

ducking stools, 568-569

duel, by champions, 568

judicial, 568, 691

dues, feudal, 555-556

dukes, 452, 511, 553, 565, 688, 690

French, 479-482

German, 661, 687

Norman, 571

Dunbar, battle of, 683

Duncan I, 501

Dundalk, 682

Dungal, 497

Duns Scotus, 406, 802, 923, 980-982, 983

Dunstan, St., 486, 491, 902

duodecimal system, 990

Durand, Guillaume, 737, 823

Durandal, 570, 1031

Durazzo, 436, 453

Durham, 501, 622, 640, 684, 752, 871

Castle, 893

Cathedral, 871-872, 874, 882

Dürnkrut, battle of, 660

Dürnstein, 673

Durrow, 532

Dutch, 646, 832

Dvina River, 447, 449, 639

dyes, 728, 997

dysentery, 986

Eadmer, 932

earls, 667

Viking, 506

earth, center of, 1069, 1073

holy, 862

life of, 992-994

rotation of, 991

sphericity of, 329

Earthly Paradise, 1073, 1075, 1077

earthquakes, 116, 316, 343, 519, 558, 871

East Anglia, 483, 484

East, arts of, 704

Byzantine, 435, 437, 627, 644, 845, 846

Christian, 58-64, 431, 468

Greek, 426, 527, 845, 909, 949, 1002, 1044

monks of, 58-61

Monophysite, 524-525

Moslem, 246, 248, 249, 271, 308-312, 559, 612, 624, 644, 845

Slavic, 391

tales and wonders from, 1018

East Indies, 242

Easter, 60, 62, 533, 738, 745, 751-752, 929

“Easter Trope,” 1028

Eastern Empire, 4, 103, 442, 443, 526, 544, 553

Ebro River, 292, 645

Ecbatana, 136

Ecclesiastical History (Sozomen), 125

Ecclesiastical History of England (Bede), 484, 490

ecclesiastics, 465, 466, 471, 521, 690, 711, 772, 784, 811, 907, 944

Eckhart, Meister, 810

eclipses, 289, 418, 1019

ecliptic, 288

Ecloga, 434

economic co-operation, 504

development, 642

heritage, 1083

life, transformation of, 552

life of woman, 826

revival, 614-619, 949

revolution, 706

statistics, 710

Economic and Social History of the Middle Ages (J. W. Thompson), 759*, 786*

economy, Byzantine, 118-135

disrupted, 340

European, 625

feudal, 558

French, 696

Islamic, 206-234

Jews in, 375-378

national, 649, 718

rural, 645

semisocialistic, 641

urban, 519

Eddas, 496, 505, 508-509, 1032

Eden, 86, 167, 227, 478, 825, 1028, 1076

Edessa, 49, 128, 132, 147, 586, 590, 592, 593, 594

Edgar, 486

“Edict Concerning Prices” (Theodoric), 98

Edinburgh, 501, 684

Edith (Edgitha), wife of Edward the Confessor, 493, 833

Edith, mistress of Harold I, 495

Edmund “Ironside,” 485, 486, 492

Edmund Rich, St., 752, 985

Edred, 486

education, 121, 123, 124, 138, 310, 327, 360, 437, 450, 465, 466, 467, 484, 486, 505, 547, 578, 765, 817, 818, 828, 831, 876, 905, 913, 915, 918, 922, 940, 953, 1083

Anglo-Saxon, 488-489

baronial, 562-563

defects of, 929-930

free and general, 466

handbook of, 979

higher, 304, 348, 383, 807, 877

Jewish, 349, 365, 372

knightly, 342

moral, 913, 1084

Moslem, 221, 235-236

sexual, 821

in Spain, 95

Edward I, 378, 392, 570, 609, 678, 679, 680, 683, 684, 695, 700, 729, 766, 812, 813, 829, 835, 901, 1085

Edward II, 611, 678, 680, 684, 841

Edward III, 90

regents for, 684

Edward the Confessor, 493, 667, 833, 870, 885, 892, 986