rediscovery of, 240, 249-250, 443
greed, 379, 531, 534, 819, 820, 842, 844
Greek Anthology, 124, 437
Greek Church, 811
fire, 424-425, 997
Greeks, 23, 27, 41, 82, 119, 134, 136, 137, 144, 147, 157, 189, 190, 192, 242, 243, 244, 258, 279, 280, 282, 290, 321, 328, 415, 424, 425, 432, 443, 444, 446, 507, 528, 544, 587, 593, 595, 604, 605, 619, 709, 763, 765, 831, 903, 931, 984, 996, 1001, 1002, 1006
Greene, Robert, 1014
Greenland, 502, 504, 508, 510
Gregory I the Great, St., 55, 388, 519-524, 526, 533-534, 554, 633, 733, 735, 737, 748, 764, 820, 821, 831, 895, 896, 907
Gregory II, St., 426, 535
Gregory III, St., 451
Gregory V, 539
Gregory VI, 540, 545
Gregory VII, St. (Hildebrand), 74, 93, 94, 388, 450, 469, 484, 494, 513-514, 526, 542, 545-551 586, 658, 667, 757, 758, 760, 762, 813, 817, 937
Gregory IX, 370, 388, 393, 607, 612, 631, 655, 716, 719-722, 723, 734, 755, 759, 764, 775, 779-780, 783, 784, 817, 914, 923, 954, 1085
Gregory X, Blessed, 389, 765, 768, 811, 963
Gregory, Bishop of Alexandria, 8
Gregory Nazianzen, St., 55, 62-63, 78, 441, 1028
Gregory of Nyassa, St., 62
Gregory of Tours, St., 91, 92, 349, 856, 1002
“Grey Goose,” 506
grilles, 286, 865
grocer, 620
Grosseteste, Robert, 628, 843, 884, 912, 925, 980, 988, 991, 992, 995, 996, 1006, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1016, 1029
Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, 493, 496
Gruoch, wife of Macbeth, 501
Guadalquivir River, 302, 315, 645
Gudrun, 1033
Guelfs, 594, 727, 729, 730, 811
Guesclin, Bertrand du, 563
guesthouses, 829, 921-922
Gui, Bernard, 780, 783
Guibert of Nogent, 541, 639, 745
Guibert, Archbishop of Ravenna, 550
Guide to the Duties of the Heart (Bahya), 910
Guide to the Perplexed (Maimonides), 401-412, 414, 910, 961, 964
Guido, Archbishop of Milan, 457
Guido of Arezzo, 897-898
Guido, Duke of Tuscany, 538
Guido da Polenta, 1065
Guido da Siena, 854
Guido of Vigevano, 989
guilds, 140, 262, 376, 436, 618, 629, 633-637, 640, 648, 649, 700, 708, 727, 729, 730, 752, 753, 826, 831, 841, 847, 854, 863, 864, 893, 917, 920, 1025, 1083
craft, 635-637, 648, 727
English, 634, 826
Flemish, 886
Florentine, 890
student, 917
textile, 826
of women, 826
Guillaume, Durand, 748, 899
Guillaume de Lorris, 1051-1053
Guillaume le Maire, 756
guilt, 736, 816, 820, 1013
Guinevere, 1037, 1045
Guinzelli, Guido, 1057, 1075
Guiscard, Bohemond, 453
Guiscard, Robert, 452, 543, 550, 589, 703, 1078
Guiscard, Roger, 453
Gulistan (Sa’adi), 327
Gundobad, 89-90
Gunnar, 505, 1033
Gunnbjörn Ulfsson, 504
gunpowder, 425, 570, 611, 997, 1010-1011, 1015, 1084
Gunther, 1034-1035
Gunthram, 92, 349
Gurgan, 144, 231, 247
Gurnemanz, 1048
Gutenberg, Johann, 277
Guthrum, 483
Guy de Dampierre, 685, 686
Guy de Lusignan, 596, 597, 598, 599
Guyot of Provins, 834
Gyda, wife of Harald Haarfager, 502
gynecological treatises, 404
Haakon the Good, 503
Haakon “the Great Earl,” 503
Haarlem, 640, 686
Habbus, King, 371, 397
habeas corpus, 677, 1083
Habib, ibn, 338
Hadi, al-, 197, 220
Hadith, 211-212, 226, 227, 236, 238, 250, 288, 332
Hadram, al-, 304-305
Hadrian I, 452, 470, 748
Hadrian II, 462, 541
Hadrian IV, 662, 681, 707, 760-761, 952
Hadrian V, 1075
Hadrian, Emperor, 114, 861
Wall of, 108, 501
Hadrianople (Adrianople), 24, 428, 436, 569, 605
Hafiz, 322
Hafsa, 172, 181
Hagar, 161, 216
haggada, 352
Hague, The, 686
Haimon of Normandy, 878
Hainault, 648, 685, 686
Haitham (Alhazen), Muhammad ibn, al-, 244, 249, 288-289, 995, 1011, 1012
Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, al-, 193
Hakam II, 293-294, 304
Hakim, al-, 285, 286, 287, 288, 585
halacha, 185, 352, 353
Halévy, Joseph, 155
Halfdan the Black, 502
Hallaj, Husein al-, 258
Hamadan, 232, 247, 248
Hamburg, 618, 624, 642, 665
Hamdan ibn al-Ashrath (Qarmat), 261-262
Hamdanids, 202
Hamdis, ibn, 291
Hamilton, Sir William, 983
Hammad, 263
Hammadids, 314
Hammer, J. von, 322
Hamza, 169
Hanbal, Ahmad ibn, 226-227, 251
handicrafts, 298, 375-376, 514, 552, 696, 706, 710, 785, 1083
hanging, death by, 378, 392, 393, 707, 778
Hanifa ibn Thabit, Abu, 226
Hanifi, al-, 720
Hanifs, 163
Hanseatic League, 376, 506, 616, 618-619, 620, 633, 654-655, 666, 700
Hanukkah, festival of, 359
Hapsburg counts, 687
Harald Bluetooth, 502, 536
Harald Haarfager, 502-503, 504, 509
Harald Hardrada, 494-495
Harald Harefoot, 493
Harald the Stern, 504
Haram al-Sharif, Al-, Jerusalem, 228
harbors, 666, 994
Harding, St. Stephen, 788, 789
harem, 221-222, 223, 299, 433, 471
Hariri, Abu Muhammad al-, 320
harmony, 847, 899, 1085
Harold II, 493-495, 496, 684, 851, 924
Harran, 239, 253
Harrow, 578
Harthacnut, 493
Hartker, illuminator at St. Gall, 852
Hartmann von Aue, 905, 1049
Harun al-Rashid, 150, 196-200, 201, 203, 207, 208, 220, 221, 222, 225, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 246, 250, 264, 278, 280, 297, 313, 333, 343, 370, 428, 440, 469
Harvey, William, 403
Harz Mountains, 622
Hasan, son of Ali, 192, 193
Hashim, 162, 166
Hashimites, 165, 191, 195, 210
Hastings, battle of, 495, 851
Hater of Beards (Julian), 19
Haura, al-, 596
hawking, 786, 928
Hawqal, ibn, 208, 230, 242, 290-291
Hayy ibn Yaqzan (ibn Tufail), 334-335
Hayyan, Jabir ibn (Gebir), 245, 249, 315, 996
Hazm, Abu Muhammad Ali ibn, 305
heaven, 331, 342, 355, 498, 530, 733, 743, 820, 943, 976*, 978, 1046, 1067-1068, 1070, 1076-1081
heavens, motion of, 991, 1011-1012
observation of, 402-403
Hebrides, 502, 532, 683, 754
Hegira, 166, 372
Heimskringla (Snorri Sturluson), 1032
Heine, Heinrich, 365, 396, 905
Heinrich von Meissen, 1042
Helen of Troy, 1022, 1070
Helena, mother of Constantine I, 5
Helena, wife of Julian the Apostate, 11, 13
hell, 322, 331, 333, 342, 355, 478, 523, 732, 733, 736, 820, 825, 843, 907, 928, 933, 974, 986, 988, 991, 992, 1009, 1028, 1038, 1050, 1058, 1065, 1067, 1068, 1069-1073, 1074, 1080, 1081
heliocentric system, 991
Heliodorus, 1044
Hellenism, 19, 21, 219
Hellespont, 425, 594, 599
Héloïse, 827, 903, 914, 934, 935-938, 942-944, 947, 948, 1018
hemophilia, 357
hemorrhages, 800*
Hengist and Horsa, 80
Henoticon (Zeno), 115, 103
Henri de Mondeville, 1001, 1016
Henry I, King of England, 571, 625, 668, 669
laws of, 676
Henry I “the Fowler,” Holy Roman Emperor, 511, 660
Henry I, King of France, 480
Henry II, King of England, 377, 392, 598, 626, 640, 670-674, 678, 679, 681-684, 689, 690, 761, 768, 784, 828, 987, 1042, 1075
Henry II, Duke of Bavaria, 445
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor, St., 400, 513, 766
Henry III, King of England, 378, 392, 567, 628, 677, 678, 683, 684, 693, 695, 817, 861, 883, 885