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Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor, 513, 540, 543, 571, 658, 660, 778, 1020

Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 389, 453, 480, 494, 513-514, 545, 546, 548-550, 586, 589, 658, 661, 662, 663, 667

Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, 514, 661, 760

Henry X, Duke of Bavaria, 661

Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 663, 673, 705, 714, 761, 778, 1041, 1063-1064

Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, 664

Henry VIII, King of England, 427, 678

Henry, Abbot of Clairvaux, 821

Henry of Aragon, 909

Henry, Bishop of Strasbourg, 784

Henry, Bishop of Uppsala, St., 659

Henry, brother of Otto I, 511

Henry, brother of Otto IV, 715

Henry, Count of Burgundy, 701

Henry of Ghent, 958

Henry of Huntingdon, 681

Henry the Lion, 861

Henry, Archbishop of Mainz, 391

Henry Raspe, Landgrave of Thuringia, 723

Henry, Count of Schwerin, 666

Henry, son of Frederick II, 715, 716, 722

Henry, son of Henry II (England), 672

Heraclea, 436, 453

Heracleides Ponticus, 991

Heracleitus, 353*, 1070

Heraclius, father of Emperor Heraclius, 423-424

Heraclius, 140, 147, 149, 151, 189, 389, 423-425, 430, 433, 434, 437, 440, 524

heraldry, 342, 562, 669, 835

Herat, 191, 232, 268, 276, 278, 308, 312, 339

mosque of, 274

herbals, 853, 997

heresy, 46-50, 249, 276, 301, 335, 338, 374, 410, 413, 415, 478, 525, 528-530, 543, 564, 567, 722, 725, 734, 755, 769-785, 790, 801-3, 824, 922, 923, 926, 930, 940, 945, 946, 956, 957-958, 967, 974, 977, 1000

Albigensian, 373, 415, 764, 769-776, 923, 954

Arian, 771

Bogomil, 444

Catharist, 773

Florentine, 783

Jewish, 367

Moslem, 257-262, 312

Paterine, 708

Pelagian, 533

Waldensian, 708

Herion, 130

Herman of Salza, 715

Hermandad de Castilla, 699

Herman, Bishop of Bamberg, 548

Hermann, Archbishop of Cologne, 390

Hermann, Landgrave of Thuringia, 1047

Hermann, Bishop of Metz, 547

Hero of Alexandria, 240, 912, 990, 1009

Hero and Leander (Musaeus), 124

Herodotus, 126, 161, 238, 989

“Heroic” cycle, 498

Heroides (Ovid), 1018, 1085

herring, 837

fisheries, 618

trade, 645

Hertford, Synod of, 487

Hesiod, 10

Hethum I, 652

Hexaemeron (Ambrose), 1008

Hexham, church at, 491

Hezekiah, 1078

Hibbur ha-meshihah (Abraham ben Hiyya), 403, 911

Hierapolis, 145, 146, 147

Higden, Ranulf, 682

highways, 465, 621, 839

Hilarius, 1029

Hilary, Bishop of Aries, St., 50

Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, St., 57, 135, 747

Hildebert, Archbishop of Mainz, 511

Hildebert of Lavardin, 1018, 1023-1024, 1025, 1027

Hildebrand, see Gregory VII Hildegarde of Bingen, St., 809-810, 998

Hildesheim, 514, 516, 960

Cathedral, 909

Hillel, 226, 351, 362, 419

Hillel II, 347

Himilco, 82

Himyarites, 119, 146, 156

Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims, 403, 474, 477, 526, 531, 633, 880

Hinnom, 355*

Hipparchus, 242

Hippo, 38, 67, 74, 289

Hippocrates, 121, 240, 408, 910, 912, 923, 1070

Hippodrome, Constantinople, 5, 6, 14, 105

Hira, 157, 171, 188, 189

Hisham, 195, 263, 292, 303

Hisham II, 294, 306

Hisham III, 296

Hisham, ibn, 237

Histoire de St. Louis (Joinville), 1020-1021

Historia Britonum (Geoffrey), 1019, 1045

Historia calamitatum mearum (Abélard), 937, 942, 944

Historia ecclesiastica (Ordericus Vitalis), 1019

Historia rerum in partibus transmarinus gestarum (William of Tyre), 1020

historians, 125-126, 305, 319, 429, 495, 501, 698, 795, 804, 987, 991, 1015, 1084

Byzantine, 312

French, 697, 1020

Latin, 1019

Moslem, 237-239, 302, 304

history, 73, 249, 315, 329, 333, 343, 352, 368, 372, 438, 478, 497, 807, 808, 894, 1015, 1016, 1022, 1083, 1084

Biblical, 1032

Egyptian, 285

European, 1020

fictional, 1019

Islamic, 1020

monastic, 804

Norse, 1032

Spanish, 698

History of Animals (Aristotle), 912

History of the Church (Socrates), 125

History of the Franks (Gregory), 94

History of the Goths (Cassiodorus), 99

History of India (al-Biruni), 243-244

History of the Jewish Kings in the Second Commonwealth (Abraham ibn David), 407

History of Latin Christianity (Milman) 694*

History of the Lombards (Paul the Deacon), 451

History Against the Pagans (Orosius), 30

History of the Philosophers (al-Qifti), 322

History of the Roman Empire (Zosimus), 125

Hitler, Adolf, 480, 759

Hittin, 597, 598

Hobbes, Thomas, 253, 1082

“hocus-pocus,” 749*

Hohenstaufens, 594, 661, 665, 726, 816

Holinshed, Raphael, 674

Holland, 473, 663, 886

Holy Ghost, 528, 529, 739, 950

Holy Grail, 1019, 1045, 1046, 1047-1048

Holy Land, 54, 343, 602, 606, 612, 792

Holy Lavra, monastery of, Mt. Athos, 530

Holy Roman Empire, 468, 469-470, 479-480, 511, 512, 687, 690, 698, 707, 726, 1062

Holy Sepulcher, 147, 389, 585, 587, 1028

Church of, 228, 440, 716

Holy Week, 385, 393, 752, 896

holydays, 358-359, 402, 559, 751, 841, 863

Holyrood, 683

Homer, 10, 33, 268, 325, 507, 975, 1044, 1070

homes, 271-272, 382, 420, 432, 643, 680-681, 786, 835-839, 847

for the aged, 433

homosexuality, 113, 220, 341, 821

Horns, see Emesa

honor, 360, 563, 575, 578, 701, 829, 1084

Honoratus, St., 57

Honoria, 40, 41

Honorius I, Emperor, 26-28, 29, 31, 33, 35-37, 41, 56, 64, 67, 70, 80, 126

Honorius I, Pope, 383, 524-525

Honorius III, Pope, 479, 715, 716, 764, 775, 799, 803, 846, 956

Honorius, Bishop of Autun, 994, 1055

Horace, 323, 915, 1018, 1070, 1085, 1086

Horairah, Abu, 173

Hormizd II, 143

Hormizd IV, 146

horns, hunting, 840

horoscopes, 988

horse racing, 433, 840

horses, 157, 298, 559

bronze, 455

hospices, 78, 433, 693, 839, 921-922, 927

Hospitalers, 593, 597, 598, 601, 602, 610, 713

hospitality, 379, 495, 518, 818, 839

hospitals, 78, 246, 293, 311, 330, 379, 433, 435, 531, 636, 652, 693, 785, 807, 831, 837, 998, 1001-1002

European, 1084

foundling, 330, 824

leper, 794, 1002

hostages, 723, 724

Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, 921

houris, 179, 185

hours, canonical, 807

of labor, 647, 864

House of Lords, 676*

“House of Wisdom,” Baghdad, 240, 911

Hrothgar, 490

Hroswitha, 515, 1027

Hruodland, see Roland

Hubert de Romans, 768

Hugh de Balsham, Bishop of Ely, 926

Hugh, Abbot of Cluny, St., 537

Hugh Capet, 475, 479-480, 540

Hugh, Cardinal, 548

Hugh the Great, 475

Hugh of Lincoln, St., 392

Hugh de Payens, 593

Hugh Primas, 1025

Hugh of St. Victor, 750, 808, 958

Hulagu, 310, 340

humanism, 719, 724, 894, 1086

Humboldt, Alexander von, 1005

Hume, David, 332, 817, 931, 983

Humiliati, 769

humility, 803, 1006-1007, 1060, 1075