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humor, 786, 838, 934, 1029, 1055, 1067

Hunain ibn Ishaq, 240, 246, 910, 911

Hundred Years’ War, 90, 565, 882, 894

Huneric, 41

Hungary, 37, 38, 43, 387, 444-445, 513, 535, 537, 603, 607, 612, 622, 658-659, 663, 664, 760, 762, 801, 810, 864, 892, 903

Huns, 4, 24, 25, 26, 36, 38-41, 80, 339, 443, 445, 446, 579, 614, 659, 906, 1035

Kotrigur, 116

White, 144

Hunt, Leigh, 261

hunting, 505, 666, 691, 720, 786, 840, 1005

husbandry, 702, 925, 1005

Husein, son of Ali, 193, 217, 228, 252

Hushiel, Rabbi, 269

Husri, 307

Huss, John, 74, 784, 1082

hydromancy, 987

hygiene, 356, 409, 807, 835, 1001, 1003

“Hymn to a King’s Son,” (Julian), 15

hymns, 264, 384, 476, 749-751, 895, 896, 1026, 1027, 1085, 1086

Hypatia, 61, 62, 122-123, 125, 319

Hypatius, 105-106

Hywel the Good, 496

Iacobus de Mandra, 916, 918

Iacopo d’Alemannia, 888

Iacopo da Lentino, 1056

Iacopo de Vorágine, 1022

Iamblichus, 9

Iblis, 177, 1068

Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi, 280

Ibrahim, son of Mohammed, 172

Ibrahim, son of Walid I, 195

Iceland, 81, 447, 497, 502, 504, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 666, 899, 1031-1036

iconography, Byzantine, 134

Iconoclasts, 425-427, 437, 439, 441, 528, 845, 846, 853, 858

Id al-Fitr, 215

Ideal City (al-Farabi), 253

idolatry, 261, 270, 274, 410, 732

Idrisi, 229, 230, 329, 703, 704

Ifriqiya, 283, 285

ignorance, 96, 442, 470, 579, 1015, 1083

Île de France, 480-481, 869, 876, 882

Iliad (Homer), 134, 269, 270, 1081

illiteracy, 465, 578, 788, 801, 908

Illuminati, 289

illumination, 133-134, 277, 278, 466, 492, 499, 501, 853

Illyricum, 3, 86, 446

images, 356, 425-428, 467, 524, 527, 528, 531, 769, 846, 858

Imago mundi (Pierre d’Ailly), 1010

imam, 213

Imans, 217, 261, 265, 284

Immaculate Conception, 747, 973*

immigration, 371, 446, 660, 683

immorality, 547, 764, 784, 806, 946

immortality, 324, 331, 332, 355, 407, 413, 415, 478, 954-955, 959, 964*, 971, 981, 1057, 1068

immunities, clerical, 671, 927

imprisonment, 113-114, 393, 431, 473, 568, 676, 722, 777, 781, 782, 783

Imru’lqais, 159

In Praise of Baldness (Synesius), 61

In Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Albertus Magnus), 961

incantations, 416, 417, 742, 985

Incarnation, 735, 933, 964, 980, 1069

incest, 416, 528, 822, 824

income, 465, 765, 767, 813

incontinence, 460, 541, 1075, 1076

incubation, artificial, 994

independence, 293, 472, 637, 699, 701

Index of Forbidden Books, 163

Index of the Sciences (al-Nadim), 238

India, 49, 108, 118, 119, 134, 138, 140, 143, 145, 150, 156, 157, 161, 203, 204, 206, 208, 219, 230, 231*, 238, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 258, 270, 271, 272, 273, 279, 282, 285, 310, 326, 343, 376, 397, 542, 616, 910, 989, 992, 1010, 1054, 1082

north, 156*

northwest, 196

India (al-Biruni), 242

Indian Ocean, 119, 283, 404

individualism, 195, 365, 810, 854

individuation, principle of, 968-969, 977, 981

“Indo-European” peoples, 156*

inductive method, 981

indulgences, 611-612, 621, 739-740, 753, 760, 764, 767, 774, 784, 863, 945

Indus River, 144, 196, 244, 339

Industrial Revolution, 560, 637

industry, 298, 308, 315, 371, 375, 429, 432, 445, 454, 456, 487, 552, 560, 565, 621-625, 642, 649, 652, 685, 686, 696, 710, 712, 731, 767, 816, 845, 915, 949, 975, 976, 1015

Aragonese, 701

Byzantine, 435, 436

English, 669

Flemish, 613

of Florence, 728

Islamic, 207

Italian, 613

of monks, 753

Persian, 140

socialistic, 792

treatise on, 359

Venetian, 710

Ine, King, 634

Ineffabilis amor (Boniface VIII), 813

infanticide, 76-77, 180, 504, 505, 824, 844

infection, 357, 1001, 1003

Inferno (Dante), 1067, 1068, 1076

infinity, 977

inflections, 903-904

Ingeborg, wife of Philip II, 689

Ingelheim, 466, 473, 476

inks, 906

colored, 852

inlay, 287, 848, 849, 908

Innocent I, St., 69-70

Innocent II, 702, 707, 756, 760, 791, 946-947

Innocent III, 74, 377, 388, 469, 541, 546, 551, 567, 568, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 617, 631, 632, 659, 674, 675, 677, 689, 698, 708, 714-715, 716, 758, 759, 761-764, 767, 770, 771, 773, 774, 775, 777, 778, 779, 792, 793, 798, 799, 801, 805, 806, 808, 811, 817, 825, 843, 897*, 920, 955, 1002, 1085

Innocent IV, 388, 607, 608, 612, 632, 652, 658, 723-725, 759, 765, 781, 817, 850, 919, 925, 993

Inns of Court, 924

Inquisition, 388, 402, 410, 416, 676, 680, 692, 721, 755, 764, 765, 769-784, 785, 802, 803, 816, 956, 958, 986, 988, 1000, 1083

insane, 330, 1002

Institutes (Justinian), 699

Institutiones (Tribonian et al.), 112

Institutiones divinarum (Cassiodorus), 99

instruments, 901, 1008, 1010

astronomical, 305, 991

musical, 279-280, 342, 499, 901

surgical, 1001

insurance, 629, 635

disability, 766

intarsia, 849

interdict, 639, 671, 675, 689, 707, 716, 723, 727, 755-756, 762, 763, 774, 812

interest, 436

forbidden, 377, 378, 631

on loans, 627, 628, 630-633, 975

rates, 120, 385, 632

remission of, 377

intestines, burning of, 1003

intolerance, 373, 387, 784, 1083

intoxication, 323, 837

intubation, 1001

Introduction to the Categories of Aristotle (Porphyry), 99

Introduction to the History of Science (Sarton), 239*

invasions, 290, 293, 456, 492, 560, 579, 775, 843, 913

Anglo-Saxon, 533

barbarian, 444, 453, 510, 633, 727, 728, 854, 895, 984

of Britain, 501

Danish, 483, 486, 492

Germanic, 497, 499, 532, 552

Lombard, 451, 453, 520

Mongol, 653, 654, 657, 658, 1003

Moslem, 458

Norman, 472, 552, 626

Pict, 501

inventions, 1010, 1015

investiture, 513-514, 546-548, 564, 661, 760, 551

Iona, 499, 532, 534

Ionic order, 128, 129

Iran, see Persia

Iraq, 136, 152, 157, 188, 191, 192, 207, 210, 226, 227, 232, 317, 348, 366, 397

Ireland, 80, 81, 82-84, 89, 447, 465, 466, 473, 493, 495, 496-501, 502, 510, 534, 670, 675, 681-683, 735, 748, 761, 832, 841, 984, 992

Irene, Empress, 197, 198, 200, 427, 827

Irnerius, 630, 754, 916

iron, 847, 848

irrigation, 202, 206, 646

Isa, Ali ibn, 246

Isaac I Comnenus, 431

Isaac II Angelus, 603, 604

Isaac the Blind, 417

Isaac ibn Ezra, 397, 398

Isaac Israeli, 403, 405, 911, 963, 1006

Isaac Judaeus, 910

Isaac ben Meir, 401

Isaac ben Mordecai, 404

Isaac of Cordova, St., 301

Isaac of Syria, St., 62

Isaiah, 176, 965

Book of, 398

Isabel of Gloucester, 674

Isabel, St., Queen of Portugal, 702

Isabella II, Queen of Spain, 315

Isabella of Angoulême, 674

Isabella, wife of Frederick II, 719

Isabella, wife of Philip II, 687

Isabelle, wife of Edward II, 90

Isbahan ibn Qara, 331

Isauria, 425

Iseult, 1049

Isfahan, 148, 203, 232, 248, 263, 294, 309, 312, 384, 385

Isfahani, al-, 263, 294

Ishaq, Hunain ibn, 240, 246, 910, 911

Ishaq, son of al-Mawsili, 280

Ishaq, Muhammad ibn, 163, 237

Isidore, architect, 130, 131*

Isidore of Seville, 95-96, 738, 907, 1077