Mechanics (Hero of Alexandria), 240
Mechilta, 352*
Mechlin, 885, 886
Médard, St., 743
Medical Aphorisms (Maimonides), 408-409
medicaments, 245, 342
medicine, 121-122, 138, 240, 246, 248-249, 288, 330, 334, 341, 352, 371, 372, 395, 403, 408, 429, 438, 456, 457, 476, 497, 505, 530, 720, 826, 913, 915, 917, 919, 920, 923, 924, 997-1003, 1006, 1007, 1013, 1022
Arabic, 245-249, 403, 911, 923
encyclopedia of, 335, 437
Greek, 1084
Italian, 923, 998, 1001
Jewish, 359, 404, 910, 923, 998
medieval, 986
Moslem, 245-249, 330, 342, 1006
Sicilian, 291
Medina (Yathrib), 155*, 156, 163, 166-171, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 199, 207, 214, 215, 225, 226, 228, 229, 273, 274, 349, 596, 624
Medinat-al-Salam (Baghdad), 232
Mediterranean, 38, 91, 132, 146, 208, 229, 283, 376, 432, 448, 450, 464, 469, 477, 525, 586, 598, 602, 614, 616, 695, 699, 703, 713, 728, 776, 845, 1051
Islam in, 289-291
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 759*
Meir, Rabbi, 351, 353, 355, 359, 364
meistersingers, 1042
Mekor Hayim (ibn Gabirol), 406, 911
Melania, Sts., 51, 78
Melchiades, St., 525, 526
Mellitus, Bishop of London, 487
melody, 896-901
Melior, papal legate, 878
Meloria, naval battle of, 713
Melormus, 854
Melrose, 683, 885
Menachem ben Saruk, 395-396
menagerie, 719, 994
Menas, 130
mendicancy, 465, 831
Meno (Plato), 912, 949
mercenaries, 282, 294, 677, 829
merchants, 157, 270, 282, 294, 370, 385, 432, 436, 447, 448, 553, 565, 617, 620, 631, 643, 647, 680, 685, 700, 709, 711, 771, 829, 839, 841, 845, 980, 1013, 1085
German, 665
Italian, 376, 652, 849, 989, 990
Jewish, 369, 370, 376, 386, 392, 395
Moslem, 447
Oriental, 440
Venetian, 455, 652, 993
Mercia, 483-484, 487, 488, 496, 678
Mercury, 987, 991
Merida, 37, 96, 292
Merlin, 987, 1019, 1045
Merovingians, 91-95
Mersen, Treaty of, 510-511
Merton, battle of, 483
Merv, 200, 207, 231, 237, 312, 317, 321, 329, 339
Merwan II, 195, 196
Mesopotamia, 13, 31, 49, 128, 151, 152, 156*, 188, 196, 202, 204, 206, 231*, 270, 273, 310, 311, 317, 340, 341, 348, 385, 558
Mesrob, 205
Mesrur, 199
Messiah, 169, 184, 217, 230, 305, 314, 356, 372, 384-385, 402, 411, 417
Messina, 290, 599, 704
Straits of, 703
metallurgy, 298, 436, 720
Metalogicon (John of Salisbury), 951
metals, 245, 298, 514, 622-623, 848, 1004
metalworkers, 275, 318, 342, 376, 700, 848
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 1018, 1085
metaphysics, 255, 336, 964, 966, 980, 982, 1006, 1007, 1057
Greek, 953
of Aquinas, 968-969
of Avicenna, 982
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 240, 255, 912, 954, 966
meter, 263, 395, 1022, 1032
Methodius, 535
Metz, 40, 88, 92, 369, 525, 526, 640, 686, 897
Cathedral, 440
Meuse River, 12, 37, 88, 617, 618, 645, 809
Michael I, 528
Michael II the Stammerer, 428, 477
Michael III, 428, 529
Michael IV, 430
Michael V, 430
Michael VI, 430
Michael VIII Paleologus, 652, 765
Michael Angelus, 651
Michael Scot, 386, 720, 911-912, 961, 988
Michelangelo, 1081
Michelet, Jules, 873
Michieli II, Vitale, 708-709
microscope, 238, 925, 1011
Midrash, 352*
midwives, 997
Mieszko I, 660
migration, 343, 445, 450, 555, 560, 642, 913, 1042
German, 473, 832
to Palestine, 392
Slav, 445, 661
Slavic, 447
Milan, 11, 25, 27, 28, 33, 40, 55, 56, 65, 66, 100, 110, 134, 135, 370, 451, 457, 542, 548, 617, 623, 624, 642, 662, 68o, 712, 714, 722, 726, 756, 778, 783, 791, 897, 916, 1063, 1064
Cathedral, 883, 888
military orders, 610-611
millionaires, 285
Milman, Henry Hart, 694*
Milton, John, 124, 489
minarets, 286, 303, 865
mineral rights, 622-623
mineralogy, 992
miniatures, 133-134, 277, 319, 441, 499, 653, 851, 852-853
mining, 118, 207, 298, 436, 514, 622-623, 660, 1004
ministeriales, 665, 1054
Minnedienst, 1039
minnesingers, 901, 1036, 1039-1042, 1058
Minorites, 795-802
minstrels, 279, 484, 684, 838, 840, 901, 1037, 1039, 1054, 1055
mint, Spanish, 294
mintage, 564, 625
miracle plays, 635, 643, 1029
miracles, 59, 60, 351, 354, 364, 416, 442, 456, 522-523, 524, 672, 742, 744, 769, 828, 878, 946, 954, 955, 984, 1019, 1020
Miriam, 185, 215
Mirror of Perfection, see Speculum perfections
mirrors, 289, 850, 1011
Mirsad al-Ibad, 322
Mishna, 185, 211, 226, 350-353, 383, 401, 409, 416
Mishna Torah (Maimonides), 409, 410, 413
Misopogon (Julian), 19
Missa de potatoribus, 900
missals, 846, 852, 906
missionaries, 261, 285, 461, 499, 522, 532, 534, 535, 802, 980
Mithraism, 9, 16, 139
Mixolydian mode, 895
mnemonic aids, 307, 927, 1022
mobs, 390, 391, 392, 771, 777-778, 780, 925
“Model Parliament,” 679, 700
Modena, 42, 642, 662, 712, 918
moderni, 932, 935, 952, 1082
modes, Greek, 895
Moesia, 24, 116, 443
Mohallabi, 210
Mohammed, 4, 93, 97, 151, 155-186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 195, 211, 217, 219, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 235, 239, 250, 252, 256, 263, 270, 276, 282, 300, 301, 335, 368, 372, 385, 386, 395, 524, 588, 593, 597, 612, 720, 734, 746, 1068, 1072
influence of, 174
sketch of, 1020
successors of, 187-205
Mohammedan era, beginning of, 166
Mohammedanism, 170, 183, 186, 200, 204, 219, 252, 289, 301, 305, 311, 331-332, 333, 356, 406, 408, 413, 445, 585, 653, 958, 1012, 1083
Mohi, battle of, 658
Moissac, 643
monks of, 773
Moisson, synod at, 540
Molay, Jacques du, 610
Molloy, King of Desmond, 500
monarchy, 459, 506, 572, 690, 691
absolute, 513, 699
constitutional, 677, 975
French, 783, 930
German, 664
hereditary, 566, 661
Hungarian, 658-659
monasteries, 295, 311, 313, 378, 404, 405, 423, 426, 427, 432, 435, 440, 445, 461, 466, 474, 475, 476, 481, 483, 484, 517, 520, 527, 531, 532, 533, 535, 536, 537, 552, 554, 559, 564, 627, 629, 631, 637, 643, 651, 652, 654, 693, 732, 763, 766, 767, 785-786, 802, 828, 831, 835, 837, 839, 841, 846, 863, 869, 907, 913, 914, 926, 996, 998, 1002, 1024, 1032
Benedictine, 519, 537, 909
Cluniac, 786
Cistercian, 377, 791, 847
English, 683, 853
French, 536, 868
German, 547, 906
Irish, 500
life, regulation of, 754, 785-787
orders, new, 787
reform, 764
monasticism, 51, 57-61, 62, 332, 342, 401, 518, 524, 754, 764, 785-788, 804, 805, 868, 960, 1013
Mondino, 989
money, 369, 555, 566, 625-630, 643, 767, 829
money-changing, 377
moneylenders, 377-379, 385, 392, 436, 627, 631, 669, 975
Mongolia, 208, 339, 340, 616, 655
Mongols, 204, 227, 237, 310, 312, 329, 338-341, 343, 446, 608, 652, 657, 658, 660, 817, 993
Monica, St., 64-66
monks, 401, 426, 527, 753, 891, 1019, 1078
as artists, 846, 864
Benedictine, 445, 534, 645, 805, 869
Cistercian, 666, 695, 788
Cluniac, 864
Dominican, 392, 919
Franciscan, 799, 806, 925
German, 515-516
Irish, 491, 497, 499, 534
Italian, 868
Russian, 650
Sufi, 332
monogamy, 341, 381, 826, 1053