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Monologion (Anselm), 933

Monomakh Erand Prince of Kiev, 654

Monophysites, 46, 49, 103, 108, 112, 115-116, 188, 233, 305, 425, 426

monopoly, 378, 619, 635, 1084

monotheism, 261, 364

monothelism, 524-525

Monreale, 705, 852

Cathedral, 705

Mont Ste.-Geneviève, 934, 944, 951

Mont St. Michel, monastery of, 882

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem, Sieur de, 87, 983, 1086

Montaperto, battle of, 725, 727, 730

Monte Cassino, 290, 439, 457, 465, 476, 517, 519, 530, 537, 550, 786, 805, 845, 846, 916, 961

Montecatini, battle of, 1064

Montfort, Simon de (1160?-1218), 603, 775

Montfort, Simon de (1208?-1265), 678-679

months, 402-403

Montpellier, 403, 404, 415-416, 588, 617, 648, 697, 699, 771, 775, 803, 822, 918, 922, 998, 1000

University of, 249, 414, 923, 926

moon, 288, 337, 402, 985, 987, 1011, 1077

Moore, Georg Foote, 351*

Moors, 22, 38, 95, 97, 109, 249, 291, 292, 297-307, 315, 316, 370, 373, 450, 458, 459, 460, 462, 575, 663, 697, 698, 699, 702, 799, 874, 923, 1031

morale, 413, 458, 473, 792

morals, 120-121, 182, 256, 332, 336, 360, 379, 382, 433, 450, 521, 531, 547, 564, 577, 579, 732, 765, 771, 786, 819-844, 929, 931, 933, 938, 973, 1007, 1012, 1015, 1016, 1067, 1083

Anglo-Saxon, 487-488

Christian, 419, 631, 843, 976

clerical, 543

German, 665

in Gaul, 93-94

Islamic, 180-184, 223, 419

Jewish, 378-382, 939

Oriental, 705

Persian, 141

single unity of, 817

of women, 576

Moravia, 444, 535, 657, 660, 661, 663

More, Henry, 418

Morea, see Peloponnesus

Moreh Nebuchim (Maimonides), 411-414

Morgarten, battle of, 687

Morisco style, 315, 316

Morocco (Maghreb), 140, 202, 208, 219, 273, 282, 283, 285, 292, 307, 314, 315, 328, 334, 372, 396, 408

Mort Renart, La, 1054

mortality, 362, 445, 571, 821, 1003

mortgages, 627, 766

mortmain, 679, 766

Mosaic Law, 185

mosaics, 134, 272, 274, 303, 304, 317, 426, 432, 439, 440, 441, 449, 455, 457, 467, 479, 704, 705, 846, 850, 851-852, 856, 857, 876

Moscow, 654, 656

Mosella (Ausonius), 85

Moselle River, 85, 390, 617, 642

Moses, 16, 184, 211, 212, 214, 229, 350, 353, 361, 365, 408, 410, 720, 820, 939

Moses ben Chanoch, 372

Moses ibn Ezra, 397, 398

Moses ben Shem Tob, 417-418

Moses of Salerno, 912

Moses ibn Tibbon, 910

Moslems, 49, 97, 114, 139, 151, 160, 161, 167, 168, 169, 170, 175, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187-344, 353*, 355, 360, 366, 367, 371, 384-385, 387, 395, 405, 407, 408, 410, 416, 418, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 430, 432, 442, 444, 447, 458, 460, 461, 465, 525, 554, 579, 588, 590, 592, 596, 599, 600, 604, 607, 610, 617, 629, 647, 692, 697, 698, 700, 703, 711, 717, 719, 721, 732, 734, 777, 780, 792, 798, 898, 966, 978, 982, 987, 988, 992, 996, 1004, 1009, 1056

also see Arabs

mosques, 272-274, 285, 286-287, 291, 293, 302, 311, 313, 316, 317

Mosul, 136, 202, 207, 231, 257, 280, 310, 312, 319, 329, 595

Great Mosque of, 317

motet, 899

Moville, 500, 532

Mowaffaq, al-, 210

“Mozarabs,” 299

Mshatta, 274

Muallaqat, 159

Muawiya I, 171*, 191-193, 230

muezzin, 264

Mugha, 306

Muhajirin, 167

Muhammad ibn Ahmad, 241

Muhammad ibn Hasan, 218

Muhammad, son of Ismail, 261

Muizz, al-, 284

Mukhariq, 280, 281

mullahs, 332

Munich, 391

Munk, Salomon, 406

Munster, 82, 496

Muntasir, al-, 201*, 202

Muqaddasi, Muhammad al-, 228-230, 242, 274

Muqanna, Hashim al-, 209-210

Muqtadir, al-, 209, 233

Muqtafi, al-, 208, 233

murals, 276, 319, 426, 432, 479, 657-658, 851, 853-856

Murcia, 298, 304, 698

murder, 390, 391, 410, 451, 530, 538, 569, 829, 925, 928

Musa ibn Nusayr, 97, 209, 291-292

Musa, son of Jafar al-Sadiq, 261

Musaeus, 124

Muscovy, 656

music, 31, 138, 157, 160, 270, 277, 286, 334, 342, 356, 372, 384, 403, 437-438, 466, 495, 497, 505, 574, 684, 748, 752, 824, 838, 895-902, 915, 928, 1007, 1028, 1085

Byzantine, 1351

Greek, 449

Irish, 499

Islamic, 278-281

musical competition, 280, 895

instruments, 278

notation, 135, 279, 895, 896, 897, 898, 1085

Musical Introduction (Alypius), 135

musicians, 280, 297, 701, 901

Mustakfi, Muhammad al-, 296

Mustanjid, al-, 338

Mustansir, 285, 287, 319

mosque of, 317

Mustasim, al-, 340

Mutadid, al-, 233, 297

Mutamid, al-, 201*, 297, 306-307, 371, 459, 460

Mutanabbi, Ahmad ibn Husein al-, 202, 264-265, 267

Mutasim, al-, 210, 276

Mutassim, Abu Ishaq al-, 201, 251

Mutawakkil, al-, 201, 224, 240, 252, 276

Mutazilites, 249, 250-252, 301, 367, 958

Muthanna, 151

mutilation, 391, 464, 569

Muzaffar I, al-, 409

Mu’jam al-Buldan (Yaqut), 329

Myriobiblion (Photius), 529

mysteries, sacred, 416, 787, 907, 945-946

mystery plays, 515, 643, 752, 1029

mysticism, 332, 337, 338, 395, 402, 416-418, 521, 769, 806, 801-811, 857, 959, 967, 979, 1060, 1085

Islamic, 257-262, 342, 1057

Jewish, 416

Oriental, 769

Persian, 324

mythology, 16, 261, 456, 506-508, 984, 1005, 1019, 1032, 1084

Nabati, al-, 329

Nachmanides (Moses ben Nachman), 366, 402, 418

Nadhir, banu-, 168, 169

Nadim, Muhammad al-, 238

Naghzala, Ismail ibn, 296

Nahavand, battle of, 152

Najat (Avicenna), 255

Najmud-din-Razi, 323

Nantes, 474, 615, 617, 931

napkins, 836

Naples, 98, 109, 110, 290, 440, 452, 538, 553, 616, 632, 633, 703, 725, 726, 728, 857, 911, 1000

University of, 720, 910, 919, 961, 963, 998

Napoleon I, 3, 105, 480, 784, 851, 922*, 1016

Naram-Sin, 156

Narbonne, 36, 37, 85, 396, 471, 541, 615, 771, 910, 916

Archbishop of, 758, 774, 814

congregation of, 415

council at, 776, 907

Narses, 110, 451

Nashki script, 277

Nasir, Muhammad al-, 314

Nasir-i-Khosru, 229, 285, 287, 313, 585

Nasir ud-Din al-Tusi, 328

Nathan ben Yechiel, 396

Natural History (Pliny), 984

Nature of Things, The (Neckam), 1015

Nature of Things, The (Thomas of Cantimpré), 1015

Naumburg, 861

Cathedral, 886

Navarre, 293, 462, 695

kingdom of, 458, 459

naves, 865, 866, 867, 871, 872, 881, 882

navigation, 615-616, 991, 994, 996, 1010, 1085

Nayin, Congregational Mosque at, 274

Nazareth, 230, 607

Nazianzen, 55, 62-63, 78

Near East, 50, 51, 55, 58, 59, 188, 192, 202, 206, 207, 218, 225, 236, 245, 249, 254, 263, 282, 326, 343, 375, 404, 454, 528, 585, 586, 589, 625, 706, 892, 895

Nebuchadrezzar, 232, 370*

Neckam, Alexander, 1006, 1013, 1015, 1017

necromancy, 417, 987

Negroes, 209, 210, 216, 831

Nennius, 81, 84, 1045

Neon, Bishop of Ravenna, 132

Neoplatonism, 9-10, 66, 123-125, 138, 244, 251, 258, 337, 406, 407, 416

Neopythagoreanism, 244, 416

Nepos, Julius, 42

nepotism, 464

Nerez, 657

Neri, 730, 731, 1061

Nero, 92, 129

Neroni, Bartolommeo, 889

Nerva, 31, 843

nerves, 956, 1001

Nestorianism, 49, 188, 233, 426

Nestorius, 48-49, 112, 946

neumes, 135, 896, 898, 901

Neustria, 92, 93