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Parma, 662, 712, 724, 770, 916

parodies, 841, 900, 1025

Parthenon, Athens, 126, 530, 860-861, 893

Parzival (Wolfram), 1039, 1085

Pascal, Blaise, 808

Paschal lamb, 388

rites, Jewish, 392*

Paschal II, 514, 546, 661

Paschasius, St., 856

Passion, 385, 752

Passion Play, 1028

Passover, 358, 386

Past and Present (Carlyle), 926

Pastoral Care (Gregory I), 484

Pastoureux, 647-648

Patarines, 767, 770, 780, 783

Pater noster, 742, 749

Paternon, Filippo, 779

pathology, 249

Patras, 435, 436, 616

patriarchs, 349, 428, 527, 528-529, 530, 867, 1008

patricius, 42, 43, 97, 100

Patrick, St., 82, 83-84, 89, 496, 498, 735, 1068

“Patrimony of Peter,” 706

patronage, 276, 306, 1039

Patzinaks, 446, 586, 653

Paul III, 919

Paul of Aegina, 437

Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, 8

Paul the Christian, 402

Paul the Deacon, 451, 465

Paul, St., 9, 45, 66, 68, 69, 73, 84, 123, 127, 194, 523, 528, 547, 753, 881, 965, 976, 1068

Paul the Silentiary, 856

Paula, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 78

Paulicians, 47, 425, 528

Paulinus, missionary, 534

Paulinus of Pella, 29-30

Paulinus, St., 56, 85, 86

Pavia, 40, 98, 444, 451, 452, 462, 466, 616, 638, 712, 714, 916, 1025, 1026

Synod of, 761

University of, 916

peace, 470, 571-572, 755, 804, 818, 844

Peace of God, 571

peasant proprietorship, 425, 553, 644, 648

peasants, 118, 298, 424, 430, 435, 444, 447-448, 465, 481, 485, 519, 571, 578, 640, 644-645, 646, 647, 650, 656, 687, 688, 704, 778, 791, 816, 832, 841, 1007

free, 434, 497, 503, 505

German, 514, 664, 665

Italian, 731

Persian, 140

Peckham, John, 924, 925, 960, 962-963, 978, 995

pederasty, 220, 267, 299, 380, 821

Pedro I, 315

Pedro II, 698, 772

Pedro III, 373, 699, 726, 1037, 1075

Peipus, Lake, battle on, 655, 659

Pelagius, Franciscan monk, 557

Pelagius, heresiarch, 48, 54, 69-70, 946

Pelagius II, 520, 522

Pelayo, 458

Peloponnesus (Morea), 27, 118, 434, 651

Pembroke, Richard de Clare, Earl of, 682

Pembroke, William Marshal, Earl of, 677

penalties, 113-114, 374, 567, 620, 662, 820, 825, 829, 830, 844, 1075

ecclesiastical, 755

feudal, 568

for heresy, 782-783

professorial, 917

penance, 415, 543, 735, 738, 739, 764, 821, 824, 974, 985

penitential days, 359

formulas, 824

Penitentials, 739, 821

penny, 626

Pentateuch, 184, 350, 353, 356, 367, 377, 383, 409, 410, 416, 939

Pentecost, 75, 358, 751

Pepin I, 460

Pepin II, 461, 534

Pepin III the Short, 261, 292, 452, 463, 525, 662

Pepin, son of Charlemagne, 471

Pepin, King of Aquitaine, 472, 473

Pepo, 916

Perceval, 1019, 1045, 1046, 1047

Perceval le Gallois (Chrétien), 1045

Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, 948

Pereyaslavl, 653, 656

perfecti, 771

Perfectus, 300, 301

Périgueux, churches at, 868

Peri stephanon (Clemens), 56

perjury, 569, 755, 829, 928

Perotinus, 899

perpetual-motion machine, 996

persecution, 282, 285, 289, 348, 349, 364, 366, 370, 373, 389, 395, 415, 418, 427, 428, 440, 528, 533, 769, 784, 945, 1015

Persepolis, 136, 142, 148, 149

Persia, 3, 13, 17, 19-20, 22, 49, 108, 110, 118, 119, 128, 129, 136-152, 155, 156, 157, 171, 185, 188, 195, 196, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 219, 224, 225, 230, 232, 238, 240, 245, 247, 249, 251-252, 258, 264, 267-270, 271, 273, 274, 276, 278, 279, 310, 315, 317, 329, 340, 341, 343, 348, 366, 369, 389, 404, 423, 424, 441, 442, 572, 616, 769

eastern, 200

northeastern, 217

Sasanian, 136-150, 238, 309, 343, 441

western, 136

Persian Gulf, 151, 155, 203, 207, 208, 616, 993

Persians, 4, 20, 22, 89, 116, 136-152, 186*, 190, 192, 195, 202, 208, 216, 225, 243, 251-252, 264, 269, 270, 275, 280, 292, 318, 328, 348, 423, 424, 425, 446, 451, 874, 876

Persis, 142

Persons, three, 940, 969

Perspectiva communis (John Peckham), 995

perspective, 925, 995, 1008

Perugia, 706, 708, 761, 793, 795, 809, 815, 888, 998

Peruzzi family, 628, 889

Pessinus, 18

pestilences, 836, 1003

Petachya of Ratisbon, 404

Peter of Abano, 956, 988

Peter Asen, 657

Peter of Blois, 958

Peter of Castelnau, 774, 803

Peter Damian, St., 542, 735, 768, 787, 907, 1018, 1023, 1068, 1078

Peter I the Great, 1082

Peter the Hermit, 585, 589

Peter of Ireland, 961

Peter Lombard, 953, 965, 966-967, 1009, 1077

Peter Martyr (Piero da Verona), St., 783

Peter of Montreuil, 694

Peter, Prior of Holy Trinity, 736

Peter, St., 53, 84, 523, 526, 739, 1079

Peter of St. Omer, 997

Peter the Venerable, 390, 786, 911, 944, 946-947

Peter’s Pence, 767, 1041

Peterborough Cathedral, 871, 884

Peterhouse, Cambridge, 926

Petit, Jean, 952

Petrarch, 126, 1037, 1039, 1081, 1082, 1085, 1086

Petronilla, Queen, 698

Petronius Arbiter, 41, 1018

Petrus Hispanus, 999-1000, 1005, 1009, 1016

Petrus Peregrinus, 996, 1016

Phaedo (Plato), 912

Phantasticus (Lully), 979

Pharisees, 350, 367

pharmacology, 245-246, 403, 999

Pheidias, 5, 10, 133

Philip I, 541, 589, 668, 688

Philip II Augustus, 393, 548, 564, 599, 602, 606, 611, 672, 673, 674, 675, 677, 685, 688-690, 691, 695, 715, 738, 756, 766, 774, 825, 1085

Philip III, 1075

Philip IV the Fair, 393, 566, 568, 610, 615, 644, 648, 680, 685, 694*, 695-697, 729, 756, 766, 782, 812-816, 821, 823, 1052, 1085

Philip VI, 696, 986

Philip, Count of Flanders, 778, 1045

Philip of Swabia, Holy Roman Emperor, 763

Philo Judaeus, 240, 250, 416

philology, 305, 368, 395, 396, 437, 528, 1006

philosopher’s stone, 245, 996

philosophers, 264, 294, 314, 319, 332, 335, 479, 530, 531-532, 724, 731, 818, 867, 927, 930

Christian, 1077

French, 882

Greek, 244, 258, 283, 1008

Islamic, 300, 337-338, 719, 919

Jewish, 405-407, 954

scholastic, 402, 951, 1009

philosophy, 121-124, 267, 286, 294, 305, 312, 320, 322, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336, 338, 341, 371, 372, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400, 406-408, 409, 414, 415, 416, 418, 437, 438, 477, 515, 517, 528, 567, 719-720, 802, 807, 808, 821, 844, 876, 879, 899, 903, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 920, 923, 926, 930, 931, 934, 935, 938, 939, 945, 949-983, 984, 988, 989, 1008, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1027, 1052, 1057, 1058, 1062, 1067, 1083-1086

Arabic, 257, 334, 337-338, 406, 910, 913, 961, 982, 1068

Byzantine, 121-124

Catholic, 341

Greek, 123, 241, 251, 252, 253, 254, 405, 477, 893, 911, 931, 953

Islamic, 240, 249-257, 335, 336, 342, 343, 403, 982, 1006

Jewish, 255, 402, 405-401, 910

Renaissance, 724

scholastic, 697, 756, 803, 877, 913, 921, 933, 939, 949, 953, 960

Thomistic, 967-978

Phlegyas, 1071

phylacteries, 356

Phocas, 147, 423, 424

Photius, 429, 438, 439, 526, 528, 529

Phrygian mode, 895

phylarchs, 157

physicians, 291, 304, 319, 330, 370, 710, 757, 826, 833, 956, 986, 987, 997, 999, 1002

Christian, 612

court, 371

Jewish, 370, 373, 387-388, 403, 404, 612, 1084

Moslem, 245, 246, 247, 612, 720, 1001, 1084