vases, 318, 847
vassals, 560, 563, 667, 786
Vatican, 134, 290, 441, 707, 823, 850, 909
vaults, 342, 457, 866-867, 869-872, 876, 883, 884
Vedanta, 244
Vegetius, Flavius, 122
veils, 341, 834
venereal disease, 823
Venetians, 436, 451, 608, 652, 654, 713, 831
Vent Creator Spiritus, 515, 604
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Innocent III), 897*
Venice, 318, 370, 376, 426, 431, 441, 453-455, 469, 586, 592, 602, 603, 605, 606, 612, 615, 616, 617, 619, 624, 627, 628, 629, 633, 635, 642, 651, 680, 706, 708-712, 722, 761, 811, 812, 846, 848-851, 854, 857, 868, 902, 919, 989, 993, 1065, 1085
Venus, 137, 987, 991, 1025, 1027
Vercelli, 712
Council of, 543
Verdun, 543
Treaty of, 473, 511, 686
vernaculars, 450, 484, 903-906, 1030
Verona, 40, 98, 451, 617, 662, 708, 722, 770, 916, 1065
verse, 263-270, 398, 400, 498, 755, 1022, 1045, 1057
verticality, 858, 865, 866, 872, 874
Vespers (Aquinas), 964-965
Vestiges of the Past (al-Biruni), 243
vestments, 440, 850, 876
veterinary science, 122, 429
Vexilla regis (Fortunatus), 94
Vézelay, 594, 599, 671
Via Francesa, 727, 728
vicarius, 32, 757
Vicenza, 40, 662, 708, 722, 723, 783, 918
Vico, Giovanni Battista, 957
Victimae paschali laudes (Wipo), 897*
Victoire, St., 745
Victor II, 545
Victor IV, 761
Victory (statue), 34-35, 56
Vienna, 619, 624, 664
Council of, 404
University of, 929
Vienne, 12, 688
Council of, 740, 816, 979
Vigilius, 115
Vikings, 447, 448, 471, 485, 502, 504-510
Vilgardus, 916
villages, 445, 558-560, 797, 803, 841
Villani, Giovanni, 578, 735, 915
Villard de Honnecourt, 864
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de, 603, 604, 697, 868, 1020, 1021
villas, 272, 299, 432, 435, 552, 558
Vincent of Beauvais, 736, 843, 988, 1005, 1016
“Vinland,” 504
Virgil, 32-33, 52, 78, 85, 915, 972, 1018, 1024, 1044, 1057-1058, 1067-1071, 1073-1076, 1081, 1085-1086
Virgin Birth, 186, 735, 771, 1008
virginity, 53, 76, 361, 807
virtues, 362, 691, 801, 820, 974, 985
Visby, 618, 619, 666
Visconti, Otto, 726
Visigoths, 22, 24, 25, 36, 37, 43, 47, 87, 95, 107, 114, 349, 423, 620, 699, 771
“Vision of Ezekiel,” 441
visions, 807, 810, 987, 1068, 1081
Visitation, 747, 889
Vistula River, 22, 445, 462, 618, 659, 665
Vita (Boccaccio), 1065
Vita nuova, La (Dante), 1050, 1059, 1065-1067
Viterbo, 513, 675, 701, 706, 770, 962
vivisection, 121, 245
vizierate established, 197
Vladimir, 442, 654, 656
Vladimir I, Grand Duke of Kiev, 448-449, 536
Vladimir of Bulgaria, 444
Vladimir and Kossara, 446
vocabulary, 578, 903
Voislav, Serbian prince, 446
Volga River, 24, 38, 208, 339, 443, 446, 616, 621, 654, 655, 656, 658, 659, 993
Volkhov River, 447, 449, 619, 654
Volsungasaga, 508, 1032, 1033
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet), 75, 87, 250, 485, 719, 739, 759*, 983, 1086
Voluspa, 508
Vortigern, 80, 81
Vouillé, battle of, 91
Vulgate, 54, 466, 1009
Wace, Robert, 1045
Wafa, Abu’l-, 242
wages, 119, 487, 647, 826, 917-918
Wagner, Richard, 711, 1032, 1048
Walafrid Strabo, 515
Walcher of Lorraine, 991
Waldemar I, King of Denmark, 665
Waldemar II, King of Denmark, 665-666
Waldemar, King of Sweden, 666
Waldenses, 767, 769-770, 783, 784, 809, 907
Waldo, Peter, 769-770
Wales, 80-82, 484, 493, 495-496, 501, 570, 675, 678-679, 681-685, 832, 871, 899, 992, 1003, 1032, 1045
Walid I, 194, 222, 230, 276
Walid II, 195, 221, 228, 270, 274, 280
Walkelin, Bishop of Winchester, 871
Wallace, William, 683
Wallada, 306
Wallia, 37
Walloons, 685, 832
walls, 271, 432, 835, 865, 867-868, 870, 872-873, 888
Walter of Châtillon, 1022
Walter de Merton, 924
Walter, Hubert, 673, 674
Walter the Penniless, 589
Walter, Archbishop of Sens, 1025
Walter Cornutus, Archbishop of Sens, 402
Walther von der Vogelweide, 905, 1039, 1041, 1049
Waltham, 494, 495
Wandering Jew, 1020
“wandering scholars,” 1024-1025
war, 79, 158, 264, 279, 292, 310, 339, 423, 429, 430, 431, 433, 443, 444, 445, 450, 451, 480, 496, 500, 503, 513, 514, 521, 532, 565, 566, 569-572, 576, 578, 618, 666, 700, 729, 755, 757*, 779, 812, 828, 829, 844, 906, 928, 979, 1004
civil, 292, 296, 392, 459, 472, 473, 501, 550, 639, 706, 798, 1063
holy, 424, 774-776
Waraqah ibn Nawfal, 163
wars, 285, 343, 442, 458, 464, 474, 531, 579, 560, 640, 642, 651, 698, 699, 727, 765, 766, 775, 784, 811, 854, 894, 1005, 1013, 1057, 1086
Albigensian, 776, 817
Balkan, 657
Carolingian, 465
English, 679
Italian, 762
Portuguese, 701-702
Russian 653-654
Wars of the Roses, 565, 578
Wartburg Castle, 1039, 1047
wastelands, 465, 578, 766
Waterford, 500, 682
Wathiq, al-, 201*, 251
Wazo, Bishop of Liége, 778
wealth, 266, 299, 302, 311, 360, 378, 393, 405, 432, 435, 454, 456, 463, 473, 475, 527, 578, 647, 786, 794, 795, 802, 824, 829, 833, 835, 845, 854, 870, 920, 949, 989, 1018, 1075
Byzantine, 118-121, 431-437
Christian, 386
Church, 547, 767, 770, 813
French, 876
Moslem, 190, 208, 701
weapons, 569-570, 572
Wearmouth, 483, 488, 491
weavers, 135, 298, 342, 487, 648, 704
weddings, 419, 823, 824, 838
Wedmore, Peace of, 484
weights and measures, 378
Weimar, 263
Weinsberg, 661
Welfs (Guelfs), 661
wells, poisoning of, 386, 393, 1003
Wells Cathedral, 883, 885
Well-Tempered Clavichord (Bach), 980
Wenceslas I, 660
Wenceslas II, 660, 661
Wends, 445, 510, 511
wergild, 90, 464, 486, 487, 506, 641
Werner, Archbishop of Mainz, 391
Wessex, 483, 484, 493
West, 845, 846
Christian, 50-57, 395, 457, 468, 627, 913, 1000
decline of, 450-482
Islamic, 315-317
Western Empire, 98, 103, 132
Westminster, 679, 752, 995
Abbey, 494, 677, 681, 744, 852, 861, 870, 883, 885, 1020
Palace, 642
Westphalia, 622, 785
whisky, 997
Whitby, monastery of, 490
Synod of, 534
Whitman, Walt, 86
“Why Ignorant Physicians Have More Success,” etc. (al-Razi), 247
widows, 379, 381, 464, 531, 755, 778, 805
Wilfred, St., 491, 534
will, 406, 528, 972, 981, 1005
William the Lion, King of Scotland, 683
William I the Conqueror, King of England, 369, 481, 482, 494-495, 504, 510, 550, 564, 640, 666-668, 670, 672, 679, 681, 684, 788, 822, 825, 851, 869, 870, 871, 893
William I the Bad, King of Sicily, 705
William II Rufus, King of England, 589, 669
William II the Good, King of Sicily, 705
William IX, Duke of Aquitaine, 1036
William X, Duke of Aquitaine, 827
William, Count of Holland, 723
William of Auvergne, 402, 406, 414, 956-958, 988
William of Champeaux, 808, 920, 933-935, 953
William of Chartres, 692
William of Conches, 476, 921, 945, 950, 951, 953
William of Durham, Archbishop of Rouen, 924
William the Englishman, 884
William Fitzobert (Longbeard), 648
William of Innsbruck, 868
William of Malmesbury, 81, 488, 498, 533, 587, 822, 870, 1019