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‘Who is Churchman? Your leader?’ The Monk didn’t answer, but Scab knew the name-drop had been carefully calculated. ‘So let me see if I understand you properly. You’re trying to avoid the double-cross by recruiting me?’ Very few people had ever heard Scab laugh. There was genuine humour in the laughter, but no warmth. The Monk found the noise grated on her. She didn’t like it.

Suddenly they were in the shade. They looked up to see huge chunks of wreckage plummeting towards them from high above. Both tried to neunonically order the AG motors to take what was going to be very languid evasive action. Eventually the Monk desisted, realising that Scab was stubborn enough to get them both killed if he didn’t have his way.

The wreckage rained down around them. Where it hit, the tree broke like delicate ceramic. The wreckage that hit them just seemed to shatter, causing the cocoon to bob slightly on its motors.

‘What’s happening?’ Scab asked, though he was beginning to guess.

‘I think it’s your diversion. The Game is being attacked.’

‘That’s happening in Real Space?’

‘I would imagine it’s considerably worse in Real Space.’

‘And it has an effect here?’

The Monk didn’t bother to answer.

You had to understand things on a quantum level to see the particle beam cutting through the Necronaught. Elite Scab knew that to penetrate the heavily armoured hull of a capital ship, even as it was breaking its back as it hit the atmosphere belly up, would be taking the Monarchist Elite’s weapon close to the exotic material’s tolerance levels, as it drew energy from a network of micro-black holes. A network harnessed by civilisations long dead.

Elite Scab closed his eyes, savouring this, standing on the lip of the split in the ship as impacts made the two parts of the ship fall away from each other. There was fire all around. Beneath, he knew there would be lightning as the atmosphere ionised around the debris. He had created an extinction-level event plummeting towards the day side of the planet. Is this the diversion I want? Elite Scab wondered.

He felt rather than saw the black wings. Heard the screaming. There would be no electronic warfare. This was no silent duel of nanites and biologicals. Elite Scab smiled. They would light up the skies.

He lifted his feet and flew down through the ship, wreathing himself in flames as he pierced the atmosphere. He was sure it was Horrible Angel after him. She was always the furious one. Tearing through burning wreckage after him, Fallen Angel would be setting an ambush, calculating trillions of possibilities to make the best shot and then leaving it to chance and chaos.

Down through the branches of the arcology trees at hypersonic speeds. Through the black leaves. Pulling up and flying through dark canyons of massive roots. Angel’s wings spread out wide high above him, the particle beam a near-constant lance stabbing through branch and leaf, creating waves of destruction running parallel with his erratic flight path as he wove in and out of the city-sized trees, wishing he had time to play genocidal lumberjack.

Far behind them the sky went black as the first wreckage hit the ground and thousands of tonnes of debris were thrown into the air. Through the black cloud the fires were almost invisible. The ground shook, Elite Scab only registering this through the shaking of the massive arcology trees.

He turned corkscrew at speed, letting his own particle beam lash out, carving scars on trees, cutting chunks out of them. He knew that Horrible Angel would be running a completely randomised set of evasive manoeuvres designed to not be where any sane mind would assume she was.

Crystalline receivers embedded deep inside Elite Scab detected the first attempts at sorcery. Imported higher-dimensional physics designed to block the complex entanglement effect, or in other words cut him off from his energy and ammunition.

It angered him. He wanted the Game as his funeral pyre. This was not how it should be done, but he knew she would be concentrating on the higher-dimensional physics. He used his own sorcery, rode the carrier beam back to find her. Angling all coherent energy shields forward, he aimed for her and accelerated. He went straight through one of the arcology trees, exploded out the other side and hit Horrible Angel. Materials that probably shouldn’t touch, touched, and physics struggled to catch up.

The other Elite recovered instantly. Blades extruded from both their armours, appearing and disappearing where they needed them as they fought at bewildering speeds. The debris cloud engulfed them, but it meant less than nothing to these people, with their heightened senses and their instinctive understanding of everything around them.

Horrible Angel broke contact first. She was vulnerable for a moment. Elite Scab risked a shot. His weapon became a rifle in an instant in his hands, and he fired a subtle DNA beam, hoping the low-energy beam on the strange frequency would sneak past her shield and armour to rewrite her genetic code into something less god-like.

It was a fire-and-hope because he knew what was going to happen next. He had felt Fallen Angel take control of the orbital defence platforms above Elite Scab’s area. He knew they had been fired.

The wing display made Horrible Angel’s flight look almost graceful. The orbital weapons platforms fired, reaching into the atmosphere, destroying anything in their line of fire as, like angry gods, they reached for Elite Scab.

Elite Scab had a moment to think that it had been perfectly timed. Then the force of many impacts drove him deep into the crust of the planet beneath him. And he remembered pain again.

The Red Space echo of Game seemed to be coming down all around them. They tried to avoid the worst of the falling debris as the expressionistic simulacra trees crumbled, but much of the debris had the consistency of ash by the time it reached them.

‘I don’t suppose you want to share your exfiltration plan with me?’ Scab asked. The Monk didn’t dignify the question with an answer. Instead she watched him almost curiously as it rained ash out of a red sky.

‘You know that Vic’s dead by now, don’t you? I’m sorry, but he was probably your best weapon,’ she told him with the same searching expression. Scab just nodded. ‘Will you even miss him?’

‘Who are you to ask me that?’ He wasn’t angry. It was another question he didn’t quite understand. It was almost as if he expected her to answer it somehow.

‘I was just curious, I guess. Vic was the only life form you regularly and closely associated with. I just wondered if you’d developed some kind of connection to him.’

‘Do you want me to take revenge now?’

The Monk looked down at the small cocoon they were riding.

‘If you want. Or you could mourn.’

‘Do you find emotions help being a killer?’ This time there was genuine interest in his voice.

‘No. No, I really don’t.’ The Monk seemed lost in thought for a while. ‘Having something to believe in does.’

There was more laughter, and the Monk didn’t like it any better this time.

‘I think that makes you more dangerous than me, certainly madder.’

‘Maybe just less cynical.’

They rode up again for a while, watching the echo of a world being destroyed by unseen forces. Scab was wondering if there was an exfiltration plan. Perhaps she was hoping to fly the thing all the way to the H-space beacon. After all, she had said that Red Space was smaller and governed by different physical laws.

‘While we’re sharing, where’s the Cathedral?’ Scab asked. The Monk ignored him yet again.

Scab looked around. He was starting to get bored. The slow ascent. Nothing to see but crumbling black skeletal trees and ashen-rain-obscured red sky. It took a while, but then he realised there was movement among the branches. There were indeterminate forms that seemed to be made out of some kind of deeper blackness than their surroundings. Faceless and roughly humanoid in shape, they had large bat-like wings and what looked like stinger-tipped tails. They crawled over the trees in a way that looked less like a flock and more like a swarm. They seemed somehow parasitical to him.