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“Marco,” Gritti said, “I want you to scout the parish. Search the calli and campi for bloodstains. The dead man bled to death a few hours before the rain started. Amedeo, deliver this letter to the Signoria and then find out from the chiefs if any bloodstains have been reported in the city. Report to me at Ca’ Donato Maddalena.”

They boarded the government gondola and their boatmen pushed off, letting Marco disembark at the end of the calle. That left Gritti, Vasco, a surprised-looking Giorgio, and me.

The old man smiled fondly. “You will not mind company when you call on madonna Corner?”

Of course I bowed acquiescence. “Your support is welcome and an honor, Excellency. Campo San Barnaba, please,” I told Giorgio.

Gritti boarded and placed himself in the felze. When I tried to join him he waved me forward. “You sit there. The vizio is too conspicuous.”

That left me out in the drizzle, of course, facing Gritti and a smug Vasco under the felze, but in truth the rain was a relief after the long months of heat. Soon we were gliding along, as Giorgio’s oar stroked the rain-dappled waters. On either hand the centuries flowed by-a fourteenth-century building, a fifteenth, then a twelfth, a modern sixteenth. Soon we should start on the seventeenth, which would seem odd. Gondolas passed us and followed us. Even on such a drab day, gondoliers sang on the water and canaries in high windows.

“I should explain, clarissimo,” I said, “that I never counted Danese Dolfin among my friends. He certainly never behaved like a friend to me. Why he told his wife otherwise I cannot imagine. He must have lied about his mother’s name and address, too.”

“Some liars need no reason, alas,” the inquisitor said. “They seem to feel they have failed if they have to speak the truth.” Probably nobody knew more about the subject than he, but he was still playing his jocular, grandfatherly role. “Tell me how one goes about identifying a jinx. Should you not have brought some equipment with you? A bible? A trained cat?”

No scribes stood ready to write down my words. If I asked him, he would assure me that they would not be quoted against me, but that would not stop him from asking the same questions again in more stressful circumstances-as, for example, when my wrists were tied behind me and taking my weight as I dangled on the strappado.

Fortunately I had worked out by then what the Maestro had hinted. I wanted to strangle him for not telling me sooner, because he had known something I had not, but perhaps he was not as sure as he had pretended.

“If my master meant what I think he did, Your Excellency, then I can just point and you will understand. If I am wrong, then I won’t be able to identify anything. Nostradamus is often needlessly cryptic, as you know.”

He chuckled. “I think you are picking up the habit. Tell me about the fire elementals.”

Warning bells rang.

“According to theory, Your Excellency, one would identify the source of evil by invoking fire elementals, which are-”

“Morally neutral. I read your master’s testimony. I am not certain Holy Mother Church agrees with his interpretation, but carry on. What is involved?”

“Much hocus-pocus, but basically it meant sitting in front of a fire and daydreaming.”

“And what did you see?”

He sounded genuinely interested. I am sure he was, because almost anything I said could be taken as an admission of witchcraft. I reminded myself that I was dealing with a fanatic. “I saw many things. Shoes and olive trees, galleons and bell towers. Women. Just daydreams. No demons, no Algol.” To confess that I had seen the murder before it happened would be fataclass="underline" Exodus 22:28, Deuteronomy 18:10.

“Who killed Dolfin?”

“I have no idea, clarissimo.”

“But you have suspicions. Tell me.”

I was flattered that he thought my opinion worth listening to, but a friendly chat with Ottone Gritti was a romp with a full-grown leopard. “Any man can be stabbed in the back. But the sword that killed Danese was his sword, legally mine of course; I mean he was wearing it. Only an agile and strong opponent could disarm him in a hand-to-hand struggle. When he stole my rapier, he should have taken my dagger as well!” I patted it, dangling at my right side. My sword was back in place on my left, and comforting. “The sword was left behind, so the motive was not theft, and a random killer would not have known to dump his body at Ca’ Barbolano.”

Gritti was listening with flattering attention. “So?”

“A hired bravo seems most likely, clarissimo, and there are many such ruffians to be had. So the question becomes, who hired him? Just about anyone in the Sanudo family had a motive. Sier Zuanbattista and his wife have been made laughingstocks, politically and socially. Sier Girolamo to a lesser extent, but there are rumors that his interest in Dolfin was less than honorable. Any of them may have wished to rescue Grazia from a potentially disastrous marriage. And she may have realized her mistake, although I see no practical means for a lady of her age and station to go out and hire a killer. As you said yourself, Your Excellency, Dolfin was a lecher, so even the servants might have had motives.” I waited for comment, and when there was none continued, “I would like to know where Girolamo was at the time of the murder.”

“Ask him.”

Puzzled, I said, “Your Excellency?”

“Ask him. I mean it!” The inquisitor smiled with secret amusement. “He will tell you the truth. Your list of motives leaves out the one that interests me most. If either Zuanbattista or his son is Algol, then Danese may have stumbled on the secret and been killed to keep him from revealing it.”

Gritti was playing games with me. He was very sure that neither Sanudo was the spy, and by then I had worked out why. It made sense and it complicated things. If the Sanudos were not traitors it was much harder to see them as murderers.

“It would have to have been done very quickly,” I said, “because Danese was no hero, as I told you. Sier Zuanbattista grabbed him, sier Girolamo disarmed him and stabbed him? There should be traces of blood somewhere in their house. Why did he come for his sword? Why did he steal mine? Was the agitation that Giorgio reported just impatience because he was keeping a gondola waiting?”

I persisted, because murder was a safer topic than pyromancy. “I have read only one page of the Algol documents and that dealt with naval matters. I know another began by naming the Council of Ten, but I don’t know what came after. Perhaps it went on to report nothing more earthshattering than last month’s edict on men’s clothing. Yet I must assume from your own interest in these events, Excellency, that the dispatches contained significant leaks of state intelligence.”

The grandfather mask slipped slightly. “Assume anything you like, but be careful whom you tell it to.”

“I do not make so terrible an allegation against such honored noblemen,” I protested. “Indeed it is obvious that they are not guilty. No one would dream of suspecting them were it not that sier Zuanbattista is a ducal counselor and sier Girolamo a minister of navy. I don’t suppose that combination occurs in any other family in the Republic at the moment.”

Gritti sighed, but continued to watch me closely. “It doesn’t. Why do you say that they are obviously not guilty?”

“Because you clearly do not believe they are or you would have used the murder as a pretext to arrest them and search their house. I wonder if perhaps the information in Algol’s dispatches, although basically correct and damaging, also contained some errors that neither Sanudo would have made?”