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“Yes, I did. We were both in need of rest after all of yesterday’s activities.”

He was talking about the hike, naturally, but there was no way their sexytime wasn’t figuring into his statement. He slid his hand lower, lifting the fur from Darla’s bare flesh, exposing her to his searching gaze.

His fingertips traced the lines of her tattoos, drifting over the sweeping lines, lingering on the runes, their pigment and light highlights having settled into more complex patterns than he had originally inked her with. She shuddered, but not from cold.

“Your pigment is settling in nicely, and your runes have mostly formed, and far more developed than one so recently marked would show.”

He continued touching her, so brutally strong out in the world, but so gentle with her. A tranquil beast, tame and calm, except when it was time to not be. She had seen him dispatch those attacking animals and had no illusions as to his potential, but with her, he was a different man. One she wanted more than anything right about now.

Darla rolled over to face the other way then scooted back against him, nestling into the warm curve of his big spoon. He draped his arm over her, resting his hand on her breast, cupping it in his meaty paw, his fingers teasing her nipple as he gently kissed her shoulder, his breath warm on her skin.

“To develop runes like this requires much energy,” he said. “Even for my own kind, this would be a massively draining process. But you are handling it exceptionally well.”

“I do my best,” she said, scooting her ass back against him.

He let out a tiny groan. “You are a remarkable woman, Darla.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she purred, reaching behind her and grabbing his cock. Any hesitation or uncertainty she may have had now long gone. In one swift motion, she pulled him free from his trousers, her bare palm shocked by the radiant heat of his member.

He was already partially hard, her backing into him clearly rousing the beast between his legs. Now, in her hand, he grew instantly erect as she pumped his length. The heat increased and the ridges around his girthy member grew more prominent the harder he became.

In no time, his cock swelled up to an impressive length, rigid and standing at attention, straining under her touch. A grower and a shower, she mused, her fingers running over the swelling ridges, making him twitch from the sensation.

This one’s built for both our pleasure, she noted, her fingertip collecting the droplet of pre-cum glistening on the broad tip of his cock.

He squeezed her nipple as he cupped her breast, biting her neck, gently for the moment, though she could sense his animalistic passion building. Darla gasped as he latched onto her neck, his tongue tasting her sweat as she pumped his cock with her hand, faster and faster until she didn’t think it could get any harder.

She shifted her hips, lifting one leg and positioning his sex between her legs, her juices already flowing freely, coating him from tip to base. She pressed it against her clit, the heat giving her an electric jolt of pleasure.

Slowly she lowered her leg, squeezing his cock tight between her folds, sliding freely over its ridged length, every thrust making her clit jump with pleasure. They both let out low groans of ecstasy, Darla pushing her ass back harder and Heydar thrusting his hips forward to meet her, his cum-heavy balls slapping against her with every stroke.

Darla had never been so wet, so completely and utterly aroused. She clenched harder, squeezing him against her clit as his arms pulled her in tight, his other hand weaving around her body as he lifted her slightly from the furs, sliding up her chest until it rested on her neck.

His fingers tightened, not too much, but just enough to hold her steady, taking control as he thrust harder. Darla’s first climax hit hard and fast, sending her bucking against him. He held her firm, not letting her wet pussy slip away from him but keeping her close, thrusting on and on, pushing her over the edge into a chain of body-shaking orgasms.

She was out of her head with bliss, but even in that state she could feel the hard pounding of his heart, his muscular chest pressed firmly against her back as he wrapped her up in his arms. Darla wanted him inside her so bad it hurt. She shifted her hips, sliding forward, feeling the head of his cock teasing her vulva as it slid back and forth, nearly penetrating her with each stroke.

Darla angled her pussy for proper insertion and pressed back, guiding him with her body, drawing him close.

Holy shit, am I really doing this?

She pushed back and gasped as the thick tip of his cock slid into her, stretching her open, her body twitching as she fought to relax enough to grant him that blissful entry.

Heydar’s body tensed. In a flash he released his grip and pushed free.

“What is it? Are you—”

He had a hand raised for silence, his blades held at the ready in each hand. She looked at him, wondering where they had even come from.

He quickly moved to the cavern opening in a crouch, the small rune on his pubis churning with power, his erection still hard in front of him. A faint breeze on his sex-slick cock brought that little detail to his attention. Quickly, he tucked himself into his trousers. He turned to Darla and motioned for her to stay still and remain quiet, then crept out into the daylight.

Darla gathered up her clothing and dressed as quietly as she could, her ears straining for any sound of what was going on outside. But tucked inside the cavern, the only sounds she heard were those of the breeze passing the opening and the occasional shifting of rocks as they slid down the hillside.

What the hell is going on? And talk about shitty timing!

She moved closer to the mouth of the cavern where more light was filtering in. She was looking to see if she could catch a glimpse of whatever was happening out there when something sitting atop a flat rock just inside the cavern’s mouth caught her eye.

Oh, he did not. Seriously?

Apparently, while she had slept, Heydar had laid out a little spread of native fruits, vegetables, and some of the native bread they had been saving in their packs. He had also unwrapped a few pieces of the local sweet cake, dense with carbs and sugars, which her body was certainly craving right about now.

He made me breakfast in bed, she pondered, shocked. He actually got up and made me breakfast in bed. Or cave. Whatever. Regardless, after all the shitty guys I dated on Earth, this seven-foot-tall alien is the one treating me right? She took a bite of the cake, savoring the taste as well as the effort he had made for her.Not bad, Heydar. Not bad at all.”

“What is not bad?” a deep voice said from the cavern opening.

“You’re back!” she exclaimed, excited and relieved. Then she saw the blood.

Heydar gauged her look of concern and held up a small animal. “Do not worry, it is not mine. It seems it was not the Raxxians that stumbled upon our resting place after all.” He walked over and tossed the beast next to the smoldering remains of their fire. “In any case, inconvenient as the intrusion was, we need not worry about today’s food,” he said, pouring some water from the container over his hands, washing the blood away.

They could spare it. There were enough small streams in the area that there was no concern about running out of water. And he had raced from the cavern only partially clothed. Blood would wash from skin far easier than from clothing.

Darla watched him run his hands over his exposed torso admiringly, the water cleaning specks of blood from his thick muscled body. He made quick work of it, though, the earlier mood had been thoroughly killed along with the animal that had interrupted them.