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Oh my God! What the hell is he doing?

Her vision had returned enough for her to glance down long enough to see the source of this new pleasure. The rune on his pubis was moving even more, reacting to her body’s wants, its power binding with her clit as he drove into her, sending her over the edge until she orgasmed so hard even the metal walls of the general’s quarters couldn’t contain her cries of pleasure.

Her fingernails dug deep into his back and her mouth latched onto his arm without her realizing what she was doing as her entire body clamped down on him like a vise. Darla tasted his blood, the salty brine of his sweat mixing with the coppery taste as she screamed until she nearly blacked out as her jaw locked tight then finally released.

Heydar let out a roar and his entire body shook as he reacted to her, shaking violently as he poured himself into her in a hot geyser deep inside that made her pussy quiver with pleasure, pulsating as the hot cum flowed and flowed into her until she nearly passed out from the sensation. It was unlike anything imaginable. Lovers had cum in Darla before, but it was nothing like this. Even his cum somehow made her orgasm even harder, it seemed. And Darla was more than all right with that.

Heydar shook and almost collapsed from bliss, but managed to lower himself on top of her, his heat and weight a welcome comfort as his chest rose and fell, breathing hard, his heart pounding so hard in his chest she could feel it shake her bones.

She could feel his cock twitching marvelously inside her as he nuzzled her neck, holding her close, their sweaty bodies entwined as one as they drifted off into an exhausted, and well-earned slumber.



Darla and her lover slept straight through the night, waking with the sunrise refreshed, invigorated, and just a little bit sore. Sore, but in the best of ways.

Before departing, Heydar bent down and kissed her deeply, a rumbling passion connecting the two as their tongues danced with one another. But there were things to take care of, and potential danger still lurked, so he put aside his surging desire–despite the rapidly swelling bulge in his trousers–and headed out to check on the status of their prisoners.

The question of the morning was what, if anything new, had been uncovered of the Dohrag plans.

As for Darla, she took her time rousing from bed, savoring the delightful feeling of being properly fucked had left her. The runes had erased any actual pain, and no damage had been done. But the sheer strength of her orgasms had left her needing every minute of that rest. And now she needed food. Lots of it.

She took a quick shower in the general’s private facilities, then stepped out into the morning air. She had a spring in her step as she made her way to the communal breakfast area, and for the moment at least all was good in the world.

“Hey, Darla! Over here!” Shalia called out, waving for her to join her.

Darla piled up her plate high and made her way over to the table, tucking into her food with gusto.

“Hey, Shalia. You sleep well?”

“I did. At least, I was sleeping well,” she added with a chuckle.

“Wait, what happened?”

Shalia could barely contain her mirth, the cheer in her eyes clear as a grin crept onto her face. “So. Wow. You and the alien guy.”

Darla’s cheeks abruptly burned, her gaze darting to the other diners. “Shit. You heard that?” she asked in a hushed voice.

“We all heard that.”

“Oh, damn.”

“Uh-huh. All I know is it must’ve been damn good.”

Darla’s blush was replaced with a starry-eyed grin as she replayed the night’s festivities. “You have no idea.”

Shalia looked at the other aliens currently dining in the group. She’d been unsure about the males, given what the Raxxians and now the Dohrags had put her through, but Darla’s rather vocal experience had made her look at them in a new light. A curious one. If an alien could rock her world like that, maybe she could find one of her own.

“I’m so glad you decided to come back to the Oraku village with us. It may be low tech, but they’re good people.”

“After the Dohrags, I could really go for good right about now. But what about eventually getting home? I mean, yeah, we’ve got to worry about the here and now, but I’d still like to get back to Earth, you know?”

“Yeah, I know what you’re saying and I’m going to ask Heydar about that. I was thinking, once we return the others home, maybe we could use the captured ship to get to Earth. But I have a bad feeling it’s not up for the flight.”

“You think it’ll break down?”

Darla shook her head. “No, I just don’t think it’s an interstellar kind of spaceship.”

“You were only abducted a couple of weeks ago, and you’re an expert in spaceships now?”

“No, nothing like that. But I’ve seen enough sci-fi in my day, and, I mean, just look at the thing. It’s not all that robust. And it’s small, too. Not conducive for a long flight. And given its size, even though I don’t know fuck all about alien engines, I don’t think it has faster-than-light capabilities. Hell, I seriously doubt it has enough power to even travel all the way to Earth. At least, not in our lifetimes, anyway.”

“I could not help but overhear your conversation,” a voice that made Darla’s knees weak said. Heydar stepped into view and walked over to join them, Kuxx following close behind. “The shuttle is indeed lacking the equipment required to reach your home world.”

“You heard that?” Shalia asked. “You weren’t anywhere near us.”

Heydar tapped the tattoo behind his ear. “I have a particularly good set of runes,” he replied with a friendly grin, leaning down and giving Darla a tender kiss.

Wow, and he’s not afraid of PDA, she marveled. This just gets better and better.

“In any case, there are no interstellar drive systems on the vessel. It is merely a transport shuttle, designed to make short hops from an orbiting craft to the surface. The Dohrags use it to build up the frozen storage aboard their orbiting platform.”

“You’re sure of that?”

“Believe me, we extracted all of the relevant information possible from our prisoners,” Kuxx stated matter-of-factly. “They did not hold any information back.”

Shalia didn’t want to ask what methods had been employed to achieve such certainty.

“Did your guys find out anything interesting?” Darla asked.

Kuxx nodded, a satisfied grin forming on his lips. “Just that the Dohrags have been using this world as a supply depot of sorts. Larger interstellar craft stop over periodically to resupply but only the stationary transit hub in geosynchronous orbit remains. It will be several months before the next arrives.”

“That’s a lot of information.”

“It gets better. The transit hub is sparsely crewed, and nearly all the guards were stationed on the surface.”

“Meaning even if another ship were to come down, it wouldn’t be a tactical assault group,” Heydar added. “We are safe. At least, until the next of their ships arrives to resupply. But therein lies another interesting possibility.”

“Oh?” Darla wondered.

Those ships are capable of traveling across star systems. All we would need to do is capture one.”

Darla’s head spun. Here she had accepted that she would likely be stuck on this planet for the rest of her days. And after the interesting turn things had taken, she wasn’t entirely certain that would be a bad thing.