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sation of the previous evening. Often enough had I observed these pert little youngsters, and had been annoyed more than once by their persistent efforts to sell me flowers but their extreme youth made it seem to me improbable that aside from selling violets, they had other professions.

"Do you mean to tell me that those little girls … ?" I exclaimed, incredulously.

"Every last one of them," she replied, "I'll get one to come to the house, if you want me to."

"Get one!"

"Allright! Wait till I see one I like!"

Ordering the coachman to circle the block we again approached the same group and we came alongside of them Irma motioned the driver to stop and leaning from the window she called to one of the youngsters, a bright eyed, piquant faced child of twelve or thirteen. The little girl rushed up to her expectantly, and extended tray containing a quantity of violets in little bunches. Irma selected one eyeing the child attentively the meanwhile, and gave her a small coin. Then, removing a card from her purse,* she pressed it the child's hand and whispered:

"Come and see me to-night at seven o'clock, darling!"

The girl glaced quickly at Irma, then at the address on the card, then at me, back again at

Irma, nodded her head, and backed away. "Of course, she'll come," replied Irma, dryly. And, as punctually on the hour as though she had been waiting outside for the crock to strike seven before presenting herself, the child was at the door. She wore a fresher dress, and with all the. inmate, and natural coquetry of a born Parisienne she had made infantile efforts to beautify herself. *

Irma took her hand and led her inside.

If she was impressed by the luxurious, and exotic surroundings she did not show it although she gazed with interest at the little statues, pictures, and paintings with which the room was adorned.

"What is your name, darling?"

"Lucille, at your service, Mademoiselle."

"How old are you, Lucille?"

'Twelve years, Mademoiselle."

"Who do you live with?"

"With my mama, and my sister."

"How old is your sister?"

"Ten, Mademoiselle.

"Does she sell flowers, too?"

"Yes, Mademoiselle."

"Can you stay all night?"

"Certainment! If you desire, Mademoiselle."

"Very well, Lucille. The first thing we are going to do is to take a nice bath in the pool

together. Then we'll have dinner and afterward we'll have a fine time. You can sleep here and go home tomorrow."

"As you please, Mademoiselle." was the courteous answer.

Placing an arm abut the child, Irma took her to the big bedroom, and while I lounged in the doorway, an interested spectator, the two undressed. When Lucille's garments were removed down to her little panties, she glanced uncertainly toward me, but Irma reasured her.

"Never mind him, darling. He's a nice man." Off came the small garment, and Lucille was naked in the presence of her hosts. like them, this child was immature. Only the hint of a round swell surmounted with tiny nipples marked the budding breasts. No shadow of hair was visible on the elevated prominence above her little cleft. Here again after many years, I saw another fat lipped, naked little "V" witli its vertical incision and cute little dimple.

Irma herself was now disrobed, and before my sight was a vision in contrasts of female nudity, in the bold nakedness of childhood, thQ other. in the full bloom of enchanting feminine maturity.

With soap, perfumes, and towels, followed by me, they proceeded to the tiled pool, and soon immersed in the limpid waters. After fifteen or

twenty minutes of splashing and laughter, during which Lucille was diplomaticly rubbed, scrubbed, and sponged, they emerged, and after drying themselves Irma perfumed and powdered the child's body, dried her hair, and dressed her in a pajama suit which, though large, was pressed into emergency duty. Then she brushed and arranged Lucille's hair, tying it with a pink ribbon and finally, with her own toilet accessories, she first powdered, then touched up the juvenile cheeks with rouge. With a lip-stick she traced a dainty Cupid's bow upon the little mouth. The deft touches produced a complete transformation and I could harly restrain an exclamation of amazement at what water, soap, powder, perfume, lip-stick and rouge could do to a ragged younster.

During dinner I could scarcely take my eyes off of her, so incredible was the transition. She, except for brief replies to our questions, ate in silence. The mother, from what we were able to gather, was or had been a prostitute, Lucille and the younger sister referred to being the fruit of transcient amours, fathers unknown. Now they lived entirely upon what revenue was derived from the sale of flowers, and on what "rich ladies" gave Lucille and her little sister.

My curiosity as to what proceedure such children followed to please the "rich ladies" was un-

bounded. After dinner was concluded we went into the lounging room and here, after a few minutes, Irma left us, telling me that I might "play" with Lucille, but not to "hurt" her.

As soon as we were alone I took her upon my lap, where she sat passively while I loosened the belt of her pajamas. Slipping a finger between the lips of her cleft, I made discreet exploration. Her maiden head was intact and technically at least, she was a virgin.

Irma returned, drapped in a kimona. She lay down on the big, plush covered sofa and called Lucille to her. The girl lay down by her, clasping her arms about the recumbent form and their lips united in an amorous kiss. From this on Lucille calmly took the initiative. She continued to caress her older companion and finally slipping one of her soft little hands inside the breast of the kimona, she exposed Irma's bubbies, and applied her lips to the nipples of each in turn. With close attention I watched this tender play, while Irma lay still surrendering herself to the child's ministrations. Young as she was, she had acquired, or possibly it had been born in her, a skill and artfulness beyond description. Her caresses were as light and soft as the touch of a feather. While I watched I began to get a better comprehension of certain things which had formerly mystified me.

Like a humming bird flitting from flower to flower, the moist, red lips were being applied first to one, and then to the other, of Irma's snowy breasts. I saw the nipples stiffen out, and erect themselves as the provocative caress reacted magically upon them. Lucille clasped her lips over one of them and raised her head. The nipple slipped back with an elastic little jerk when released. She moistened the nipples with saliva, then twirled them between her fingertips, until under the tantalizing manipulation, Irma began to twitch and tremble.

Beneath the kimona, which still draped her lower limbs, her thighs slowly separated themselves. As though waiting for some such indication the girl instantly threw the garment open, slipped one of her knees between Irma's thighs, bringing it up in close contact with her cleft. In this position, crouched over the naked body of her friend she hesitated glancing toward me as though doubtful as to whether she should proceed.

"Hurry up, darling!" gasped Irma.

Chapter VI

Without further hesitation with a matter of fact directness which indicated perfect familiarity with the task in hand, she twisted about on the sofa and the next instant her face was between Irma's legs. With my gaze now on Luiclle's bobbing head, then on Irma's face as she surrendered her body to the intimate caress, I watched the realization of the act following every graduation of its effects upon Irma in her facial expressions. When I saw her hands suddenly dart to Lucille's head and perceived in her eyes that intent strained look which proceeds orgasm I was almost on the verge of spon-taneaus ejaculation myself. When the tensed thighs relaxed their pressure upon the child's face and the hands withdrew from her head she sat up, reached for a towel and wiped off her lips. Irma lay with her head thrown back and eyes closed for a few moments and then with a lanquished movement drew the kimona about her naked legs. With a sly glance toward me she placed an arm about Lucille and drew her face down, whispering something in her ear.