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Carry had always been a prude, so that when she called in the afternoon, I was almost at a loss, how to open the business.

After saying how pleased I was to see her, how well she looked, amp;c., I went on: "You must not mind me speaking to you, dear Mrs. Parker, seriously upon a subject, which is of the greatest possible consequence to the future happiness of both yourself and husband. In fact, he has seen me upon the subject of your being so cold and unsympathetic in the act of love, the act of coition, I ought rather to say, which unless enjoyed and fully entered into by both male and female, causes so many separations, divorces, amp;c. Besides you would have no children.

How would you like John to go after other girls, because he has no pleasure with you? It is such a serious business, that you ought to let me make an examination, as I hope to be able to make both of you grateful to me for the rest of your lives."

After all sorts of objections and difficulties she at last seated herself on the throne of bliss, as I called it (my sofa), and allowed me to raise her clothes. I did everything with the greatest possible delicacy, telling her she had better cover up her eyes, amp;c. Then I examined most minutely one of the most delicious little cunts, I had ever looked into, a beautiful pinky little slit, shaded by the softest brown hair, with a delightful little pink orifice beneath it. That was where my gingered fingers first touched her, then they slowly opened the luscious lips of her love-gap, squeezed the clitoris, and gently rubbed a little inside, till I perceived very evident sighs of rapidly increasing excitement.

You may be sure my cock was ready enough, so I gently introduced him to Venus' wrinkle, and John's big tosser had so effectually opened her, that I had no great difficulty in slipping in, as she was already spending and almost unconscious from excess of emotion. I spent too almost directly, (in fact, I afterwards found I really made her first baby), and then throwing my arms around her, I glued my lips to hers as I pushed on, and asked if she did not like it now.

"Could you, my darling, now refuse such bliss?" I exclaimed, as I spent for a second time. "You will go home and enjoy it with your husband in future, won't you?"

She kissed me in her frantic state of lubricity, and shed tears of sorrow to think she was not my wife, instead of John's, but as this was out of the question, she made the best of a bad job and called in my professional assistance upon every possible occasion, telling me to charge for it well in my bill, as John really owed me so much for teaching her the real joys of fucking.

Next morning her husband burst into my surgery. "Hi, Hi! Ha, Ha!!

Doctor, yer made her go to horse rights now, thars her tenner, and that's only a quid of time. Ten times, zur help me God, she helped herself, when I couldn't quite come to time. When yer want a good fuck, try ginger-boys, she told me, what yer put on her, what a fool not to think of 'it myself. But it's the best I ever had for my rhino, Lunnon, or anywheres!"

It is really surprising, how many married women actually pass through life without ever feeling the real pleasure of coition. I consider that medical advisers ought to catechise young married ladies on the subject, and that it is their duty to enlighten the fair but cold innocents to the joys they lose, by simply submitting to the marriage-rites as a necessity, and not entering into the spirit of the fun.

In the foregoing pages I have endeavoured to give my readers a brief outline of my intrigues and adventures as far as they could be entered upon in so limited a space and I can only say, that if they enjoyed as many opportunities on their wanderings as have fallen to my share, they ought to have as lively a recollection of them as myself, for pleasure, though the actual indulgence of it vanishes, yet leaves the recollection ever vivid in the minds of those who have partaken of her sweet and luscious cup.