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Among my patients, some of whose cases were successfully treated, by means of a rather novel expedient, were two sisters, the daughters of a gentleman of property in the town, the particulars regarding whom are, I consider, of sufficient interest to be related in the next chapter.


It is one of the requirements of society that the feminine portion of it should wear, at least to outward gaze, the semblance of virtue, yet there is nothing in female human nature which is more difficult to adhere to.

Among the males, society tolerates vice of all kinds, which does not actually bring the perpetrator within the pale of the law; but with woman one false step, nay, the very breath of slander is sufficient to cast her, a degraded being, without the pale of its magic circle.

Can we picture a more pitiable position than that of a young woman, in the prime of her youth and beauty, condemned to await in silence the advance of the opposite sex, with the knowledge that the person whom she is prevailed upon to accept at last, may after all turn out to be an impostor, totally disqualified for performing those functions which are necessary to the happiness of married life.

We, medical men, are not ignorant of the secret pangs and unruly desires which consume the bashful virgin, and which society with its ordinances alone prevent her from finding a safe vent for. We have often the means of tracing all the passionate thoughts, and sometimes the wanton doings in secret of those whom kind society has condemned to disease, rather than to allow nature to take its own proper course, and allay those symptoms so detrimental to young girls.

Who shall say, how many victims have been sacrificed on the altar of mock modesty for fear, lest the disgrace of the only natural cure for their complaint should blast their characters.

I have alluded to the circumstances which have come to my knowledge from tine to time, with reference to the expedients made use of, to allay those raging fires which in too many cases prematurely exhaust the constitutions of our young women, and one of these cases will suffice to prove, how ingenious are the designs to cheat society of its whimsical requirements.

A young lady, not yet eighteen years of age, was under my care for a complaint of the bladder, in which the symptoms denoted the presence of calculus, or stone. An operation became necessary, which the patient underwent with unexampled fortitude.

I could not conceal a suspicion from the first that the young girl could, if she choose, enlighten us to the nature of the case, but strange to say, she absolutely preferred to submit to a painful and dangerous operation, with the knowledge that death might possibly ensue rather than render us any information which might lead to a correct conclusion.

The operation was performed successfully. A mass of calculus was removed, and as these formations never take place without something to build up a "nucleus," we began to search.

We recommended the usual examination, when we discovered that the formation had for its nucleus a hair-pin, which must have been introduced by the fair hands of the young patient herself, and doubtless not without a sufficient covering to render the insertion tolerably agreeable.

The result was that the inexperienced girl had allowed the hair-pin to become disengaged, and instead of getting into the entrance she had intended, it had slipped into the urethra, and thence into the bladder, from whence the very nature of its shape had prevented its returning.

This instance is only one of a number I could give my readers, illustrative of the shifts young ladies are frequently driven to, in order to satisfy in secret by illicit means, those desires which they are prevented from openly exhibiting, and which they dare not appease by nature's only fit and proper remedy, connection with the other sex.

I have promised in these pages a faithful recital of events, which have befallen me, have left a sufficiently warm interest in their remembrance to entitle them to a place here, and true to this promise I am about to relate my adventure in the case of the sisters before alluded to.

As I have already stated, they were daughters of an opulent resident in the town. They both inherited the pretty face and elegant form of their mother, who when they were quite children, had committed them in their last hours to their father's paternal regard.

I was the medical attendant of the family, and as such it fell to me to be depository of such little complaints as these two young beauties had to make.

At the time I write, the elder was just sixteen, and her sister not yet fifteen.

I had of late observed in the older those usual indications of approaching puberty, that disturb the imagination of young girls, and I knew from her symptoms that nature was working powerfully within her to establish her claim to be treated as a woman.

One day on calling, I found that found Mr. H-had gone out hunting, and would not return until late in the evening. It was then four o'clock in the afternoon of a hot and close summer day. The two young creatures were alone, and received me with the modest grace so captivating to a young man.

I stood and chatted, until the time for paying my other visits had passed, and as none of them were pressing and could as well be paid the following day, I remained to tea.

After tea the younger of the two girls complained of headache, and after a little while she went up stairs to lie down, leaving her sister to sustain the conversation.

I played the agreeable with all my powers of attraction. I gazed on her with longing eyes. My looks followed every movement of her body, and my wandering fancy drew an exquisite picture of all her concealed beauties.

Gradually love grew into ardent desire-a desire so strong that I had some difficulty to keep my seat, while my rampant member stood beneath my trousers with the strength of a bar of iron.

Each moment only served to increase my fever, while I fancied I observed an embarrassment on her part, which seemed to hint that she was not ignorant of the storm that raged within me. Innocent as she was, and all inexperienced in the ways of the world, nature stirred within her powerfully, and doubtless whispered that there was some hidden fascination in my gaze, something wanting to content her.

At length tea-things were sent away, and I could find no reasonable excuse to linger longer by the beautiful being who had so fiercely tempted me.

I rose to go. She rose also. As she did so a certain uneasiness in her manner assured me that she had something to communicate. I asked her if she felt unwell, pretending that I observed an unusual paleness on her lovely face.

She said she had something to tell me, and proceeded to detail the usual symptoms of a first perception of the menses, amp;c., which had occurred a few days previously, and which had at first much alarmed her.

I re-assured her on this subject, explained the cause, and promised relief. And on taking my departure I requested her to come to my house on the following day, and said I would then investigate her case.

With what impatience I passed the interval, may be easily imagined by any of my readers who have been similarly situated. But as the longest night must have at length an end, so did this, and morning broke to dispel the restless dreams of unruly passion which had held me enthralled.

I anxiously awaited the time of my young patient's arrival, and my heart danced with joy, as I heard her timid knock at my street-door.

She entered-heavens! how my prick stood-how beautiful she looked.

I stand even now when I think of that sweet vision.

Over a plain skirt of black silk she wore a mantle, such as becomes young ladies, with a neat little bonnet. Pale kid-gloves set off her exquisite little hands, and I noticed that her feet were encased in boots any lady might have envied.

I hastened to make her take a seat in my study. I entered fully into the particulars of her case. I found as expected, that she was experiencing the full force of those sensations which were never intended to be borne without relief, a relief I was panting to administer.