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Her flesh felt soft and warm, and my desires began to master my reason. I tried further advances, taking care not to startle the innocent girl out of her confidence in me.

By degrees, under the pretence of tickling her to excite her laughter, I reached the goal of my desires. My hand, the tip of my fingers only, touched her pouting little beardless cunt. A thrill shot through at the contact. It was soft as her damask cheek, and the warmth of its velvet skin sent fire through my veins.

I now endeavoured to advance, but she held her legs firmly together, not apparently altogether relishing the tickling sensation my intrusion produced.

She was an excitable little girl, however, and soon, by suddenly pretending to throw her backwards, I got her to open her legs. And then, oh! how I stand when I even refer to it. I placed my smooth fingers in the open slit; it was as moist as the interior of her lovely mouth, and the opening was small, and apparently intact.

My readers may wonder perhaps at the above remark, but my experience has shown me that in very many cases young girls, long before they reach the age of fourteen, cannot strictly be said to be possessed of a perfect maidenhead.

The cause is this. What with the early efforts prompted by nature to break through the restraints she has herself placed in that tender spot, by the self-introduction of their little fingers, and other inanimate objects, and the effects of the society, and even the bed-fellowship of boys from twelve to fourteen years of age, who frequently effect a penetration in very young children with their small but stiffly erected member, young girls on reaching puberty are seldom possessed of the imaginary jewel in its full perfection, at least so far as regards the lower and middle classes of society.

I could enumerate many instances of the truth of what I here affirm. For instance, I recollect a case which occurred at school at which my father had placed me.

The master of the academy had a little daughter, nearly twelve years of age, when the circumstance happened to which I am now drawing attention. This child was allowed considerable liberty, and she would after school hours mingle with us in the playground.

There were not wanting boys ready to take advantage of such opportunity to investigate the hidden treasures of nature. Little Miss being inspired with a similar desire, soon had several admirers, with whom it was a delightful pastime to feel and tickle each other's curious little secrets.

From feeling they soon arrived at conjunction, and it was not many days before one of the boys possessed of a longer and stiffer instrument than his companions, fairly penetrated her gentle belly, and deposited his little drops of pleasure within her vagina.

He was of course followed by others, and this young girl, before she reached the age of twelve and who was considered by her parents an emblem of innocence, became the juvenile harlot of the school of thirty boys, and rarely passed a day without receiving the vigorous attacks of at least three or four of them.

A discovery came at last, but not before a junior usher, a tall, strong, young fellow of twenty had himself found out the state of matters, and under a threat of disclosing the affair had forced the little girl to submit to his own embraces.

In consequence of this unusual attack, and the pain she suffered from the distention of her parts by the much greater size of the new champion, the doctor discovered the affair, and they removed the child at once.

But to return to myself and my little playmate.

When she found my hand in possession of what she had no idea of the use of, she tried all in her power to disengage herself, but I took care her struggles should be unavailing, and at length she laughingly ceased them.

I now roamed over her little charms at pleasure, but my prick was up, my boiling point was reached, and I cautiously laid her lengthwise on the sofa, and getting on her pulled out my member standing stiff.

Moistening it well with saliva I put it to the tender orifice and pushed.

Up to this time my young companion had no idea of my intention, and wonderingly submitted to my caresses. She now felt the painful pressure I was causing with the large had of my prick, and would have averted my attack but that I kept her steady with my left arm round her waist.

Again and again, I attempted the entrance. I was foiled, until suddenly a squirt of sperm came to my assistance. Once more trying the now moistened barrier, the head of my prick went gradually in as far as its junction with the shaft. There it stuck, and my excitement being now at its height, I spent. The hot thick fluid escaped from me in streams, and inundated the soft and stretched interior of her belly.

During the emission I gained about another inch, but no more, and only at the expense of much pain to my youthful mistress.

In the course of the following day I repeated my attempts upon Mary's little fortress, and at length demolished her natural defences, and plundered the whole length of my machine into her vagina. The enjoyment was extreme, and the tightness of her little unshaded cunt soon brought on a most plentiful shower of semen, which I freely poured into her, secure by reason of her tender age from any unpleasant consequences of the amour.*

[note by the editor. The narrator was fortunate in this respect, for the confidence he expresses is certainly without foundation, as at the moment of going to press with this work, he knows of a case, the little daughter of a stevedore at Bermondsey, who, although not eleven years of age, is eight months gone in pregnancy, and when the parents first discovered the state their child was in, she had been carrying on her amour with a full-grown man for upwards of four months.] Little Mary, when her passion had once been thoroughly aroused, proved to be most lasciviously inclined. For fear of injuring her back or putting a dangers strain upon her tender spine, I made her lie as still as possible, in which position she was delightful for me to stir up her vitals by the gentle movements of my big prick, which would quickly come to the crisis of emission, so deliciously tight did her little cunt cling round its ruby head.

She was one of the most apt little pupils I ever had in the art of gamahuching. We used to do the double, both of us stripped perfectly naked on her bed, (this was only done when I visited her in her room, after my household had all retired for the night), then she would reverse her position, and lie over me, burying my face between her thighs, whilst I returned the attentions she so delightfully bestowed on my prick, by sucking and tongue-fucking both her pink little cunt and her rosy wrinkled little bottomhole, until she spent over and over again in my mouth, each pearly drop as precious to me as the most veritable elixir of life, for streams of sperm literally spouted from my prick in response to these proofs of her ardent enjoyment. How she sucked my prick first, and then cuddled it between her throbbing titties, till it came again. What transports of ecstasy seemed to carry us both away it is impossible to describe in these pages.

She told me that she longed to feel me move within her, with all the furious energy of which she knew I was so capable, and that her having to keep still, and my gentle movements when I fucked her, only seemed to excite without giving her that full satisfaction which she instinctively felt could only be obtained by giving full license to all our desires by a perfect abandon of voluptuousness in those ecstatic conjunctions of which I had hitherto so imperfectly given her an idea, of the heavenly joys she yet anticipated to receive in my arms, adding that she had most enjoyed it, when I completed her ravishment on the second day of my attempt, and that although she had actually fainted under the excruciating pain caused by the entrance of my big affair into her tight little cunny, yet in her trancelike swoon she had experienced such supernatural pleasure, as she had never felt since.

"Do, darling," she added, "fuck me with real energy, if only for once; do let me feel what the ecstasies of sexual conjunction are really like; let me die of love for once, if I am never able to bear it again. You know the complaint, my spinal affliction, will never let me recover sufficiently to be married."