I grinned. "It wasn't entirely admiration that drew you here, then?'
"No. After making my report, I received new instructions a few days ago."
I said, "Sure. I wasn't certain I'd wake up this morning. But I guess you've got a little sentimentality, too. Enough not to spoil a pleasant reunion between two old comrades in arms. I was kind of gambling on that."
She looked at me for a moment longer with an expression I couldn't read. Then she laughed and turned to dress. At the airport we stopped at the gate. I put into her hand the little travel case she'd brought to my room.
"Goodbye, Eric," she said. "Under the circumstances, I hope we never meet again. At least… I think I do."
As I watched her walk out to the waiting plane, I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it, either.