'I'm sure that he wasn't lying. He was so gleeful.'
'I don't see any occasion for glee.'
'Nor do I,' admitted Christopher. 'My visit to Shoreditch was not as productive as your sojourn in Clerkenwell.'
'Did you meet Jeremy Vye?'
'Yes, and your friend was most helpful. He picked out the right house for me and even warned me about Blackie.' 'Blackie?'
'Mrs Lingard's dog.'
Christopher launched into a second attenuated account. The details of his adventures in Old Street kept his host entranced. Christopher did not spare himself from blame.
'I was a fool,' he confessed. 'Martin Eldridge tricked me. While I was waiting for him to fetch that letter, he was legging it down the street. Blackie made sure that I couldn't pursue him immediately.'
'What do you conclude, Mr Redmayne?'
'That the slippery actor is embroiled somehow in this affair.'
'But he's a close friend of Mrs Gow's. You said yourself that he spoke very warmly of her. Why should he want to harm a lady he obviously cared for, Mr Redmayne?'
'Why should he take to his heels and run?'
'That still doesn't make him party to a kidnap.'
'No,' agreed Christopher, 'but it does put him on the list of people I'd like to question. Only next time, I'll have the sense to stand between him and the door.' A self-deprecating smile. 'And to take a bone with me for Blackie.'
'It's been a day of exchanges,' mused Jonathan.
'Yes, sir. We lost one suspect - Mr Gow - and gained another in the person of Mr Eldridge. We lost one villain - this man called Ben - and traded him for an accomplice who made the mistake of attacking me.'
'But why, Mr Bale?'
'I've been wondering about that.'
'How did they know who you were and where you lived?' said Christopher, running a hand through his hair. 'My brother Henry was more visible. He was seen making enquiries at the theatre. But you've been far more discreet. How did they know you were working with me?'
'I'll ask this fellow, Ben, when I catch up with him.'
'It's almost as if someone is watching us.'
'Mr Eldridge, perhaps?' 'No, someone else. It unsettles me.'
'What next, sir?'
'You pay a visit to the Hope and Anchor while I try to find a missing actor. I won't let him slip away again, I promise you.' Christopher rose to his feet then paused. 'I've just had a curious thought.'
'What is it, Mr Redmayne?'
'Why was the ransom note sent to His Majesty?'
'The King is not unknown to Mrs Gow,' said Jonathan with evident distaste. 'And who else could command that amount of money?'
'Oh, there are gentlemen in her life with wealth enough to pay such a demand. Yet they, as far as we know, were not approached. The kidnap was arranged with the express purpose of embarrassing His Majesty.'
'Three separate intentions may lie behind the abduction.'
'What are they?'
'First and foremost, to secure the ransom money.'
'They'll obviously kill to get that,' said Jonathan ruefully. 'Five thousand pounds is a vast figure. It could set someone up for life.'
'Let's move on to the second intention,' advised Christopher as he cogitated. 'Someone wishes to strike directly at His Majesty, to hurt his feelings and to wound his pride by seizing his favourite companion from right under his nose.'
'If only it was simply the royal nose she was under!'
'Now, now, Mr Bale.'
'Truth will out, sir.'
'Ours is not to pass moral judgements.'
'Perhaps not. What is the third intention, Mr Redmayne?'
'The most intriguing in some ways.'
'Because it doesn't concern money at all. Perhaps not even revenge. It turns on one avowed purpose. To bring a decisive end to the friendship between His Majesty and Harriet Gow.'
'An end?'
'The lady will hardly wish to continue a relationship which has brought her such suffering. And I suspect that His Majesty will wish to disentangle himself as well. What I believe,' said Christopher, 'is that we're looking for a man with a passion for Mrs Gow that's been over-shadowed by her involvement with the King. The obvious candidate was the embittered husband.'
'Bartholomew Gow can be acquitted. I'm certain of it.'
'That leaves us with another man who's enjoyed her favours but who, since His Majesty's interest was sparked off, has been pushed completely into oblivion.'
'What's his name?'
'I've already told you,' said Christopher. 'Martin Eldridge.'
Roland Trigg was in conciliatory mood for once. Confronted by an angry visitor at the house in Rider Street, he did his best to pacify the man. They were in the stable at the rear of the property. The coachman had been grooming the horses when he was interrupted.
'Calm down, Mr Eldridge,' he soothed. 'Calm down, sir.'
'How can I be calm at a time like this?'
'I know how you feel, sir.'
'Who's behind this kidnap?' demanded Martin Eldridge, shaking with fury. 'Tell me, Mr Trigg.'
'If only I could. I'd like his name so that I can get my own back for this,' he said, pointing to his injuries. 'I managed to take some revenge, though. One of the men who attacked me was given a sound beating of his own. He'll be more careful around Roland Trigg from now on.'
'One of the kidnappers?'
'Yes, I recognised him.'
'Has he been apprehended?'
The coachman told him the story that he had already related to Christopher Redmayne and the actor's expression changed from hope to disappointment. Eldridge was no nearer finding out who the real culprit was for the abduction of Harriet Gow. He became more agitated.
'Why did you bring me that message?' he asked.
'Because I was told to, sir.'
'By Harriet herself?'
'Who else? I take orders from nobody but Mrs Gow.'
'Why should she wish to cancel the arrangement?'
'She didn't say.'
'And why not send me a letter?'
'There was no time, Mr Eldridge. It was a decision taken at the last minute. That's why I arrived in Shoreditch so early in the day. Believe me, sir,' said Trigg fervently, 'I'm as eager as you are to have this mystery explained. Not only because of the beating I took. There's the business of Mary Hibbert.'
'They killed her.'
'Surely not!' exclaimed Eldridge.
'No question about it. They wanted us to know how serious they were in their threats. We're left in no doubt now.'
'Why did Mr Redmayne make no mention of this?'
'I've no idea.'
'He only told me about the abduction and the beatings.'
'I'm glad I know the truth,' said Eldridge, looking around uneasily. 'It shows how precarious Harriet's position is. Tell me all you know, Mr Trigg. I've the feeling that Mr Redmayne held a number of things back.'
'I can't add anything,' said the other cautiously. 'I'm only a victim of the kidnap. Mr Redmayne is the man to speak to, sir.'