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“Here is the thing,” Gaul said patiently, folding his hands on the desk in front of him. “There is an excellent possibility that things are about to get ugly, and that I may be forced to deal with this situation without a number of my usual tools. This is why I have brought you back early from your vacations. For whatever reason your potential in this situation was overlooked by my unknown adversary, but not by me. In short, I am going to need your help, ladies and gentlemen.”

The small group of people in his office muttered, exchanged glances, whispered and nudged each other. However, no one left, and no one looked anything more than excited and eager. Grigori and Margot exchanged challenging glances, while Vivik was already occupied in pouring over the probability matrices on Gaul’s desk.

Kids, Gaul thought sourly.

“Very well,” Gaul said crisply. “Let’s discuss the plan, shall we?”

“Alex, I need you to pay attention, because this is very important.”

Someone, a girl, in front of him. Who was it? He couldn’t seem to focus his eyes, and his head kept lolling forward and to the side uncontrollably. She put one hand on his cheek, steadying him, while she put something else behind his neck. The sensation was so overwhelming that it took him some time to identify it, but eventually it came to him.

A cold towel.

“An unfortunate thing has happened, Alex. I’m honestly not sure exactly what yet, and I find that very upsetting. You have had an experience, no need to think about it right now, that you also found quite upsetting.”

White face, red lips, pale blue eyes, black dress… Anastasia? Could the girl be Anastasia? No, Alex decided, it wasn’t possible. Because this girl looked as if she might have been upset, worried about him, and that could never be.

“I need you to stay with me, Alex, because I have a number of things that I am taking care of, at the moment, and frankly, you are hardly my priority. Please try and focus. I am tired of repeating myself.”

She had ribbons in her hair. It could only be Anastasia. But, how? And why would Anastasia be helping him? But maybe he was being unfair to the girl. In some ways, she had done nothing but help him since he had come to the Academy.

“We are not the only ones who were attacked, and there are things that all of us need to be doing. You included, I’m afraid. I have already spoken to The Director, and I have full command of you and the rest of the students here. I also have duties in the Black Sun, so my hands are full. This means that I cannot accompany you where you need to go.”

There was a pause, and when his vision cleared again, Anastasia was embracing her two younger sisters, Molly and Diana, while Renton looked on in obvious satisfaction. When Alex saw the look Anastasia gave him, he understood why. The crying girls then hurried off to Svetlana’s waiting arms. Anastasia returned to patting his face with a cold washcloth, looking much more composed.

“Shortly, Svetlana will return and take you to Central. As I was saying, I can’t come with you, because matters must be settled here, first. I will join you there when I can, when I have marshaled whatever is left of the Black Sun. I am not certain how much of Central is still under our control, or anyone’s control for that matter. So I am sending Katya with you.”

Alex moved his fingers, and found that they would obey him. His tried his toes and found that they were equally as willing. He blinked his eyes several times, and his vision started to clear. The strange sense of distance, the idea that he was watching a movie or having an incredibly vivid dream had receded, but didn’t depart entirely.

“The Director has explained the situation, and I agree with his assessment. It is critical, Alex, that you get to Rebecca Levy. Nothing else matters as much as this. You see, Gaul believes, and I believe as well, that contact with you might restore Rebecca. It could kill her, too, but that is a risk that we are willing to take. Because without her things are going to keep getting worse, and the longer she is incapacitated, the harder the damage will be to repair. Now, I know that this is not what you want to be doing…”

“What about Eerie?” Alex managed, a little surprised that his tongue remembered how to handle the complicated challenges posed by language.

Anastasia shook her head and sat back, wringing out the washcloth in the bowl of water that sat beside her.

“Back with us, I see,” Anastasia said, sighing, but he was fairly certain the sigh was of relief, rather than exasperation.

“Is Eerie okay?” Alex demanded, trying to sit up and, after a few abortive efforts, just managing it.

“I knew you were going to ask that,” Anastasia said, with a slight smile. “Let me assure you that, if anyone in Central is currently safe, then Eerie would be that person. And if you don’t help us with Rebecca Levy, you won’t be able to help Eerie anyway, because she, and everyone else in Central, will be dead.”

“You don’t know?” Alex asked, shivering as the sweat on his body cooled. “No one has heard from her?”

“Alex,” Anastasia said with unaccustomed gentleness. “No one has heard from anybody, because the same thing is happening everywhere. Central, here, at Hegemony and Black Sun operations the world over. This is much bigger than you realize.”

Alex tried to stand, but his body wasn’t ready for that level of overall coordination. Anastasia pushed him gently back down.

“What are you going to do?” Anastasia said, dabbing at his forehead with the washcloth. “You can’t get to Central till Svetlana comes back, and you won’t survive there very long without Katya’s help. The whole place is overrun, Alex. But I promise you that Eerie can take care of herself. What she cannot do is live through the day without some help from Rebecca Levy, and the only way we get her back is your catalyst effect. You see, Alex, we have been betrayed. By the Chief Auditor, no less.”


Anastasia nodded grimly. Alex’s vision had cleared to the point that he could see that they were still in the main house, back on the island, in the kitchen. There was continuing gunfire outside, but it was more distant and sporadic. The threat, he reasoned, was less immediate.

“I don’t know all the details, but apparently, Alistair is leading the attack on Central,” Anastasia said, apparently judging him well enough, placing the washcloth across his forehead and standing up to pace across the kitchen. “They have destroyed whole portions of Central’s defense and transportation departments, and we can’t seem to port directly to the Academy at the moment. I will have Sveta drop you and Katya somewhere not too far outside the gate, and you will have to make your own way there.”

“Fuck that,” Alex said, peeling the washcloth from his head and standing up unsteadily. “I’m finding Eerie first. If she’s okay, then I’ll…”

To his utter shock, Anastasia whipped around and grabbed him by the ear, pulling him down and coming up on her tiptoes until they were almost eye-to-eye. There was no mistaking it, now that he was this close — tears had run through her eyeliner and mascara, leaving dark streaks down her cheeks, but those eyes were filled with nothing other than burning anger now.

“Listen to me very carefully, boy,” Anastasia commanded, and Alex, despite the painful grip on his ear, found that he could do nothing but listen. “I have looked out for you since you arrived at my doorstep. In that time, I have been very patient putting up with you and your whining and indecision, your self-pity and narcissism. I don’t have time for that right now. Those fools are trying to tear apart everything that I have built, everything that is mine. They are trying to kill my family, the Black Sun, all my people. My cartel needs me, so I must be there. If you think that what you need to do is to go find Eerie — who, by the way, does not need your help — then you go ahead and do that. However, keep in mind that I will decide at that point that you are disagreeing with me. And this, I promise you, is going to be a very bad day for people who disagree with me. Please think about that very carefully before you open your mouth.”