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“Yes, did you think this was the nephilim’s only one? Fairwick was to be the center of their dominion, but they’ve nests in a dozen locations around the world. It will take a lot of work to root them out …” Her voice shook. “We should never have allowed them to get a stronghold here.”

I took my grandmother’s hand. Startled, she looked up at me. When had she grown so small that she had to look up at me? “If the Grove and people of Fairwick work together, we’ll find them,” I told her. “I think there might be hope that we can reform the younger ones. Look at the Alphas. Who’d have thought they’d come to our side tonight?”

“That’s your doing,” Adelaide said. “You have a knack for bringing people together. Your mother did, too …” Adelaide paused, her chin trembling. “When she married your father, she told me that the only hope the witches and the fey had in this world was to unite.”

It was the first time I’d ever heard my grandmother speak of my mother without criticizing her—or lamenting her marriage to my father.

“I lost her because I wouldn’t see how right she was—or how much in love with your father she was. I hope I’m not too late with you.”

“You’re not,” I said, squeezing her hand.

We came out of the woods behind my house. All the lights were on and I found my students on the back porch, drinking cocoa.

“There you are, Prof!” Nicky cried, jumping up from the porch when she saw me, her face flushed with excitement. “We didn’t want to leave the house until you came back, what with the forest fire. We hosed down your roof and yard to keep it from catching fire.”

“That was considerate of you—” I began.

“It was the Alphas’ idea,” Ruby Day broke in. “They saw the fire first and called the fire department. Atticus here”—she dragged a young man, whose Alpha House shirt was torn and covered with soot, off his lawn chair—“formed a hose brigade to protect all the houses on Elm Street. He even rescued Mrs. Sprague’s Siamese cat from a burning tree and found this guy.” She gestured toward a table loaded with Halloween treats. It took me a moment to notice that Ralph was curled up inside a plastic jack-o’-lantern. One of his ears had been chewed off and he was sleeping deeply, but then I recalled that he often went into a sort of hibernation state in order to heal. I stroked his back as I listened to the rest of Ruby’s story, which had shifted locale now to Shady Pines.

“One of the Alphas who works there called to tell us the fire was threatening the home, and some of us went down there,” Ruby said.

“We thought we’d gotten everyone out,” Atticus said, “but then I noticed that Mrs. Goldstein wasn’t there, and Ruby ran back in to get her.” He grinned proudly at Ruby, who blushed and breathlessly continued the story of their exploits.

“We helped the fire department downtown. We managed to save most of the stores, but a couple of abandoned storefronts went up and the tattoo shop, like, exploded.”

“That’s right next to Fair Grounds,” Adam Sinclair shouted, pushing through the crowd. I wondered why Adam would care about the town’s coffee shop, but then I saw Leon Botwin trailing close behind him and understood that the two boys had forged a bond fighting together. “Is Fair Grounds okay?”

“The awning went up, but we hosed it down,” Atticus answered, and then added with a sly grin, “Hey, we know how much you like your macchiatos, bro.” The Alphas then reverted to teasing each other. There was a lot of arm punching while the girls rolled their eyes.

“What about the campus?” I asked.

The question immediately sobered the students. Scott Wilder, who had remained unusually quiet and wide-eyed throughout his classmates’ stories, answered. “We tried to get onto campus to help, but all the gates were locked. So we went through the woods and reached the field house just as it caught fire.”

“We knew the security guard was probably asleep inside,” Flonia continued, looking proudly at Scott, “so Scott went in to rescue him. He dragged him out, but we weren’t able to resuscitate him.” Flonia squeezed Scott’s arm, and a tear carved a path down his soot-stained face. I saw now that his eyes looked so wide because his eyebrows had been singed off. “The EMTs said he must have had a weak heart.”

“Trows are very sensitive to smoke,” Liz whispered as she came to stand beside me. Then, raising her voice, she told Scott, “It was brave that you tried to save him. You’ve all been very brave,” she told the whole group. “I am so proud of all of you.”

“Dean Book!” Nicky exclaimed. “You’re back! Are you taking back the college?”

“Well …” Liz began.

“Because you’re an awesome dean,” Scott said. The rest of the students echoed Scott’s sentiments, even though some, like the Alphas, hadn’t gone to Fairwick when Liz Book was dean.

“Yes,” Liz said, her face glowing. “I am here to take back the college.”

The students greeted her announcement with hoots and shouts, which were echoed by the witches, fairies, and humans who had fought in the glade and who had been lingering on the edges of the woods while we talked to the students. They came forward now, though, and I saw the students’ eyes widen at the sight of pointy-eared brownies, a winged Soheila, and club-wielding gnomes.

“Wow!” Scott exclaimed. “I always suspected you teachers got up to some crazy-ass shenanigans when we weren’t around. Is this, like, some kind of faculty costume party?”

I began to assure Scott that, yes, that’s what we’d all been doing, but then I saw how some of the other students were looking at the creatures who had come out of the woods. I exchanged a look with Frank and Soheila and then turned to Liz. “I think the time has come to be honest with our students.”

Liz nodded. “I agree. They’ve proved their valor and their loyalty to Fairwick tonight.” Then, turning to the students, she raised her voice. “There are things about this college that we’ve kept from you—” she began.

“Like the ingredients of the cafeteria’s tuna noodle surprise?” someone joked.

“I’m afraid it goes deeper than that,” Liz tried again. “Fairwick College is not exactly like other schools.”

“Duh,” Nicky said. “Don’t you think we’ve noticed that? Look, we know things are different here; you’d have to be blind not to.” A murmur of assent moved through the students. “And we think it’s about time you trusted us to take a bigger part in what’s going on, but you don’t have to do it now. We know the college is better off in your hands than in Duncan Laird’s. So we’ll march with you to take back the campus.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” I asked. “It could be dangerous.”

“We’ll make sure the students are protected,” Soheila said, spreading her wing over Nicky and Scott, “but I think Nicky’s right. Just as the observance of Halloween strengthened the witches’ circle, so the active participation of the students will help us to take back the campus—after all, it’s their school.”

“Hell yeah!” Frank cheered, holding out his fist to Scott Wilder. “The power of student unrest can move mountains. We could call the movement … Inhabit Fairwick.”

“Cool idea, man,” Scott said, returning Frank’s fist bump, “but lame name. We’ll come up with something better. Let’s go take back our college!”

We marched to the southeast gate in the first light of dawn, a motley crew of fairies, witches, Alphas, Stewarts, students, and college professors. We found the gate chained, padlocked, and warded with a spell I recognized as Duncan’s. I aimed the angel stone at the padlock and blew it off. As the gates swung open, three trows moved out of the shadows and blocked our way.