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As a reminder, the  Anunnaki designed primitive humans as slaves with the premeditated intent to control/manage them for somewhat complicated mining and building tasks, stating in the Atrahasis that intelligence was therefore provided as part of their design37.  This creates a dilemma for the creator as one is not quite making a robot with a limited command set, but rather an entity with intelligence that has the ability to acquire a sense of self or a center, which will ultimately lead to independence and revolt.   This dilemma ultimately faced both the Anunnaki masters and the Igigi, most likely a genetic lot of slave workers from Nibiru brought along to work as miners, city builders, and whatever the Anunnaki in charge needed general labor for.

The Igigi, over time, were facing the same issue on earth that we are today, e.g. they were evolving from the primitive consciousness that was most likely instilled in them at their inception intentionally at a lower level than the creator’s, effectively relegating the entity as a primitive worker, better called slave.  The gotcha in this equation is that evolution does not stop, and eventually over time, especially if given intelligence to handle more complex tasks,  the primitive worker evolves enough so that self-identity arises, much like we read about in the Biblical account of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.  Self-consciousness is antithetical to slavery and Enlil knew that.  Thus he realized that Enki had plans all along to create a workforce that would eventually become like they are, a significant threat to power.  Additionally, providing the workforce the ability to breed ensured rapid population growth to meet the labor requirements.

Thus the Igigi slaves found their self-consciousness center over time on earth and revolted against their slave taskmasters the Anunnaki elite, creating the need for a replacement slave workforce, e.g. Enki’s primitive workers, anatomically modern humans.  Perhaps the difference or speeding up in time experienced by the ancient astronaut Igigi who were not used to the Earth’s shorter solar cycles, accelerated them finding their identity; which was what caused the revolt.  Note that it took a long time for this to happen, many shars according to the Igigi, with a shar equal to 3,600 years.

Lord Enki certainly knew this, as his intent all along, was to simply “jumpstart”  the current evolutionary process that was already occurring on earth.  He recognized that  the seeds of life on planet earth came from Nibiru in the first place (see their creation cosmology in the Enuma Elish involving Tiamut-Earth and Kingu-Moon with which it collided) and that Neanderthal man already existed on Earth which Enki described finding in Africa, reporting it to the Anunnaki council.  Recall that Enki was assigned the African gold-mining operating when he lost the dice roll with his brother Enlil over who had the right to stay in Mesopotamia.  Enki  subsequently took up roots in the Abzu or Africa to oversee the gold mining operations there.  So the genetic intervention with the local Neanderthal species was justified and approved by the Anunnaki Council since in their minds they were simply jump-starting the primitive earthlings to a higher state of evolution; Neanderthal to primitive worker; no harm, no foul right?

Additionally the Anunnaki were purportedly facing environmental and atmospheric threats on their planet such that the mission to Earth to get gold to use as an anodized layer in the atmosphere was critical in the most urgent sense.  Enlil was obviously furious over the subversive tactics and highly clever beings Enki had created, and that Enki himself marveled over.  From Enki’s lustful reaction to the primitive workers, he must have outdone himself playing genetic god as he bragged to his son Marduk about his escapades finding some beautiful earthling women bathing at a stream and the encounters he had with them.  Marduk laughs and comments on the pre-existing reputation his father Enki has with the opposite sex.  Marduk also found the earthling women irresistible, giving up his rights as a god on Nibiru in essence to marry Sarpanit, a mere mortal.  Enlil also led a raid early on to the captive primitive workers who were taken back to Mesopotamia, to the ED.IN.  Enki’s genetic evolution success may not have been welcome  by his brother Enlil, but the slaves were useful for the labor needs at hand.

Given the tension between the brothers, Enki no doubt had all the bases covered when confronting the security and control design issues for the primitive workers.  How else would he control the primitive workers if they were allowed to grow in number posing a revolutionary threat to the small number of Anunnaki elite that were present, easily overthrown by an angry mob of miners.  Additionally, there were 600 Igigi according to the initial records as they arrived on Earth that had to be governed already.  So, the idea of creating a larger primitive workforce that had what appeared to be a higher level of intelligence than even the Igigi had, was certainly cause for alarm to Enlil from a command and control viewpoint.

From an antagonist brother standpoint, Enki was probably always looking for ways to poke holes in his brother’s façade, trip up his command effectiveness, and generally antagonize his brother and rightful heir:  the higher ranking Commander Enlil.   The reason this information is provided is to set the context in which Enki would have had to convince the council to allow him to create a primitive workforce whose primary issue would be security and control.

It should be clear that in order to control a large number of slaves, methods of communication were needed for individual commands relative to assigned tasks as well as group tasks, like jointly pulling a rope, in unison.  With the advanced abilities the Anunnaki demonstrated genetically, one should query what communications methods they had designed into the primitive workers so that they could be efficiently commanded and controlled?  Or rather were the primitive workers running around in the mines using an electronic device like a Motorola wireless headset of today?  Not likely.  What would one do with a slave worker that is suddenly out of communication?  This is too risky.  It’s like giving a radio to each individual in a prison ward, doesn’t work that way.  A more elegant biological approach would be preferable.

It should be safe to assume that the Anunnaki grasp of communication technology was much further along than ours is even today given their massive head start in galactic time.  Why carry an electronic device to interface to the slaves when instead you can use the electromagnetic spectrum to modulate data thereupon and send it directly, silently, to a group or an individual instantly, not with electronics like today, but biologically using frequency direct access methods used by dolphins and other advanced creatures.