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Given that Thoth is the son of Enki, the creator of and key proponent of mankind becoming the “Sons of God” through the awakening of their energy bodies (Chakras) and subsequent consciousness, which he designed to be sensitive to the various frequencies affiliated with the radial distance and frequencies caused by a spherical resonator, e.g. the Earth. One can read the Emerald Tablets to get a sense of the advanced energy knowledge Thoth possessed.  Also, as evidenced by his staff the Caduceus, he was an adept geneticist.  Lawrence Gardner in his pre-eminent book Genesis of the Grail Kings, discusses the meaning of the ancient symbol associated with Thoth.  Knowledge of energy, matter, and the human pineal gland were at play as a function of human consciousness connected to DNA. Read Lawrence’s book for more advanced details.

A naturally occurring earth-generated frequency that falls within the human brain wave region is the Schuman Resonance Frequency.  The equation is defined as the Speed of Light divided by the Earth’s circumference.  Interestingly enough, varying the depth at which the radial axis is projected from the center of the Earth, other frequencies can be identified.  Human brain waves operate from approximately 0.5Hz to about 20 Hz being segmented from Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta.  The Schuman Resonant frequency falls in the Alpha brain wave region being approximately 7.8 Hz.

Brainwave State

Frequency (Hz)




Yogi State, Deep Sleep



Between Sleep, OBE, Hallucinations






Alert Consciousness

Table 4:  Brain Wave Regions

The waveform shown in Figure 5 depicts two frequencies at 401 and 403 Hz mixed together with a signal generator.  The beat frequency oscillation (BFO) should be apparent.  Note that there is one complete cycle in 0.5 seconds or 2 cycles per second (2 Hz) which is the difference between the two frequencies, namely 403 Hz - 401 Hz.  This BFO has the potential to entrain the human brain to 2 Hz, the basic concept behind sound entrainment. Perhaps that is why didgeridoo music is so mesmerizing to some as it naturally mixes frequencies that lead to mental entrainment or “dreamtime” according to the Aboriginal Australian tradition.  The science behind the brain-frequency altering didgeridoo, appears to have sound entrainment as its shamanic and healing basis.

Figure 6  Binaural Beat 401Hz mixed with 403Hz

Note that the human voice along with the drone frequency of the didgeridoo can produce binaural beats.  In this case, the voice will be modulated onto the carrier frequency of the didgeridoo drone.  Recall the discussion of the ELF being used as a carrier frequency and all that is needed to remotely communicate thoughts or images to another human is to modulate tangible data onto the carrier, emulating thoughts.  What better data source than the human voice to modulate the carrier…

Domestic cats all purr at the same frequency! Big cats, scrawny cats, old tom cats, kittens--same frequency. Which indicates that purring isn’t some physiological phenomenon but must be driven centrally from the brain? Purring is associated with contentment, well-being, good health and a “trance-like” behavior.  Do cats purr to massage their neurons? Do the neurons operate to massage the cat with sound as has been demonstrated in the field of cymatics?

According to Wikipedia, the Schumann resonances are a set of frequencies proportional to the Earth’s electromagnetic field and its spherical resonant chamber whose fundamental frequency is about 7.8 Hz.  This frequency occurs because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide which acts as a resonant cavity for extreme low frequency waves excited by lightening.  It is interesting to note that the ELF of 7.8 Hz falls within the brain wave range for humans, specifically the Alpha region.  Waking consciousness, in particular for those in the industrialized and left-brain centric West, is generally in the Beta region from 13-20 Hz.  Could it be that the more highly focused and alert mindset spawned by Alpha brain waves is the intended frequency for humans living on the surface of the Earth’s resonant chamber?

Additionally, a correlation with the 9 Mayan underworlds (radii from center of the Earth) or the correlated spherical resonator frequencies and those that affect the human energy body and consciousness were discussed by Dr. Johan Calleman in his book “The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.” [66] Seems as if the Mayans were instructed by Thoth as described in the book “The Lost Realm” by Sitchin [19].  Wonder who taught the Yucatan’s finest the advanced calendar concepts and correlation of human consciousness with frequency shifts in the brain waves?  You can bet that Thoth was indeed there as the records show.  The later invasion by Kulkulkhan is reminiscent of the Enlil (Zeus) backed Cretian pirates that invaded Enki’s (Poseidon) divine city of Atlantis, discussed later in the book in chapter 9.

CHAPTER 6: Energy, Matter and Consciousness

Enki designed primitive workers with highly scientific abilities:  genetic functional mappings with human energy body composed of  7 chakras representative of the 7th planet,  Tiamut to the Anunnaki, Earth to us.

Figure 7:  The Human Chakras

Discrete quantized energy states analogous to the atomic molecule model, described in the Yogic tradition as Chakras, provide humans a mechanism to evolve their consciousness to become “The sons of God”. This is where energy meets matter. The lowest energy state being affiliated with the root Chakra, located in the pelvic bowl, as shown in Figure 7. This root nerve complex closest to the ground electrical potential of the Earth, is termed the ganglion of Impar.  The highest energy state is represented by the seventh or crown chakra typically affiliated with the human pineal gland [8, pg. 67].

The Chakras provide access to an evolutionary means to allow mankind to continue on its path to godhood.  These seven quantized energy states were intentionally designed by Enki’s providing mankind an interface for future evolution of consciousness.  Enki did not seem comfortable accepting the concept of slavery versus creating a primitive worker that just got a genetic jumpstart with the potential of becoming one of the gods. He struggled with the idea of breaking galactic law and creating primitive workers versus advanced tools as Enlil, much to his credit, argued for during the Anunnaki Council of Twelve meeting where the group decision was made to produce a slave replacement for the Igigi miners.  Thus, understanding the “mechanism” by which the primitive workers could participate in the evolution of consciousness was highly classified knowledge: expect governments to suppress this evolutionary mechanism above all competing datum.

Zodiac symbols representing spirit and matter, the circle and cross respectively, are ancient. The modern day equivalent to the word spirit, religiously colored in its antiquated definition, is the more tangible term: energy.  According to the laws of physics, energy is neither created nor destroyed but merely changes state.  This is a very important fundamental law that applies to planets, humans, and all matter according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, E=mc2.  All matter possesses a potential to be converted to some energy state as Einstein’s equation so eloquently shows.