The ideal substance that a ruler would gladly support is one that relegates the population loyal to the ruler, suppresses the urge to revolt even under the most difficult circumstances, and at the same time keeps the subject at a functional level for the tasks assigned. The quintessential consumable substance is one that prevents the ruler’s subject from “waking up” to the degree to which the ruling class is exploiting the commoner for his own gain, as is common practice in master-slave relationships both individually and within larger societal settings. Thus, it is to be expected to see substances in circulation that suppress human consciousness, while at the same time outlawing those that elevate consciousness. Sugar, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine are all prevalent in modern societies, while substances that were traditionally used by Native Americans to elevate-shift consciousness such as mushrooms, peyote, and cannabis are outlawed in the United States today. Some states provide means for societal members to access these substances for medicinal or spiritual purposes, but these are only exceptions to the existing laws that generally outlaw their use by people.
Human Structure and Consciousness
The structural state for most human beings, beginning at birth and continuing throughout the remainder of their life, is definitely a fallen state. Consider the evolutionary path anatomically modern humans have traversed. Our first bipedal ancestors appear to have transitioned from walking on all fours to a more or less upright stance approximately 3.5 million years ago given the state of our current knowledge in the field of physical anthropology. What is meant by the assertion that humans are structurally in a fallen state? And what could that “fallen state” possibly have to do with consciousness?
Structural Integration models the human body as a series of blocks that must stack upon each other in the gravitational field in such a way that there is balance [117]. A working model of the human structure can be delineated accordingly. Beginning from the ground, blocks representing various parts of the body can be represented as stacked one on top of the other. The feet, legs, pelvis, torso, neck, and head are sufficient stackable block representations to demonstrate the point asserted above that most humans are unstructured. Structural integrators use various lines and planes to assess the degree to which the human body is structured in the gravitational field.
A very useful line used to assess human structure, as viewed from the side while standing, begins at the opening of the ear, passes through the shoulder and then the hip socket, progresses to the knee and finally ends at the ankle bone on the outside of the leg. See Figure 13, leftmost image. For those more inclined to use Latin, the line extends from the Auditory Miatus to the Glenoid Fossa to the Acetabulum to the Fibular head and finally to the Lateral Malleolus. Note that the line only passes through bone at the top of the head, passing through the center of gravity behind the pubic bone in the pelvis. In order for a human to be able to stand in a relaxed state and have the aforementioned blocks aligned is a very rare occurrence indeed. For that matter, over time, the human structure exposed to the gravitational field tends to deviate further and further from the imaginary line as described. See Figure 13 for some common human structural patterns.
Figure 13: Human Structural Patterns
It’s as if the human structure has not evolved far enough to find the gravitational balance point while standing. There are key areas of the body that tend to deter the ability to find this balanced state. Some of the key locations that affect the body’s ability to find the vertical line are the Calcaneus or heel, the crest of the Ilium, and the Occipital muscles located at the back of the cranium. Consider that at birth there are tissue disorganizations at these locations that prevent the bony structure from relaxing and aligning with gravity. This is precisely the case in most humans at this present state of evolution having 1st hand knowledge with clients. From birth, if the crest of the Ilium has fascial attachments that prevent the pelvis from being horizontal, rest assured that as the baby transitions from crawling to standing that the pelvis will most likely have an anterior tilt, which is the most common condition found among humans by structural integrators. If the pelvic block is tilted, even slightly anterior, then the blocks above the pelvis will have to adjust to keep the blocks stacked in the very strong gravitational field. To counter balance a tilted pelvis, the torso and head blocks in our model will adjust to compensate for the pelvis. Over time, one can expect to see an anterior head carry when referencing the Auditory Meatus (ear opening) to the Glenoid Fossa otherwise known as the shoulder joint. In time, the anterior head position will stress the upper back muscles, in particular the Trapezoids and the Rhomboids, leading eventually to a kyphotic hump at cervical vertebrae seven (C7). There are other unstructured patterns that emerge based on the degree of fascial disorganization at the occipitals and Calcaneus.
The point of this foray into human structure is to bring awareness to the fallen state of human matter relative to the gravitational field. So what is the effect of an unstructured body? This is where practitioners of yoga and other disciplines like Tai Chi have an experiential understanding of the importance of synchronizing and balancing the human structure in the gravitational field. Through the process of re-ordering the human structure, practitioners realize empirically that the structural body state has a direct correlation with energy and consciousness. Strength, balance, flexibility, and consciousness are very much a function of proper structure. It is thus asserted that most ordinary people that have not taken definitive steps to synchronize their bodies within the powerful gravitational field are most likely having or will have pain in their bodies due to an ever-increasing unstructured state. Failing to synchronize the body with the strong gravity field creates a physical limitation preventing the integration of energy and matter-handicapping the individual’s ability to reach higher consciousness states.
This slow-motion hardening of the fascia state occurs naturally, without imposing the compounding effects of accidents and poor posture. By the time a child has reached the age of seven or so, sans structural intervention, he or she will not be able to abide by their parental prodding to sit up straight. Additionally, without proper parental or structural guidance to plant the Sacral Ischial Tuberosities (SITS bones) located at the inferior points of the pelvis on the sitting surface, the child will not find balance sitting and will further exacerbate the structural disorder emanating from the all-important pelvis.
In other words, unless a child is taught how to sit correctly early on, assuming a perfect structure to work with, he or she will cause further disorder among the stacked blocks by excessive and improper sitting habits. Gravity always wins this structural battle with the human body. Seeing this fallen condition from a structural standpoint, among the human population at large, is debilitating at best and tragic in its effects on human consciousness which cannot progress beyond what the body’s structure allows. An analogy of the unstructured human body to a broken radio antenna is conjured up in the author’s mind. If economic disparity, addictive chemical staple substances, and unstructured bodies are not enough to suppress human consciousness on a grand scale, then active interference in the brain using targeted frequencies by repressive governments may be just what doctor Frankenstein ordered.