Mary Magdalene was Thoth-Jesus’ best student and most highly esteemed disciple. If Jesus had cleared her seven Chakras, or seven demons as Mark and Luke record in the New Testament accounts, then it is possible that she had already been transformed into a higher level Anunnaki consciousness, more on par with Jesus-Ningishzida. It is no wonder he preferred her company over that of the other disciples whose consciousness was still most likely at Root Chakra level. Some pretty radical thinking about Chakras and the casting out of demons is evidence of this un-evolved belief by some Christians.
Figure 20: Hindu Chakras, Colors, Gods
According to some sources, the “demons” that are blocking the Chakras are affiliated with the Hindu religion. Based on the response of the Demoniac in the tomb setting that Jesus encounters in the Gospels, he says that the name of the demon is Legion, and we are many. Could these “demons” be the Igigi that were given a judgment of destruction at the end times, according the Book of Enoch. The demon asks if Jesus has come to judge him before the appointed time, which is when exactly? Interesting coincidence here. There is a distinct battle ground that has formed between some religions and the human nerve ganglia, the Chakras as shown. For clarification, listed below are the Chakras, their colors, and the Hindu affiliated Gods that have a cork stopper stuck in your ganglia from birth, according to some… What follows is a link to the source material. by Kyle Tortora, Nov 2, 2012.
Chakras, Colors, Biology, and Hindu Deities:
1. Muladhara: The Root Chakra – located at base of the spine. Associated with the color red. It affects confidence, trust in life and self-esteem. It is from here that our base instincts arise; the need to survive or the fight or flight reflex. Chakra is controlled by Hindu God –Lord Ganesh and Brahman.
2. Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra – located below the navel. Associated with the color orange. It affects sexual desires, attractions and the need to procreate. Other emotions such as, anger, fear and hatred stem from this chakra. Chakra is controlled by Hindu God –Lord Vishnu.
3. Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra – located at the bottom of the breast bone. Associated with bright yellow. It affects the lower back, digestive system, liver and gall bladder. Feelings that are associated with this chakra, include, determination, self-acceptance and will power. It is here that instinctual emotion translates to more complex emotions. Chakra is controlled by Hindu God –Maharudra Shiva.
4. Anahata: The Heart Chakra – located at the center of the chest. Associated with green. Feelings associated with this location are love, compassion, emotional security, forgiveness and loving kindness. Chakra is controlled by Hindu God Ishvara.
5. Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra – located at the throat, over the larynx. Associated with the color blue. It is the source of our ability to communicate, and express creativity and individuality. Chakra is controlled by the Hindu God Sadashiva.
6. Ajna: The Third Eye Chakra – located at front of the head in between eye brows. Associated with color indigo. The mind, as the sense organ and action organ are associated with this chakra. Feelings associated with this chakra are spirituality, awareness, and sense of time. Hindu God -Ardhanarishvara –an androgynous form of Hindu god Lord Shiva and Parvati, also known as Devi and Shakti.
7. Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra – located at the top of the head, the pineal gland. Associated with purple, or gold. It is from this Chakra that all others emanate. It relates to pure consciousness. In Hindu literature, it is known as “the supreme center of contact with God.” Here liberated ones abide in communion with the Self. Chakra is controlled by Hindu God Lord Shiva.
It is the author’s personal experience that ethical-righteous behavior is a fruit of the spirit achieved by those brave enough and disciplined enough to relate their bodies to the gravity field. The mystical “Rolf Line”, representing a human aligned to the gravity field fulfilling equation [EQ5/EQ5A] shown in Chapter 6, represents the maximal human energy. This energy or spirit as it is called in religious organizations, coincides with the highest intelligence imparted by the creators: both the Creator of All as termed by the Anunnaki, and the premier genetic scientist, the far-sighted Enki, putting his personal stamp on the primitive worker Adapa, the first modern man. A very unique stamp was placed on the primitive workers: seven nerve ganglia aligned in ascending order, partitioning of the visible spectrum into seven discretely quantized wavelength specific (rainbow-colored) Chakras imparted to his unique creation: the primitive workers of the seventh planet, now called Earth. Seven was a lucky number for good reason, as promoted by the Anunnaki. Seven times seven has even more significance it seems, at least for me. That is the biological age at which I finally got this book to print, nine years in the making.
Thoth states in the Emerald Tablets that he lived three incarnations. Could one of the incarnations have been played out as the bringer of salvation to the primitive workers, living as Enlil’s pawns protecting a transportation portal which they know nothing about, in the land promised to Abraham. Subversive tactical births seeding a genetic war against his half-brother Enlil were being played out in Jerusalem, right beneath his nose. What better way for Enki to make up for a genetic enslavement decision imposed on mankind, approved by the Anunnaki Council in Africa, than to freely make an energetic frequency-based mechanism available to his creation, that by simply believing in a name, had the power to transform the intentionally dumbed-down genetic underlings designed to mine gold, into the “Sons of God”, allowing the evolution of consciousness to proceed unabated according the genetic seed in mankind, designed by the Creator of All.
Given that Enki’s genetic material was used to create the first Adapa, the transformation promised by Jesus-Thoth-Ningishzida, to become a son or daughter of “God” may be one originally ingeniously contrived by his father Enki, to allow mankind to continue on its course to becoming a full-blown, genetically freed Niburian archetypal citizen, a son of Enki or a daughter of Isis, for the lucky ones destined to partake of the bread and waters of eternal life, whose access is closely guarded by those who from Nibiru to Earth came………………………………………………………………....
Strassman, Dr. Rick, DMT The Spirit Molecule.
Stephen W. Hawking, The Future of Spacetime.
Jared Diamond , Guns, Germs and Steeclass="underline" The Fates of Human Societies.
McKenna, Terence Food of the Gods.
Transformation, Robert A. Johnson.
Rolfing: Reestablishing the Natural Alignment and Structural Integration of the Human Body for Vitality and Well-Being, Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.
Clark, Gerald R., Structure is Function and Energy.
The Sivananda Companion to Yoga, Swami Vishnu Devananda.
The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ, Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett.