Even the mother of mankind has to submit a “TPS” report to justify her accomplishment to her boss!
Atrahasis Tablet 1 [37, pg. 16]
“I have carried out perfectly
The work that you ordered of me.
You have slaughtered a god together with his intelligence.
I have relieved you of your hard work,
I have imposed your load on man.”
The concept of genetic manipulation is not only understood among modern civilized peoples today, but is so common that it is no big deal. Could it be true that the Anunnaki, at least 450,000 years ahead of our civilization and having conquered space travel, had the ability to do in-vitro fertilization? According to the Atrahasis account, they certainly did. This brings into serious question the idea of man’s concept of a “creator”. The question that comes to mind is whether the genetic scientist of our modern era is really any different functionally than that performed by Enki in his African lab? Note the Anunnaki concept of a spirit transferred from a sacrificed being to another. This coincides with stories of underworld energy/soul maintenance.
A point to consider from the Enuma Elish creation account is that the collision between Nibiru and Tiamut, a portion of which became the Earth, could have been contaminated with the seeds of life from Nibiru. These seeds of life, according to Enki’s writings, were from the Creator of All. Thus, the Anunnaki had a meta-concept beyond that of a god, which even the Igigi were sometimes called. Enki stated that the bipedal hominids he found on the African plains were recognizable as a species based on the evolutionary process seen on Nibiru. Thus, the genetic upgrade given to early pre-human hominids was seen as a temporal head start program, not necessarily creating a new species all together.
Mankind had an original Creator of All to thank for the seeds of life, along with the ancient astronaut Enki whose genetic seed was used as the archetypal Adapa, the first human, bearing the mark of the Anunnaki. Our ancient astronaut identity and intelligence is resident in our hybrid Anunnaki genes.
A very important point is brought to the attention to the reader, given the known age of the Atrahasis tablets written during the Old Babylonian Period dated to 1700 BCE. The Sumerian flood account was clearly copied and modified to create the Genesis account, written by Hebrew priests being held captive in Babylon, where they had access to the true story of the great flood but chose to placate Enlil as their chosen monotheistic ancient astronaut god. After all, they were scared to death of Enlil’s wrath. Genesis 6 describes the background scene of the great flood from the Enlilite perspective, having tried to eliminate all references to the other members of the Anunnaki council in the Torah narrative, especially any reference to his arch rival and half-brother Enki.
Genesis 6:1-8 (NIV)
When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
The Atrahasis OBV account uses a very different catalyst that leads to the destructive flood than the Genesis reference. In the Sumerian account, Enlil is furious at mankind’s noise and wants them silenced. In the Genesis 6:1-8 account, the fact that the Nephilim take human wives, potentially breaking galactic law by shacking up with a genetic slave, is ignored by Enlil choosing to base mankind’s extinction tale on how evil men were as noted in the following Biblical account.
Genesis 6: 5 (NIV)
The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.
The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the Lord said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth…
It is interesting to compare the Genesis account with the Atrahasis account. Here are just a couple of the bald faced lies which should be clear to the most casual observer. First, Enlil was not involved in the creation of mankind, as he claims in Genesis 6:5. But rather Enki and Ninmah were solely responsible as evidenced in the Atrahasis, predating the Genesis account by at least 1,700 years. If mankind’s thoughts were evil all the time, did that include the time they were toiling in the mines to get gold ore for Enlil? His true complaint in the Atrahasis account was repeatedly that mankind was noisy and he could not sleep. How about some earplugs? Hmm, too much trouble or was the idea of prolific offspring of his arch rival brother that had the potential to rise up against his authority was more likely the case. Using terms like all and every in Genesis 6:5 is a Boolean Logic no-no. Clearly the Biblical ghost writer (Enlil) was not trained in the scientific Boolean Logical rule set rules, or often communicated in absolutes as evidenced herein.
It’s interesting to consider that the “plant of knowledge of good and evil” was present in Sumeria, the Eden, and utilized by the Anunnaki. Enlil-Jehovah tells Adapa in the Garden of Eden that if he eats it he will die. Enki counteracts this lie and tells Adapa he will surely not die but instead become like one of us, the gods. Thus, there seems to be a transformational effect, at the DNA level produced by this plant that changes human consciousness. In any event, Enki tells the truth and is demonized and symbolized as a snake, while Enlil lies, and promotes himself as God. This lie, the fact that Adam did not die but rather became aware of his nakedness, attests to the stated outcome that Enki provided as the real reason Enlil did not want the plant of the knowledge of good and evil consumed. It was about controlling the access to higher consciousness, frowned upon by Enlil.
What happened next were unforeseen genocidal actions initiated by Enlil. Apparently after 600 years of the primal man breeding program humans were prolific and noisy.
Atrahasis Tablet 1 [37, pg. 18]
600 years, less than 600 passed,
And the country became too wide, the people too numerous.
The country was as noisy as a bellowing bull.
The God grew restless at their racket,
Ellil had to listen to their noise.
He addressed the great gods,
“The noise of mankind has become too much,
I am losing sleep over their racket.
Give the order that sϋruppu-disease shall break out.
This appears to be the genesis of all out conflict between Enki and Enlil. Mankind was Enki’s proud creation with the help of Ninharsag, successfully alleviating the gods from the toils of the African gold mines just as he promised. Of course Enki would take issue with an order to release some form of disease on the populace by his half-brother Enlil, whose obvious intent was to wipe out the source of the noise, namely mankind. There were other deep-seated sources of conflict between the two which will be addressed later in the book. These issues involved birthright, inheritance and official rank and titles.