Children don't retreat for no reason at all, and though Sue-lynn did notfollow any overt pattern of withdrawal, I started to wonder about her. Iwatched her on the playground, to see how she tracked there. That onlyconfused me more.ABC Amber Palm Converter, had a very regular pattern. When the avalanche of children firstdescended at recess, she avalanched along with them and nothing in theshrieking, running, dodging mass resolved itself into a withdrawn Sue-lynn.But after ten minutes or so, she emerged from the crowd, tousle-haired,rosy-cheeked, smutched with dust, one shoelace dangling, and through somealchemy that I coveted for myself, she suddenly became untousled, undusty andun-smutched.And there she was, serene and composed on the narrow little step at theside of the flight of stairs just where they disappeared into the base of thepseudo-Corinthian column that graced Our Door and her cupped hands receivedwhatever they received and her absorption in what she saw became so completethat the bell came as a shock every time.And each time, before she joined the rush to Our Door, her hand wouldsketch a gesture to her pocket, if she had one, or to the tiny ledge thatextended between the hedge and the building. Apparently she always had to putthe Anything Box away, but never had to go back to get it.I was so intrigued by her putting whatever it was on the ledge that once Iactually went over and felt along the grimy little outset. I sheepishlyfollowed my children into the hall, wiping the dust from my fingertips, andSue-lynn's eyes brimmed amusement at me without her mouth's smiling. Her handsmischievously squared in front of her and her thumbs caressed a solidness asthe line of children swept into the room.I smiled too because she was so pleased with having outwitted me. Thisseemed to be such a gay withdrawal that I let my worry die down. Better thismanifestation than any number of other ones that I could name.Someday, perhaps, I'll learn to keep my mouth shut. I wish I had beforethat long afternoon when we primary teachers worked together in a heavy cloudof Ditto fumes, the acrid smell of India ink, drifting cigarette smoke and theconstant current of chatter, and I let Alpha get me started on what to do withour behavior problems. She was all raunched up about the usual rowdy loudnessof her boys and the eternal clack of her girls, and I—bless my stupidity—gaveher Sue-lynn as an example of what should be our deepest concern rather thanthe outbursts from our active ones."You mean she just sits and looks at nothing?" Alpha's voice grated intoher questioning tone."Well, I can't see anything," I admitted. "But apparently she can.""But that's having hallucinations!" Her voice went up a notch. "I read abook once—""Yes." Marlene leaned across the desk to flick ashes in the ash tray. "Sowe have heard and heard and heard!""Well!" sniffed Alpha. "It's better than never reading a book.""We're waiting," Marlene leaked smoke from her nostrils, "for the day whenyou read another book. This one must have been uncommonly long.""Oh, I don't know." Alpha's forehead wrinkled with concentration. "It wasonly about—" Then she reddened and turned her face angrily away from Marlene."Apropos of our discussion—" she said pointedly. "It sounds to me like thatchild has a deep personality disturbance. Maybe even a psychotic—whatever—"Her eyes glistened faintly as she turned the thought over."Oh, I don't know," I said, surprised into echoing her words at my suddenneed to defend Sue-lynn. "There's something about her. She doesn't have thatapprehensive, hunched-shoulder, don't-hit-me-again air about her that so manywithdrawn children have." And I thought achingly of one of mine from last yearthat Alpha had now and was verbally bludgeoning back into silence after all mywork with him. "She seems to have a happy, adjusted personality, only withthis odd little—plus.""Well, I'd be worried if she were mine," said Alpha. "I'm glad all my kidsare so normal." She sighed complacently. "I guess I really haven't anything tokick about. I seldom ever have problem children except wigglers and yakkers,and a holler and a smack can straighten them out"Marlene caught my eye mockingly, tallying Alpha's class with me, and IABC Amber Palm Converter, away with a sigh. To be so happy— well, I suppose ignorance does help."You'd better do something about that girl," Alpha shrilled as she left theroom. "She'll probably get worse and worse as time goes on. Deteriorating, Ithink the book said."I had known Alpha a long time and I thought I knew how much of her talk todiscount, but I began to worry about Sue-lynn. Maybe this was a disturbancethat was more fundamental than the usual run of the mill that I had met upwith. Maybe a child can smile a soft, contented smile and still have littlemaggots of madness flourishing somewhere inside.Or, by gorry! I said to myself defiantly, maybe she does have an AnythingBox. Maybe she is looking at something precious. Who am I to say no toanything like that?An Anything Box! What could you see in an Anything Box? Heart's desire? Ifelt my own heart lurch—just a little—the next time Sue-lynn's hands curved. Ibreathed deeply to hold me in my chair. If it was her Anything Box, I wouldn'tbe able to see my heart's desire in it. Or would I? I propped my cheek up onmy hand and doodled aimlessly on my time schedule sheet. How on earth, Iwondered—not for the first time—do I manage to get myself off on thesetangents?Then I felt a small presence at my elbow and turned to meet Sue-lynn's wideeyes."Teacher?" The word was hardly more than a breath."Yes?" I could tell that for some reason Sue-lynn was loving me dearly atthe moment. Maybe because her group had gone into new books that morning.Maybe because I had noticed her new dress, the ruffles of which made her feelvery feminine and lovable, or maybe just because the late autumn sun lay sogolden across her desk. Anyway, she was loving me to overflowing, and since,unlike most of the children, she had no casual hugs or easy moist kisses, shewas bringing her love to me in her encompassing hands."See my box, Teacher? It's my Anything Box.""Oh, my!" I said. "May I hold it?"After all, I have held—tenderly or apprehensively or bravely—tiger magic,live rattlesnakes, dragon's teeth, poor little dead butterflies and two earsand a nose that dropped off Sojie one cold morning—none of which I could seeany more than I could the Anything Box. But I took the squareness from hercarefully, my tenderness showing in my fingers and my face.And I received weight and substance and actuality!Almost I let it slip out of my surprised fingers, but Sue-lynn's