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Well, this is it.

I see. It looks old. Sure it’s the right place?

I double-checked. Unit 1-10.

Wonder if he’s in or not.

Nobody’s answering the door.

Is he seriously crazy? A bit siao. I mean, all the junk outside. Some of it is positively ancient. A fire hazard, definitely. All the newspapers are yellow!

He’s just a little eccentric, that’s all. I mean, he’s harmless.

The neighbours say that they keep hearing the sound of breaking glass at night. That’s why they called us, right? They don’t want people to get hurt. He’s obviously a hoarder. Not sure if he’s violent—

The neighbours also say that he likes hanging wind chimes made of glass bits on the black wattle trees outside the apartment block. Colourful glass bits, mind you, made of broken glass bottles and fishing string.

Okay, the door is slightly open. Want to go in? We are volunteers, right?

Ladies first.

It’s so dark and musty. And what’s that? Wait. Glass bottles. Look, Cedric, just look at all these glass bottles. Different colours. Green, blue, red, transparent. He must have collected them from the coffee shops and the dumpsters. So many bottles.

Ouch! There are glass shards all over the floor! Oh, wow. He really polishes them, doesn’t he? All the sharp edges gone. So smooth, like pebbles.

He must have been a glass smith or something when he was a young man. Just look at these wind chimes. They glow in the light. Peridot-green, sea-blue, ruby-red. And the music they make. Magical.

One of the neighbours told me he hangs them out to entertain the fairies. Or spirits. Either way. Really weird stuff.

They are just wind chimes, Cedric. Very charming. I mean, he’s obviously talented. Why doesn’t he sell them or something? Why does he want to remain a karang guni man?

Maybe he just wants to remain a rag-and-bone man to collect weird things and entertain fairies as a hobby?

Cedric, you are so— Wait, I see something. Oh, God, Cedric, come over here. You have to see this.

Shit. I think he must have been dead for at least a day. I’m going to call the police.

I think he tripped, Cedric, and couldn’t get up. There is dried blood on the floor. Head injury. Oh, God, this is so—

Calm down, Ling. I called the police. They should be here in about five minutes. They’re bringing the ambulance, too.

It’s already too late, Cedric. Too late.

Outside the unit, the wind chimes stir in the breeze, twinkling in the twilight, inviting the fairies and other spirits to sing with them.

The music the chimes make is not the sound of breaking glass, but a gentle tinkle, almost like laughter born of a light heart freed from sorrow and bleeding hands.


He found the fairy entangled up in wire netting designed to trap birds.

It was a quiet afternoon, warm because it was the hot dry season, and quiet because he lived in an apartment block filled mostly with men and women of the same old age as him. The sunlight was an uncomfortably-bright orange, coating the brick walls with a golden glaze. The trees rustled—fruit trees: starfruit, belimbing and jambu. He knew it was warm, because even the mynahs that feasted on both ripe and unripe bounty were conspicuously absent.

He was coming back from the neighbourhood coffee shop, carrying his load of used aluminium cans and glass bottles. He had not been working for a long time now, preferring instead to collect newspapers, cans and bottles, all the disposable detritus of modern-day living in Singapore, in order to supplement his meagre income. He received about fifty dollars per month from all the collected objects, enough to buy himself simple daily essentials. The volunteers from the Moral Home Society would bring him food in the form of Khong Quan biscuits, Milo and instant noodles. Sometimes, the good-hearted Malay lady who fed the stray cats would bring him vegetables and fruit.

Lugging his full bag of cans and bottles, he made his way to his unit. It was a small abode, filled with stacks of newspapers and used appliances, not yet exchanged with the companies who made money taking in recyclables. He had decided to live here, ever since his wife had passed away and he chose not to live in an old folks’ home. He did not want to waste away in such a place. He no longer cared about his grown sons who had conveniently forgotten about him, except for in the Lunar New Year when they made a big show lavishing him with mostly useless gifts.

At first, he thought it was a bird—a mynah or a sparrow—caught in the thin wire nets strung up by the town council to deter any pests. They often did so, after receiving complaints from irate and tidy-minded people. He sighed, dropped his bag and walked towards the nets. He loved birds.

The winged creature was struggling itself into a spin, thin leg caught in the net. Birds often died that way and he buried them under the trees. It made no noise though, just a determined flap-flap-flap of wings.

He reached out to hold the bird… only to find that the bird was actually a little girl. Or that it looked like a little girl, clad in a peach-pink gossamer—like spider silk, he thought, amazed—dress. She had brown sparrow-like wings.

For a moment, he gaped, then backed away. Jing. Evil spirits. He was brought up with stories like that. Fairies and spirits were not often benevolent and kind-hearted in the myths and stories. They were chaotic little beings, mischievous at best, but more often capricious.

But he did not like seeing living creatures—jing or animal—suffering. Indecision warred with compassion. Compassion won—and he gently removed the thin wire netting from around the fairy’s ankle. The fairy rubbed her ankle, soothing the abraded skin, a pained expression on her thin face.

“Wait here,” he heard himself saying. “I will get some Tiger Balm for you.” And so in he went into his little dim housing unit, grabbed the half-used container from the broken shelf and hurried out, thankful that the fairy was still waiting for him. She leant wearily against the lamppost next to the bird trap. Her eyes were closed.

He dipped his little pinkie into the pungent minty ointment, scooped up a fingernail-sized amount and applied it, ever so gently, to the reddened skin. Even fairies get hurt, he thought, as the fairy evidently relaxed and gave a soft wince of relief. She exercised her sparrow wings and cocked her head to regard him. Like a bird. She looked vaguely Chinese.

“Thank you,” she said in a sweet piping voice, speaking fluent Cantonese. He blinked, surprised to hear his native tongue issuing forth from a little…fairy.

Before he could speak, uncertain of what to say, the fairy had already darted away, disappearing into the distance, a flash in the sunlight.

He certainly could not sleep that night, his mind filled with Cantonese-speaking fairies who looked like sparrows. Pulling himself out of bed, he began to sort through the bottles. He had a plan.

He had been a glass smith once, way back in the forties and fifties, when he was a young man, fresh from Guangzhou. He had apprenticed himself to a glass smith working in Zhujiang, then a rural area, now a thriving industrial town known for metal and steel work. He liked the look of glass, how it melted under extreme heat and how it would form into various shapes. How it shone under the sun.

He did not have the tools of the glass smith now, only a rusty hammer he had found discarded at the foot of the stairwell near his unit. With it, he began to break the glass bottles. He hoped the fairy and her friends liked the colours red, blue and green. He had rejected the Guinness Stout bottles because the colour of the glass was too dark, not bright enough.

Without the proper tools, his hands grew raw, cut by the sharp shards. He had to use sandpaper (salvaged from a carpentry shop) to smooth the vicious edges and even then, his fingers bled.