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44 Ashrawi, This Side of Peace, p. 259.

45 Qurie, From Oslo to Jerusalem, p. 279.

46 Avi Shlaim, The Iron Walclass="underline" Israel and the Arab World (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000), p. 547.

47 World Bank, “Poverty in the West Bank and Gaza,” Report No. 22312-GZ, June 18, 2001.

48 The construction of new settlements violated Art. 31 of the Oslo II accords, which stipulated: “Neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations.”

49 B’tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, “Land Grab: Israel’s Settlement Policy in the West Bank,” May 2002, p. 8.

50 Ibid., pp. 433–444.

51 Bob Woodward, Bush at War (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002), p. 35.


1 Osama bin Ladin’s television statement was broadcast on al-Jazeera television on October 7, 2001. An English transcription of his statement is posted on the BBC website, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/1585636.stm.

2 Israeli statistics reproduced from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Terrorism.

3 All statistics relating to administrative detention, house demolition, and the Separation Barrier can be found on the B’Tselem website, http://www.btselem.org/english/list_of_Topics.asp.

4 “Bridging the Dangerous Gap Between the West and the Muslim World,” remarks prepared for delivery by Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz at the World Affairs Council, Monterey, CA, May 3, 2002.

5 Secretary Colin L. Powell, “The U.S.–Middle East Partnership Initiative: Building Hope for the Years Ahead,” lecture delivered to the Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC, 2002.

6 White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe, quoted in the Guardian, December 27, 2008.


Abbas, Ferhat Abbas Pasha Abd al-Qadir, Amir. See Jaza’iri, Amir Abd al-Qadir al- Abd el-Krim. See Khattabi, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al- Abdullah, King Abdullah II of Jordan Abdulmecid I (Ottoman sultan) Abouzeid, Leila, Year of the Elephant Abu Jihad (Khalil al Wazir), PLO official Abu Nidal Group Acheson, Dean Afghani, al-Sayyid Jamal al-Din al- Afghanistan ’Aflaq, Michel Africa. See under individual countries Agha, Sulayman (Colonel Sиves) Ahmad Bey of Tunis Ahmad Pasha (Ottoman governor of Damascus) Ahmad Pasha (Ottoman governor of Egypt) Aida (Verdi) Al-Ahram newspaper Alami, Musa, Ibrat Filastin Alawites Al-Azhar (mosque university) Albanians Aleppo conquered by Muhammad ’Ali under Ottoman rule Alexandria, Egypt Algeciras Conference, January 1906 Algeria assimilation movement centenary of French colonization fly swatter incident under French colonialism Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) native conscription oil production under Ottoman rule piracy Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) Algerian resistance movement Algerian revolution Battle of Algiers settlers’ movement Algerian workers, in France ’Ali Bey al-Kabir, Mamluk ruler of Egypt Amer, Field Marshal Abd al- Hakim American University in Cairo American University of Beirut Amin, Ahmad radicalized Amin, Qasim The Liberation of Women Anas, Abdullah Anatolia Andrews, L. Y. Anglo-Egyptian Evacuation Agreement, 1954 Anglo-French Declaration of November 1918 Anglo-Iraqi Treaty, 1924 Anglo-Ottoman Convention for suppression of slave trade, 1880 An-Nahar Aoun, General Michel Arab culture cultural diversity Islam in Arab Higher Committee, Palestine Arab Human Development Report Arab-Israeli Wars 1948 War 1956 War (Suez Crisis, Tripartite Aggression) 1967 War (Six Day War) 1973 War (Ramadan War, Yom Kippur War) War of Attrition Arab League divisions within representatives, at Sadat’s funeral Arab Liberation Army (ALA), 1947–1948 unpreparedness Arab malaise Arab nationalism books on decline of era before in First World War post-World War I rise of Arab Revolt, 1916–1918 Arab Union, 1958 Arab Women’s Association, Palestine Arabian Peninsula Arabists. See Arab nationalism Arafat, Yasser addresses United Nations, 1974 assassination attempts and Intifada leaves Beirut, 1982 Oslo Accords Aramco (oil consortium) ’Arif, Colonel Abd al-Salam Asad, Bashar al- Aswan High Dam, Nile River Austro-Hungarian Empire Avnery, Uri Aya Sofia Mosque ’Ayn Dara, battle of Azm, As’ad Pasha al- Azm, Khalid al- Azm family Azm Palace Azm, Sulayman Pasha al- ’Azzam, Shaykh Abdullah

Ba’th Party in Iraq secular nature Bab Zuwayla (gates of Cairo) Bab-i Ali (High Gate). See Sublime Porte Baghdad Baghdad Pact, 1955 Bahrain Bahri, Yunis Baker, James Balfour, Lord Arthur Balfour Declaration Balkans nationalism under Ottoman rule Banking reform, Ottoman Empire Banna, Hasan al- Barbarossa (Khayr al-Din) Barbary corsairs (pirates) Baring, Sir Evelyn. See Cromer, Lord Bar-Lev Line Battle of Algiers (film) Bayhum, Muhammad Jamil Bedouins Begin, Menachem Bell, Gertrude Ben Badis, Abd al-Hamid Ben Bella, Ahmed Ben-Gurion, David Berbers Berlin Wall Bertholet (Eighteenth-century French scientist) Bin Ladin, Osama declares jihad on United States Bir Zeit University Bitar, Salah al-Din Black Saturday, January 26, 1952 Black September War Blum, Lйon Bolsheviks Bonaparte, Napoleon Bouchard, Henri, French sculptor Bouhired, Djamila Bouhired, Fatiha Bourиs-Maunoury, Maurice Bourguiba, Habib Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Boy levy (devshirme) Brezhnev, Leonid Britain acquires Cyprus controls Persian Gulf end of colonial power invasion of Baghdad leaves Palestine and Ottoman Empire position on Balkan independence rivalry with France rules Egypt rules Iraq and Saudi Arabia Suez Canal treaties and promises, First World War and Trucial States World War II British East India Company British Empire British Petroleum (BP) Budayri al-Hallaq, Ahmad al- (Damascene diarist) Bunche, Ralph Bush, George H. W. Bush, George W. shoe-throwing incident Byron, Lord Byzantine Empire

Cairo burns, on Black Saturday under Ottoman rule as publishing center revolt against Ottomans Cairo Accord of November 1969 Cairo University CalTex Camp David Carter, Jimmy Catherine the Great Catroux, General Georges Cavell, Edith Ceausescu, Nicolae Cedar Revolution. See Independence Intifada Cemal Pasha Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Ceuta (Spanish North African posession) Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Chamoun, Camille Chancellor, John Charles V of Spain Charles X of France Chemical Ali. See Majid, Ali Hasan al- Chevron China, Communist. See People’s Republic of China Chou En-Lai (Zhou Enlai) Christians conquer Spain Maronites. See Maronites massacred in Mount Lebanon and Damascus, 1860 in Ottoman government in slavery Churchill, Winston Circle of equity Clayton, Sir Gilbert Clement, Marguerite Clinton, Bill Code de l’Indigйnat (Indigenous People’s Code, Algeria) Cold War era close of dйtente Eisenhower Doctrine and Israeli invasion of Lebanon Non-Aligned Movement. See Non-Aligned Movement Communist Party in Algeria in Syria Congress of Berlin, 1878 Constantinople. See Istanbul Constitution of 1876 (Ottoman Empire) Constitutional government Egypt Ottoman Turkey praise for Tunisia Cotton Covenant of the League of Nations Cox, Charles Cox, Sir Percy Crane, Charles R. Crimean War Croatia Cromer, Lord (Sir Evelyn Baring) Crusades Cyprus

Damascus under Ottoman rule prostitution in revolt against French revolt against Ottomans Damurdashi, Ahmad Karkhuda al- Darwinism, social Day of Maysalun Dayr Yasin massacre De Bunsen, Sir Maurice de Bunsen Committee, 1915 De Gaulle, Charles De Lesseps, Ferdinand De Rothschild, Baron Edmond Delcassй, Thйophile Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Depression era Desert Storm War, 1991 Dйtente Deval, Pierre Devshirme (boy levy) Dey, role of Dinshaway Incident, 1906 Dir’iyya Agreement, 1744–1745 Disraeli, Benjamin Doria, Andrea Drake, Sir Francis Druzes and French colonialism and Ottoman reform Dulles, John Foster Dayan, General Moshe Dynastic rule

Education reform, Ottoman Egypt Abyssinian Campaign under Ahmad Urabi alliance with Soviets under Anwar Sadat. See Sadat, Anwar under British colonialism Cairo. See Cairo conquered by Ottomans Constitution of 1923, constitutional government declares bankruptcy, 1876 democracy in food riots, 1977 free press French in Greek War land taxation under Nasser, Gamal Abdel. See Nasser, Gamal Abdel newspapers under Ottoman rule peace treaty with Israel, 1979 post-World War I, revolt against Ottomans Revolution of 1919 role in First World War scholars, in France Six Day War Treaty of 1922 union with Syria, 1958 Wafd government War of Attrition World War II Egypt under Muhammad ‘Ali Egyptian Army acquires modern weapons under Muhammad ’Ali Pasha Egyptian Army, late nineteenth century divisions within Egyptians win recognition Egyptian nationalists. See also Wafd (Egyptian nationalists) Egyptian press Egyptian revolution, 1952 economy land reform Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower Doctrine Enlightenment Entente Cordiale Eshkol, Levi Ethnic cleansing Europe. See also under individual countries abandons support of Ottoman Empire alliance with Ottomans conquers Ottoman Empire and Greek War loans, to Ottoman and North African countries and Muhammad ’Ali and Ottoman reform Renaissance science and technology European warfare Eveland, Wilbur Crane Exodus (Jewish refugee ship) Exxon

Fakhr al-Din II Faqar, Zayn al-, Mamluk commander Faqari Mamluks Faruq, King Fascism Fatah Fatwas Faysal I, King addresses Paris Peace Conference, 1919 leads Arab Revolt, 1916-1918 rules Iraq rules Syria, 1918-1920 Faysal II, King Feminism. See also Women, role of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain Filiki Etairia (Society of Friends), Greek nationalist movement First World War Arab Revolt Arabists in Egypt’s role King-Crane Commission Mecca and Medina military conscription Ottomans enter Paris Peace Conference of 1919 partition of Ottoman lands Syria’s role FIS (Islamic Salvation Front), Algeria Fisk, Robert FLN (Algerian National Liberation Front) Fly swatter incident Ford, Gerald Fourteen Points France Charles X, overthrown colonies. See Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia cotton trade gains, in First World War invasion of Egypt July Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte. See Bonaparte, Napoleon occupies Syria Popular Front government rules Syria and Lebanon Vichy regime Free French forces, World War II Free Officers and Muslim Brotherhood French, in Vietnam French Constitution of 1814 Fuad, King (Egypt)