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As Boriahs studied the creatures, two pulled free of their handlers and lunged toward one another, screaming their violent rage. The Tyrant’s favored servant wrinkled his nose in disgust. It took ten of his men to pull them apart, and even then, he counted no less than seven of them clutching arms or abdomens where the monsters had managed a bite or a kick. Yes, having such creatures was hazardous, but it also meant no one stood in their way. The small legion had been very successful raiding towns and settlements as they headed north up the coast. Yet, not once did they stumble upon the dragon and the girl, nor find any evidence of their passing.

Boriahs curled his lip in irritation. For a year, the human girl and her dragon had hidden behind the magical barrier surrounding the City of Light. Even now, after receiving vital information from that red she-dragon and with the help of his dark mages, he could not find a way into the city. No matter. The dragon and the girl were gone, so it was time for him and his men to move on as well. They would clear out as soon as he gave the order, this time splitting into groups to comb the wilds more thoroughly. No more wandering aimlessly through the endless mountain chains of the west. Not now. The dragon Raejaaxorix and his ward were heading for Nimbronia, and there were only so many roads that led to the great city of the Creecemind. The girl and her companion had a few days head start, but they were traveling on foot and if Boriahs could keep his men moving at a steady pace, then they would catch up to them sooner rather than later.

Setting his jaw in determination, the Crimson King’s assassin peeled himself away from the trees and continued down into the clearing. Those who saw him right away stopped what they were doing and offered him a salute. He nodded, but kept walking. When he reached the center of the campground, he climbed atop the trunk of an old fallen tree and raised his arms, his black cloak billowing out behind him. By this time everyone had seen him, their attention now trained on their commander.

“Listen, all of you,” Boriahs called out, his deep voice ringing through the meadow. “I have spoken with our Master, and he is not pleased with our failure with regards to the Tanaan scum and that girl.”

A low, worried murmur spread through the crowd, but Boriahs kept one hand lifted high above his head. “Fret not, for he has given us another chance. He is pleased with those of us who took the initiative and eradicated the old Korli vermin in Oescienne,” he paused and nodded his head to those of his troupe who had been present for that honor. “So, we fall still within his favor.”

A small round of relieved sighs and short laughs arose from the crowd, but Boriahs shouted, “Silence! Any failure, no matter how minute, is not something to be celebrated. Yes, we managed to rid the world of one more filthy dragon, but that is a minor detail compared to the prize he seeks above all. We will not rest, nor will we rejoice, until the girl and the dragon are quivering at the feet of our Master!”

Silent nods met his words this time. Better. He took one long look at those standing below him before going on. Ten groups of fifteen, plus one commander to keep them in order as well as a dark mage for each faction to take care of that which sixteen ruthless killers couldn’t accomplish. And, he was the Master of them all. Boriahs savored the sense of smug satisfaction unfurling within him, but not for the first time, the feeling was quickly replaced by the sting of his Master’s presence. A reminder to him that he was still a slave.

“We must move quickly, if we wish to overtake them,” he called out. “They are headed for Nimbronia, and we must capture them before they reach their final destination.”

He knew, just as every single one of his men did, that if the dragon and the human should move within the boundaries of Nimbronia, they would be untouchable. The magic that surrounded the city of the Creecemind was even more powerful than the magic guarding Lidien.

“Let us not waste another minute. We will break camp and be on the road in half an hour.”

The men, most of them descended from the mixed races of humans and elves, gave shouts of agreement, all of them thirsty once again for battle and bloodshed. As they scattered about, taking heed of their commander’s words, Boriahs was joined by a waif of a man dressed head to foot in brilliant crimson robes. Like Boriahs, he sported the brand of the Tyrant on one cheek. Unlike Boriahs, he was a wielder of black magic, the sort that required a blood sacrifice.

“Armauld,” Boriahs growled under his breath.

The dark sorcerer grinned, revealing his decaying teeth, and hissed, “The dragon and the girl are not alone in their quest.”

Boriahs turned cold eyes onto the dark mage. “Who travels with them?”

Armauld shook his head, his grin fading. “One whom I cannot detect.”

Boriahs cursed. “Then how do you know of his presence?”

The mage held up a hand and moved his fingers in a small dance. An orb of white light floated above his fingertips and within its center floated two bright sparks, one green and one blue.

“The dragon and the girl,” the mage whispered, indicating the two sparks.

Boriahs was about to strike the mage for wasting his time when something odd caught his attention. It wasn’t so much the presence of anything, but the fact that the two sparks came to a standstill, and in the next breath, the blue dot winked out for a split second before flaring back to life again. Then, the two dots began moving once more.

“Why did the spark blot out?” the high commander demanded.

“A third companion,” the mage sneered. “Someone capable of using very powerful cloaking magic.”

Boriahs gave him a look of impatience, so the mage continued on. “This person who travels with them is an extremely powerful mage. And he is using magic I’ve not seen in several hundred years.”

This time, Boriahs swore loud enough to startle the closest soldiers scurrying around him. He glared at them and barked a reminder that what they didn’t have packed in twenty minutes would be left behind.

“What does this mean, Armauld? Who is this phantom mage?”

This time, the dark sorcerer had the decency to forego his smug expression and replace it with a worried one. “I do not know, High Commander. But, we best not underestimate this dragon and the human girl. Or, the company they keep.”

Grinding his teeth together, Boriahs dismissed Armauld and continued walking briskly to the makeshift stables. His quahna was saddled and waiting for him, the largest of the beasts and as black as soot. The animal, naturally excitable and giving the men holding him as much trouble as a herd of enraged boars, flared its nostrils and calmed upon Boriahs’ approach.

Murmuring soothing words, the army’s high commander rubbed the animal’s forehead affectionately. Funny how he had so much trouble connecting with others of his kind, but this vicious beast behaved so well for him.

“There now, Andor,” he crooned. “I know you are eager to seek out your prey, but you must allow me to get settled on your back first.”

The beast squealed and snorted, slashing its hoof at the ground. Everyone, save for Boriahs, backed away. Taking the reins firmly, the squadron’s leader placed a boot in the stirrup and gracefully mounted the beast, throwing his dark cloak over the quahna’s hindquarters. The animal only protested a bit before Boriahs had him under control.

“To your own steeds!” he shouted.

Everyone scrambled to follow his orders, and soon, all one hundred and seventy of them were moving, their quahna screaming and snapping their sharp teeth at the excitement of a new hunt.

Boriahs waited for all of his men to move out before following after them. Armauld, as well as a few of the other squadron leaders and mages, fell back with him as their sights pointed north. A gust of frigid spring wind curled down the mountainside as they left the meadow in their wake. Boriahs shivered at the cool air moving through his hair and sending his cloak billowing out behind him. But the wind’s icy bite failed to bother him as he led his troops deeper into the mountains, their will set on capturing a Tanaan dragon and the young woman who, with the simple power of her existence, sought to change the world.