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Now, in front of the crowds, Peter and Estarra took their seats on adjacent thrones, while Rory faced them standing. The boy had memorized his lines for one last public presentation. The audience fell into a hushed anticipation, and Peter gave the young man a slight encouraging nod. Rory removed the intricately worked gold crown that rested atop his dark hair and held it up as if a great weight had been taken from him.

He said in a loud, clear voice, “The Hansa and the Confederation must have one leader, one true King. I did my best to guide the Hansa, but now that we have sailed safely through those troubled waters, I yield to you, Peter. I abdicate my throne and give you this crown for safekeeping.”

Peter accepted the crown and laid it on his lap. Applause swelled among the viewers, growing even louder as Rory dropped to his knee in a gallant, and unrehearsed, gesture of fealty.

Peter said, “The Queen and I ask that you continue to serve your people and help them feel welcome in the Confederation.”

“Always, sire.”

“Then rise with our blessing.”

A gala reception took place with dignitaries and bureaucrats from the Hansa as well as representatives from across the Confederation. Green priests had already spread the word throughout the colonies.

Deputy Cain came up to Peter. Rather than seeking power, Cain was now more interested in acquiring, and enjoying, additional classic art for his Velazquez collection.

“What else will you need before taking over the Whisper Palace, sire?” he asked, holding but not sipping his champagne. “Will you reclaim your quarters in the old Royal Wing, bring your son here? The people of Earth would surely welcome you. They are ready to have their King and Queen back.”

Estarra looked at her husband. “We didn’t talk about that, Peter.”

In addition to the occasional lunar fragments that still slipped through the vigorous search nets, the loss of the Moon had left the Earth unsettled, with sporadic tremors and quakes. Peter had assigned teams of Hansa scientists to make projections of the climatological and seismic consequences, and many Roamer scientists had already volunteered, eager to sink their teeth into another interesting, and extreme, problem. Eventually, the pieces of the broken Moon would settle into a broad and diffuse ring around the planet. In the meantime, though, there would be a lot of changes, many of them unpredictable.

But that wasn’t the reason why Peter did not want to move back to Earth. He shook his head. “No, Deputy Cain. Theroc is the heart of the Confederation. That’s our new capital, and that is the place from which I must rule. But I’ll be back here often enough, and we’ll have green priests and treelings so that direct lines of communication remain open.”

OX, as always, accompanied them. “If I can be of any service in the transitional government, I would be interested in accepting the assignment, or any other assignment you deem appropriate, King Peter. I am eager to make many new memories.”

Peter said, “You’ve proved your loyalty and your competence plenty of times, OX, but it still bothers me how much of your past is missing.” He turned to Cain. “Mr. Deputy, I have a favor to request. It’s a long shot, but I have to ask.”

“Ask. Now you have me intrigued.”

“As the Teacher compy here at the Whisper Palace, OX taught me, Prince Daniel, Old King Frederick, and all of our predecessors. Since he’s such an important compy, I was hoping that someone in the Hansa had recognized his value.”

Cain’s hairless brow furrowed. “Certainly, we realize how vital the Teacher compy has been. What favor did you need?”

“OX purged most of his memory storage in order to fly the hydrogue derelict and operate its transportal. I can only hope and pray that Chairman Wenceslas was wise enough to keep a backup of all his memories. Otherwise, we have lost OX’s vital experiences, as well as the wonderful personality that he developed over all those years.”

The deputy sighed. “I know for a fact that Chairman Wenceslas never considered such a thing. He wouldn’t have wasted the time or effort.”

Peter’s expression fell. “I had to ask.”

Cain’s expression broke into an impish grin. “I, on the other hand, was not so lax. There is indeed a backup of OX’s memories. I did that myself shortly before you and the Queen escaped. We can install it without any difficulty.”



Though he had become friends with the two technical compies, DD did not accompany KR and GU when Kotto Okiah returned to the Roamers. Instead, he chose to remain with Orli Covitz. Margaret Colicos had told DD to watch over the girl, and he liked being around her.

After Tasia Tamblyn put in a good word for Orli and Mr. Steinman, King Peter found them a place to live on Earth, and the Friendly compy joined her in their comfortable new quarters, with Mr. Steinman in the immediately adjacent apartment. After everything they’d been through together, they wanted to settle near each other. Though housekeeping and meals were provided, DD tried to be of service as much as possible. They all took care of each other.

Orli slumped onto the small bed in her clean bedroom. “I don’t know what to make of my life, DD. For so long I’ve just been reacting to one disaster after another. Now I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“I should point out, Orli Covitz, that most girls your age have not yet begun to make big life decisions. At your age, my first master, Dahlia Sweeney, was full of dreams. She told me stories of what she wanted to do, places she intended to see, but they were just wishes. You remind me very much of her. She was very nice.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“It has been a long time since I last saw her. It has been a long time since I saw Margaret Colicos, too. Do you think she is all right? The Klikiss are gone now.”

“I’ll see what I can find out, DD.”

The next day the compy was delighted to receive word that Margaret was indeed alive and had returned to Earth. Once Orli told him the news, DD suggested that they contact her immediately; Orli was happy to do so, since she and the older woman had become close on Llaro.

They set up a time to meet, and DD was filled with excitement about the reunion, although Orli seemed somewhat hesitant. He couldn’t understand why. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing,” she said when he asked. “Margaret will want to see both of us.”

He and Orli traveled to the university district where Margaret shared an apartment with her son, Anton. When the older woman opened the door, DD’s optical sensors flashed. “Margaret Colicos, I am pleased to be reunited with you.”